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Penned and Pictured by Blanche McManus
Other books in the series of
Colonial Monographs
by Blanche McManus are:
With Sixty Illustrations HOW THE DUTCH CAME TO MANHATTAN With Sixty-six Illustrations
New York
E. R. HERRICK & CO 70 Fifth Avenue COPYRIGHT, 1897, BY E. R. HERRICK & Co.
THE SERIES or COLONIAL MONOGRAPHS is intended to present terse but authoritative sketches of some of the most interesting, important, and decisive events which led up to the foundation of the American Republic. An exhaustive or general review of the minute details relating thereto is not intended or desired. Such is not the scope of the present series, but rather that each significant event be given such an individual setting as in the opinion of the writer it seems to merit and deserve. Unique in its make-up and production, correct in fact, and original in its inception, it is to be hoped that the series will be found of something more than passing interest and value. If this is to be accorded, it will be felt that the effort involved will have been productive of the desired result.
THE PURITAN Exodus has been ably and comprehensively treated by many writers who possess a profound knowledge of the subject and who have made deep research relating thereto. It is not known, however, that the picturesque element attached to The Voyage of the Mayflower has ever been presented in such a manner as it seems most readily to lend itself. In the present instance, as foretold in the introduction to the series, the effect of a concise, authentic, and pleasing arrangement has been sought, the text and decorations being well adapted to each other and complete the blending of fact and fancy in such a manner as not to detract from the fundamental principle which should underlie all work based on a historical motive. The incidents related herein have been variously authenticated, and the events recorded in the proper chronological order. It is to be hoped, therefore, that even, to those who are interested beyond the limits of these few pages, will be presented a new view of the susceptibility of artistic treatment and ensemble of historical briefs relating to any subject likely to prove of general or widespread interest, and worthy of representation in attractive as well as enduring form.