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The long end short marks used below have their usual significance. The character N indicates the French nasal sound; the N itself is not sounded. but the preceding vowel is pronounced as though it were followed by "ng." In most French words there is no strong accent. all the syllables being given about the same stress.

Abenaques, ahb 'nahk'

Ab'er crom bie

Ag a men'ti cus

Ag i o'co chook

Agoncy, ah goN see

Aiayascou, i i yahs koo

Al gon'quin

A mer'i guin

An a sa gun'ti cook

An dros cog' gin

Arambe, ah ram' ba

Arambec, ah rahm bek'

A roos'took

Ar row'sic

As sa com'et

Asticou, ah stee koo

Bash'a ba

Béarn, ba ar

Beauvais, bo vā

Biard, bee ar

Biencourt, bee ăN koor

'Biguyduce, bee gee duce

Bi or'ne

Bobadilla, bo bah deel'yah

Bordeaux, bor dō

Breda, bra dah'

Burneffe, bur nef

Cadillac, kah dee yahk

Can'i bas

Canseau, kan 'so

Ca pa' wick

Carrignau Salières, kar reen yō sah lee ar

Castin or Casteins, kahs tăN

Champlain, sham plān'

Charmay, D'Aulney de, dō nā d' shar mi

Che ber'rind

Co ne co'num

Dal hou'sie

Dam a ris cot'ta

D'Aulney de Charmay, dō nā d' shar mi

De Monts, Pierre, pee ār d' moN

Dieppe, de ĕp'

Du Thet, Gilbert, zheel bār du tā

Eg're met

Ep'e now

Et eche mins

Flory, flo ree

Fron'te nac

Glus'-gah bé

Gomez, Estevan, es ta'vahn go' meth

Gregoire, grā gwar

Guercheville, gĕrsh veel

Ile au Haut, eel o ho

Jocelyn, jos'e lin

Joubert, zhoo bar

Ka des'quit

Ka tah'din

Ken dus'keag

Ken ne bec'

Ken ne bunk'

Kewabqu', ke wahk'

La Hontan, lah oN tŏN

La Pailleur, lah pah ĭ yer'

La Saussaye, lah so sā

La Tour, Charles de, sharl d' lah toor

Le Moine, l' mwahn

Lenape, len ah

L'Escorbat, les cor bah

Lo ron

Ma chi'as

Mad a was'ka

Ma dock'a wan do

Ma hi can'ni tuck

Mal'a ga

Ma na ta'qua

Marie, mah ree

Ma sar'dis

Masse, Ennemond, en 'moN mahs sā

Médicis, Marie de, mah ree d' ma dee seess

Me gun'na way

Met'a com


Mo he'gans

Mohicans, mo hee'kanz

Mon he'gan

Mo nin kwes'sos

Mon'o pet

Monts, Pierre de, pee ār d' moN


Motte, Sieur de la, syer d' lah mot

M'te ou lin

Na han'a da

Nar ra gan'setts

Nas' keag

Navarre, na var'

Nenen, neh nŏN'

Ne wich a wan'nock

Nor'ridge wocks

No rum be'ga

Norumbegue, no rum bāg

Os'si pee

Pam'o la

Pas sa con'a way

Pas sa ma quod'dy


Peck 'e nine


Peg wack'et

Pem'a quid

Pem'a rick

Pem'e tic

Pen'a cooks

Pen coit'

Pe nob'scot

Pen to go'et

Pe 'quots

Pis cat'a qua

Po ca hon'tas

Porta de la Plata, pōr'tah dā lah plah 'tah

Pourtrincourt, poor trăN koor

Pre sump'scot

Quentin, kǒN tăN

Ramillies, rah mee yee

Robardeau, ro bar dō

Ro bar dee

Rochet, ro shā

Ronfère, roN fār

Rouen, roo oN

Sab'i no

Sack a wes'ton

Saga da hoc'

St. As pin quid'

St. Castin, săN kahs tăN

Saint-Malo, saw mah lo

Salières, sah lee ār

Sam'o set

Saussaye, so sā

Se guin'

Semmes, semz

Sen e gal'

Sieur de la Motte, syer d' lah mot

Si o'gee

Skit war'roes

So ko'kis





Tar'ra tines

Te con'net

Thet, Gilbert du, zheel bār du tā

Thevet, Andre, ǒN drā teh vā'

Ti squan'tum

Tour, Charles de la, sharl lah toor


Utrecht, u'trekt

Vaudreuil, vo druh'y'

Verrazano, Giovanni, jo vahn'ne vĕr rah tsah'no

Vincent, Jean, zhŏN văN sŏN


Wa sis'

Wa'we nocks

Wen e mon'et

Win ne pe sau'kee

Wis cas'set

Won o lan'cet

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