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ADAM: his early
his opinion of woman, "Afghan's Knife, The" Algebra: the equation of life "Alice Lorraine," "Along New England Roads," Altars of remembrance "Amateur Angler's Days in Dove Dale, An," "American Angler's Book, The," "American Salmon Angler,The," "Among New England Hills," "Angler, The Cornpleat," See Walton, Izaak. Angler: the education of an "Angler's Guide, The," Angling: an affair of luck; a means of escape from tędium vitę books about, classified "Angling Reminiscences" of Thomas Tod Stoddart "Angling Sketches," by Andrew Lang Antony: deceived by Cleopatra Arden, the Forest of: direction for reaching Ascension Day: good for fishing Bald Mountain Banquets: two delectable ones Baptists, Seventh-Day: an inducement to join them Barber: the philosophic conduct of a Barker, Thomas Bartlett, Mr. John: piscatorial collection of Bergen: town of Berries; Izaak Walton quoted on Bethune, Rev. Dr. George W., an editor of Walton Birds: their unexpectedness; their courage their manner of singing. Birds named: Blue jay Boblink Brown thrush Catbird Crow English sparrow, not a bird Grosbeak, rose-breasted Hooded warbler. Kingbird Mockingbird Oriole Parrot Partridge Pigeon-hawk Redstart Robin Rose - breasted grosbeak Ruffed grouse Spotted sandpiper Swallow Thrush Veery Vireos Water-thrush White-throat Wood thrush Wren Yellow-throat Yellow warblers Black, William: his knowledge of angling Blackmore, R. D.; fishing described by "Book of the Black Bass," Borgund: church at Boyle, Hon. Robert Brogue: as an ornament of speech Brook: a lazy, idle; in the bower; considered as a sign, the lesson of a; fishing in a Browsing: a diversion for anglers Burroughs, John Butler, Dr. William: his pleasant saying about the strawberry his character as a physician and a philosopher "By Meadow and Stream," Byron, Lord: a detractor of Walton Camp-fire: the art of kindling a Camping: pleasures of Cannon Mountain, "Chalk-Stream Studies," Chance: a good word with a bad reputation Chatto, William Andrew Cheerfulness: a virtue in good talk Christian character: illustrated Civilization: a nervous disease Cleopatra "Cloister and the Hearth, The" Colquhoun, John Conversation: compared with talk Cook: a good Cooking-fire: the art of kindling a Cotton, Charles Crinkle-root "Crocker's Hole," Crosby, Chancellor Howard: a good talker Davy, Sir Humphry: slighted by Christopher North "Days in Clover," Days: Superstitions about them Dennys, John: "The Secrets of Angling," quoted DePeyster, Mr. and Mrs.: the success of, in the art of the angler De Quincey, Thomas Deucalion: the first artistic fisherman Dickinson, Emily: quoted Drivstuen Eagle Cliff Elizabeth, Queen Elk: the Tarn of the Emerson, Ralph Waldo: quoted English sparrows: beasts, not birds "Essays Critical and Imaginative'' of Christopher North Etnadal "Ettrick Shepherd," the Fagornaes Faleide Fawkes, Guy Fire: fear of animals of; kindling a fire in the woods; the camp-fire; the cooking-fire; the smudge-fire; the little friendship-fire. Fish: their waywardness; how an angler feels about them; whether they can hear; domesticated. Fish named: Grass-pike Grayling Grilse Ouananiche Pickerel Pike Salmon Sunfish Trout "Fishin' Jimmy," Fishing: passim; an affair of luck; lucky days for; a means of escape from routine; the only eventful mode of life; good luck in, deserving of gratitude; the schooling of a woman angler; catching pickerel through the ice; the best winter diversion in-doors; books on; fish and fishing; in old streams and new. "Fish-Tails and a Few Others," Flies: various theories for the use of; the grasshopper a last hope; style in. Flowers: wild and tame; luck in finding. Flowers named: Anemone. Anemone, double rue Bishop's-cap Gentian, fringed Hare-bells Heart's-ease Laurel, mountain Loose-strife, yellow Orchid, purple-fringed Prince's pine Rosemary Rue Twin-flower, Violet "Fly-Fisher's Entomology,The," "Fly-Rods and Fly-Tackle," Fontainebleau Forester, Frank Forests: real and artificial Fox: red Franck, Richard: a detractor of Walton Franconia Mountains Freedom of spirit: an essential of good company "Fresh Woods," Friendliness: its magical power Friendsinp-fire, the little Gambling: a harmless variety of "Game Fish of the North," Garfield, Mount Geiranger-Fjord: cliffs of Goff: respectfully alluded to Gratitude: a virtue Graygown, my Lady: her praise, dedication Grayling Great South Bay, the Greetings: their significance; superior quality of the angler's salutation Grey, Sir Edward Habits: the pleasure of changing them Hall, Bradneck Hamlet Hastings, Lady Elizabeth: her "liberal education," "Heart, A Contented," "Heart of Midlothian, The," Henry Esmond: romantic love in Higginson, Colonel Thomas Wentworth: quoted Honeymoon: a Norwegian Houses: the disadvantage of living in them; built by four-footed architects Humour: as a moans of grace "Hypatia," "I Go A-Fishing," Indolence, defined; the teachers of Indvik Fjord Irving, Washington: quoted James, William: His defence of chance James of Scotland Jefferies, Richard: quoted Jefferson, Joseph: as an angler; as fisherman Jerkin "John Inglesant," Johnson, Dr. Samuel: his word "clubable,"; quoted "Jungle Books, The," Kant, Emmanuel: his rules for talk Kariol Katahdin, Mount King, Clarence: a good talker "King Lear" Kingsley, Charles Kinsman Mountain Lafayette, Mount Lake George: a scene on Lakes named: George Loenvand, the Moosehead Pharaoh Rangeley St. John Lamb, Charles: quoted, 2; his essays "Land of Steady Habits, The," Landaff valley Long, Mr. Andrew: his "Angllng Sketches," Life: reflections, chiefly upon its uncertainty the philosophy of a quiet llfe "Little Flowers of St. Francis," quoted Loenvand, the Long Island: a good place to cure insomnia "Lorna Doone," Love: romaniic love not the "greatest thing in the world," Lovers: sudden appearance of, in the landscape in spring their relation to the landscape charm added to the landscape by society arranged for their convenience Lowell, James Russell: quoted; alluded to Lucian: his dubious fish story Luck: indispensable to fishermen; varieties of the charm of trying it; a subject for gratitude; not to be boasted of; a parable of life; the way to make friends of it Luther, Martin: his opinion of pike Lytton, Sir Edward Bulwcr, his fishy advice "Macbeth," Macduff, the Reverend Bellicosus "Madame Delphine," Malignancy: a brilliant example of Marriage: philosophically considered Marston, Mr. Edward Mary, "Bloody" Queen "Maxims and Hints for an Angler,'' McCabe, W. Gordon: how he crossed thc Atlantic McCosh, Dr. James: his manner of speech Milton, John: quoted Montaigne, M. de: quoted, title page; variations on a theme from Moody, Martin, Esq. "Moor and the Loch, The," Moosilauke Mountains: the real owner of the "My Novel," Nedre Vasenden: the station at Newport: sport at Norcross Point Norris, Thaddeus Norway: a honeymoon in "Nōtre Dame," North, Christopher "Occasional Reflections" of Hon. Robert Boyle Odnaes "Ole 'Stracted," Othello "Owl Creek Letters," Parrots: productive of un-Christian feelings "Peace and War" Penn, Richard Peppermint Pike Piscater Plutarch: his fish story of Anthony and Cleopatra Preserves: for fish Pride: unbecoming in a fisherman Prime, Dr. William C. "Procession of the Flowers, The," Pronunciation, correct: as a mania "Quo Vadis," Rabbit: cotton-tail "Rambles with a Fishing-Rod," of E. S. Roscoe Randsfjord Raphael, the Archangel: bis one-sided affability Rauma: the vale of the "Recreations of Christopher North, The," "Redgauntlet:" angling in Remembrance: altars of "Rip Van Winkle," "Rise of Silas Lapham, The," Ristigouche, "Rivals, The," Rivers, named: Ausable Baegna Bouquet Dove Gale Hudson Lea Marshpee Meacham, Metabetehouan Moose Naeselv Natasheebo Neversink New Penobscot P'tit Saguenay Randsfjord Rauma Ristlgouche Saguenay Shepaug Swiftwater Ulvaa Willowemoc Rob Roy: an eel named "Rod in India, The," Romola Romsdal, the Ronalds, Mr.: quoted Roosevelt, Mr. Robert B. Roscoe, E. S. "Roundabout Papers," Sabbath-Day Point Sage, Mr. Dean: piscatorial library of Saguenay, the Big Saguenay, the Little Salmon "Salmonia," "Schuylkill Fishing Company," Scott, Sir Walter: quoted Sermon: a good one Singlewitz, Solomon: quoted "Sketch Book," Skogstad: the station at Skydsgut Slosson, Mrs. Annie Trumbull: her "Fishin' Jimmy," Slumber Song, A Smallness: not a mark of inferiority Smith, Captain John Smudge; the art of kindling a Spearmint St. Anthony of Padua St. Brandan St. Francis of Assisi St. Peter Stedman, Mr. Edmund Clarence Steele, Richard: quoted Stevenson, Robert Louis: quoted Stoddart, Thomas Tod Stolkjaerres Storm King Club: a festival of Strawberry, the: one that God made; imputed to England; wild and tame Stuefloten Style: the value of Summer Schools: persons for whom they have no attractions Sunday: fishing on "Superior Fishing," Swiftwater: a well-named brook Talk: anglers urged to; varieties of; obstacles to its perfection. Talkability: defined; a talkable person; contrasted with talkativity; not the same as eloquence; commended; the fourfold conditions of; goodness; freedom; gayety; friendship. Tarn of the Elk, the; trout in. Telephone: its influence on manners Tennyson: as a talker; quoted Tent: life in a Thackeray, W. M.: quoted Thersites: as a journalist Thomas, H. S. "Three Musketeers, The," Timoleon: the unlucky one Tobias, the sun of Tobit: his adventure with a pike Tommy's Rock: a good place for blackfish "Treasure Island," Trees: why boys and girls love them Trench, Archbishop Trolley-car: the blessings of its absence Trout; taste of, for flies; in Norway; in the Tarn of the Elk; in the Rauma in Narway; a good catch; eating vs. catching. Twin Mountain. Vacations: can be taken without long journeys. Valders, the vale of Vergil: quoted Virginia: talk in; its strawberries; bread in a Virginia country house. Walton, Izaak: described; quoted; his luck in literature; his detractors; Dr. Bethune's edition of; fishermen born, not made. Warner, Charles Dudley: quoted. Water: emblem of instability. Weather: a subject of talk; various remarks on Webster, Daniel: as an angler Wells, Mr. Henry P. Wife: the right kind of a Wilson, Professor John; "A. M." and "F. R. S.," "Winter's Tale, A," Women wanting in natural ability to fish Woods: scenes in the "Words and Their Uses," Wordsworth, William: quoted Wotton, Sir Henry: quoted Youth: a recipe for renewing |
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