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VI CHILE Refitting at Talcahuano — Trip to Santiago and across the Summit of the Andes — Valparaiso — To Juan Fernandez — Typhoid on Board — Back to Chile — Juan Fernandez again. The principal Spanish
colonies in South
America were, as has been seen, on the western side of the continent.
crossed the isthmus of Panama in 1513. In 1531 Pizarro landed in Peru,
where he
encountered and overthrew the empire of the Incas. Valdivia, one of his
lieutenants, made his way still further south, and in 1541 founded
the present capital of Chile, on the fruitful plain between the Andes
and the
sea. His further progress was checked by the Araucanians, a warlike
tribe of
Indians, who offered a much stronger resistance than the Incas. They
were never
entirely conquered, and the Spaniards in Chile were engaged in
struggle with them, while at the same time open to attacks on the coast
European powers who were at enmity with Spain. When the revolutionary
swept the continent the Chilean patriots were at first compelled to
across the Andes. The most famous of them was Bernardo O'Higgins; his
originally a bare-footed Irish boy, was one of the last viceroys of
Peru, and
the son became one of the first presidents of the new republic.
Argentina had
at this time accomplished her own freedom, and was able to send help to
General San Martin crossed the Andes, and inflicted a crushing defeat
on the
Spaniards at Maipu in 1818. The revolutionary army then passed north,
Viceroy evacuated lima, and at Guayaquil San Martin met the liberator
who had marched down from the north. Meanwhile Admiral Cochrane, who
reorganised the Chilean and Peruvian navies, had been engaged in
freeing the
Pacific from Spanish ships. South America thus was finally cleared from
domination of the Spaniard. Disputes, however, arose
between the new
republics as to their respective boundaries: Chile fought Peru in 1879
over the
possession of the nitrate-fields, and issued victorious from the
struggle. The
long series of difficulties between Chile and Argentina was ended, as
has been
recorded, through British arbitration, in 1902. It is
hard not to believe that the "roaring forties" have a personality: a
polytheist who goes thither in ships ought to sacrifice to the spirit
of that
unquiet belt. As soon as we had passed the magic limit of degrees the
changed and became beautifully balmy, and the rest of our passage was
excellent. When we again came in sight of land it was in strong
contrast to
that which we had left, being brown, dried up, and somewhat low: all
visions of
snow-clad Andes had disappeared; neither here nor at Talcahuano was
anything to
be seen that could justify the name of a coast range. Talcahuano, the
naval port, stands on a magnificently sheltered bay and was an ideal
spot for
our purpose of refitting. It is much to be preferred, from the shipping
of view, to the bay of Valparaiso, some 260 miles further up the coast,
lies exposed to the northerly winds and is crowded with shipping.
Through the
kindness of Mr. Edwards, the Chilean minister in London, a naval order
had been
promulgated some time before our arrival giving instructions that the
Expedition was to be afforded all facilities. We accordingly met with
courtesy, and the yacht was almost at once placed in the floating dock
to allow
of the examination of her bottom, an essential proceeding, as it had
not been
overlooked, except by a diver at Punta Arenas, since we left England,
nearly twelve months ago. A floating dock consists of a huge tray, with
enormous tank on either side; when these tanks are filled with water
the dock
sinks, and the vessel floats on to the tray, being supported against
its sides,
the tanks are then emptied, and the tray rises, bearing the vessel
clear out of
the water; when the work is completed the process is reversed and the
floats out once more. After
this overhauling, which took four days, came the work of examining and
restowing the hold; this was expedited by all the contents being taken
out and
placed in a lighter alongside. It was the work of the Stewardess to
check the
stores in hand, and also those contained in ninety-five new packages
England which we found awaiting our arrival. On the representation of
Legation at Santiago, the Government had done us the favour to remit
all duties
on them except 5 per cent., which it would have required a special Act
Parliament to repeal. As some goods pay as much as 55 per cent, in
customs we
were greatly the gainers, in spite of the fact that an illicit levy had
taken of our butter and jam, which are among the most heavily taxed
to an amount equivalent to a supply of some weeks for the saloon party.
We were
happily able to make good the deficiency, which would otherwise have
somewhat maddening, by purchases of honey, which all down this part of
coast is good and cheap. Jam is ruinously expensive, if procurable at
all, and
our sympathy was extended to the skipper of an English merchant ship in
bay, whose stock was finished, but whose crew were in no way inclined
to waive
their Board of Trade rights, for Jack thinks potted strawberries and
quite as essential an article of diet as does Tommy. Our loss was less
annoying, if also less amusing, than that of the owners of a lighter
which was
lying just outside the custom-house, and which was forcibly despoiled
the night. The thieves turned out to be the guards set by the
custom-house, who
apparently thinking the hours of darkness long had contrived thus to
pass the
time. We told this story to one of the inhabitants of another South
port." Ah, yes," he said drily, "the custom-house here has now a
bright electric light; it makes it easier for them to take out the
without hurting their fingers." We were
now nearing the end of our outward voyage, and the provisions had to be
between the respective sea and land parties. Easter Island affords no
anchorage, and our plan was that the yacht, after disembarking the
members and waiting awhile off the coast, should return to Talcahuano
charge of Mr. Gillam, to collect letters and goods and then come out
again to
the island. The stores, therefore, had to be divided into four lots,
with much
arithmetical calculation: firstly, the portion needed by the whole
for the voyage out, which was expected to last about a month; secondly,
for the shore party for a period of six months; thirdly, a share for
the crew alone
for four months; and, fourthly, the remainder which was to be left at
Talcahuano and gathered up later. The island allotment was the most
as we had only a general idea of what it would be possible to procure
on shore. It was
altogether, as will be seen, a considerable work, and we were hard at
it for a
fortnight, during which time, with the exception of two shopping
expeditions to
the neighbouring city of Concepcion, we had little opportunity to see
surrounding country. It felt at any rate dry and warm, in fact well
after the damp of the Patagonian Channels, and might have been even
too dry and dusty. The most refreshing sight was a little garden which
the custom-house steps, at which we landed almost daily, and which, in
spite of
difficulties, was invariably bright with geraniums and other flowers:
Chile is
much more a country of gardens, in the English sense, than any other
land it
has been my lot to visit. Talcahuano has about 13,000 inhabitants, and
of little beside the dockyard, in which the chief posts are filled by
Englishmen. Three English officers are also lent in peace time by our
own navy
to that of Chile; one of these, with whom we happened to have mutual
acquaintances, was kind enough to entertain us on board the Chilean
whose name, being translated, was Commodore
Pratt. A point
anxiously debated at the moment, and not without some practical
interest for
us, was whether Chile could afford to keep the Dreadnoughts which were
built for her by Messrs. Armstrong. There was a financial crisis at the
and the exchange was much against Chile; hence firms there which owed
money to
England were delaying meeting their liabilities, with the result that
more than
one English company had failed in consequence. The sale of a
Dreadnought would
of course greatly affect the rate; even without that before we left the
it had materially risen, and the value received for a sovereign was,
from our
point of view, regrettably diminished. An Englishman
feels distinctly more at home in Chile than in either Brazil or
Argentina. Some
of the best-known firms are genuinely English, though the possession of
English name is in itself no guarantee of more than a remote British
origin: a
Mr. Brown may, for instance, marry a Miss Thompson, and neither be able
speak the English tongue.1 Our language is the only one
taught free
in the schools; it is presumably the most useful from the point of view
trade with ourselves and the United States. One of our countrymen
resident in
the Republic explained to us that "the Chileans hate all foreigners,
they hate the British rather less than the others." Those at least were
our recorded impressions at this time; on the subsequent visit of the
after war broke out, the German influence was strong enough to affect
position adversely in the way of work and stores. At last
the provision lists were finished and we felt entitled to take a
leaving the remainder of the work on the ship in the competent hands of
Gillam; our special objects were to see the Easter Island collection in
museum at Santiago and get a glimpse of the Trans-Andine Railway. This
part of
our journeyings has nothing to do with the voyage of the Mana,
and accounts of the ground covered have been given by much
abler hands, notably by Lord Bryce in his Impressions
of South America; it shall therefore be told in outline only. We
Talcahuano by the tri-weekly day express for Santiago; it took twelve
hours to
travel about 350 miles, but the Pullman car was luxurious, and we were
able to
see the country well. The line passes northward through the long
fruitful plain
between the Andes and the coast range, which constitutes the land of
Chile, and
crosses continually the streams which traverse it on their course from
mountains to the sea. The train stops from time to time at cheerful
towns, and finally at Santiago, which is a most attractive city, with a
of quiet and yet cheerful dignity. There are but few streets at the end
which it is not possible to obtain a glimpse of the surrounding
mountains, but
they were scarcely either as near or impressive as descriptions had led
us to
expect. The first
night of our residence in the capital we experienced an earthquake. I
already asleep when about 10.30 I was awakened by the shock; the light
turned on showed the chandeliers and pictures swinging in opposite
and one of the latter was still oscillating when the current was
switched off
eight or ten minutes later. There was a slighter recurrence at 3 a.m.
The shock
was stated to be the worst since the great earthquake of 1906, and
numbers of
people had . we found, rushed out into the streets and squares. It was
generally agreed that familiarity in the case of earthquakes breeds not
contempt but the reverse, and that shocks of which the new-comer thinks
little, fill those who know their possibilities with nervous alarm. In
case no great damage was done; the only fatalities occurred at Talca, a
place about half-way along the line by which we had come. When we
called at the
Legation the next day to express our thanks to the British Minister for
trouble taken about our stores, we were shown the cracks in the walls
were the result of the previous earthquake and the fresh additions made
to them
the night before. We had the good fortune at Santiago to become
acquainted with
Sir Edward and Lady Grogan, Sir Edward filled the post of military
attaché for
six of our South American legations, and I had heard at Buenos Aires
much of
the work and interests of Lady Grogan. She was the almost last
whom I met till my return to my native land two years later, when I had
pleasure of renewing the acquaintance, this time in Cromwell Road in
to numerous bales for Serbian refugees. We visited the Museum of
where we found the objects from Easter Island of which we were in
search; and
the beautiful new Museum of Fine Arts, which also contains articles
from the island. We left
Santiago at noon on Saturday, January 31st, the line at first
northwards. The country through which we passed looked rainless and
barren, and
the journey was hot and tiring. The train was crowded with Saturday
and purveyors of drinks and ices continually pushed their way down it,
apparently finding a ready market for their wares. At the junction of
Llay-Llay, the line which comes from Santiago on the south connects
with that
from Valparaiso on the west, and branches off also eastward over the
Andes to
the Argentine. Here on the platform sat rows of women with some of the
delightful fruit in which Chile abounds: grapes can be bought at 5d. a
and peaches and nectarines at 8d. or 9d. a dozen. The drawback,
however, in the
case of the two last mentioned, is that, partly owing to the exigencies
packing, the Chileans make a point of gathering and also eating them
quite hard
and flavourless. The conscientious British matron can scarcely see
distress children of the more prosperous classes, as young as five or
years, concluding a heavy evening meal at eight or half-past, by eating
entirely unripe peaches. She ceases to wonder that infant mortality in
Chile is
said to be heavy. At
Llay-Llay we took the easterly line, which ascends a valley full of
cultivation, till it reaches the little town of Los Andes, where the
state railway ends and the Trans-Andine service begins. The two ends of
railway, the Chilean and Argentine, are in the hands of different
which naturally adds much to the difficulty of working the line. The
trains run
on alternate days in each direction. There is a comfortable hotel at
Los Andes
where passengers sleep the previous night in order to start the journey
the pass at 7 a.m.; much of the revenue of the line, however, is
derived, not
from the passenger traffic, but from the cattle brought from the
ranches of the
Argentine to Chile. The Chilean company is an English one, and the
manager, Mr.
J. H. White, was good enough to arrange for us to travel with the
minister, who happened to be quitting Santiago, in an observation car
at the
end of the train; we had, therefore, both pleasant company and most
views of the pass. The line winds up a valley, which grows ever
between precipitous mountainsides, but as long as any green thing can
find a
footing the cultivation is intense; where the incline is most steep a
is employed. Presently every trace of vegetation is left behind, and
the route
enters on its grandest and wildest phase. Bleak rock-masses tower to
the sky on
every hand, and on their lower slopes rest masses of boulders, which
descended at some earlier stage in the world's history. When a great
height has
been attained a little lake is reached, which, with its colouring of
blue, resembles a perfect turquoise in a grey setting. At 10,000 feet
highest point is gained and the train enters the tunnel, which has been
through the summit and which was opened for traffic in 1909. It here
Chile and issues on the Argentine side amidst similar but less striking
scenery. The line now runs beneath a series of shelters for protection
snow; they are of corrugated iron and provided with huge doors which
can be
closed in case of drift. The difficulties which arise in winter from
causes are very great, but at the time of our visit the snow was as a
confined to occasional white patches near the summit of the mountains:
great peak of Aconcagua, 23,000 feet high, which was now to be seen
miles to the northward, was principally remarkable for standing out as
a huge
white mass among its greyer fellows. Inca
Bridge is shortly reached, and here we left the train. It is somewhat
astonishing to find a large and fashionable hotel in these
surroundings; it is
resorted to by the inhabitants of Buenos Aires when in search of cooler
air or
desirous of partaking of the iron waters for which the place is famous.
started at 8 o'clock next morning for the return journey, which we made
riding with mules over the part of the summit traversed by the tunnel,
the train on the Chilean side. It is a delightful and easy expedition,
can be thoroughly recommended. The road runs at first parallel to the
line, and
when it leaves the valley rises by gradual zigzags: our guide dispensed
all corners by means of short cuts, but even so the ascent was not
As we mounted higher and higher the corrugated iron railway shelters
looked like
long, headless, grey caterpillars crawling along the valley beneath. We
been warned to expect high wind, but it only became unpleasant as we
the actual summit, along which runs the boundary between Chile and
The celebrated statue of the Christ with uplifted hands blessing both
countries, which commemorates the arbitration treaty, stands on the
main road a
little to the east of the track by which we crossed, which was, as
usual, a
short cut. The
descent fully justified the impression which we had formed from the
train of
the superior grandeur of the Chilean side; it must be even more
impressive when
more snow is visible. We regained the railway in plenty of time to see
Argentine train issue from the tunnel at 2 o'clock: the travellers had
Buenos Aires on the morning of the previous day, traversed the great
plains, and spent the night en route.
If the train is delayed and arrives at the summit too late to be
conveyed down
before dark, the Chilean officials refuse to take it over, as the
descent would
be too dangerous; the passengers under such circumstances have to spend
night in their carriages or find such hotel accommodation as is
possible. They
were indeed, as we saw then, a cosmopolitan crowd; the languages of
Germany and Spain, also English, of both the European and American
were all being spoken in the crowded carriage in which we found places.
nearest neighbours were two young couples from the United States,
making the journey for the first time; as we began the descent through
the very
finest part of the scenery, they produced packs of cards and became
in a game of auction bridge. This is one of the things which must be
seen to be
believed, but we were subsequently told it was by no means a unique
We arrived at Los Andes, hot and dusty after our early start and long
day, to
find ourselves carried off to the manager's house and most kindly
welcomed by
Mrs. and Miss White to a refreshing tea amid the delight of a cool
veranda and
beautiful garden. Next day
we left for Valparaiso, retracing our steps as far as the junction of
Llay-Llay, and then traversing the coast range. The huge bay of
filled with shipping, is an imposing sight, and the town climbs
up the mountains which surround it; the higher parts are residential,
and are
reached by elevators, which are stationed at intervals in the main
which runs parallel to the harbour. On the lower level there are
offices of leading firms, shipping lines, and banks, which give a
sensation of wide interest and touch with the great world.
Valparaiso is scarcely as fine a city architecturally as would be
expected from
its importance, nor is the hotel accommodation worthy of a first-class
Its inhabitants cheerily endorse the opinion of a visitor who is
reported to
have said, “There is one word only for Valparaiso, and that is
'shabby.' "
The city has, however, profited through the rebuilding necessitated by
earthquake, and the improvement of the harbour and other works were in
progress. The earthquake is still a very present memory; one resident
showed us
the spot where one of his servants, escaping from the house at the same
time as
himself, was killed by falling masonry. We called
on Messrs. Williamson & Balfour; the firm have a financial interest
Easter Island, and it was through their kind permission that we were
it. We saw Mr. Hope-Simpson, one of the managing partners; his power
expedition filled us with grateful awe. He sat at the end of a
telephone and
appeared to put through in a few minutes all our arrangements, whether
with the
Government, shipping, or docks, which would have taken us many days of
trudging about the city to accomplish. I have often thought of that
when confronted with the appalling delays in public offices at home. We
introduced by him to Señior Merlet, the chairman of the company for the
Exploitation of Easter Island, who are the direct lessees; he had been
himself and was kind enough to give us all information in his power. We
returned to Talcahuano by sea as the easiest method. There were a few
more days
of preparation, and on Friday, February 13th, a date subsequently noted
by the
superstitious. We were
at length ready to depart. As the last things were hurried on board it
our departure from Falmouth: this time the deck had to accommodate
tins full of cement to make a dock for Mr. Ritchie's tidal
observations; the
passage had to find room for a table for survey purposes; rolls of wire
excavation sieves were strapped beneath beams of the saloon; while on
the top
of one was fastened a row of portentous jars, the object of which was
to hold
the acid from the batteries when we left the ship, as the electrical
gear would
be dismantled when the engineer came on shore in his capacity of
Two zinc baths for laundry work in camp were looked at ruefully; there
to be no place for them in heaven or earth, certainly not on Mana. But half our heavy task of stowage
was accomplished when we were out of Talcahuano Harbour, the boat began
to roll
prodigiously, and the work was finished somehow with astonishing
rapidity. The next
day found us all confined to our cabins, having, after our time on
temporarily lost our sea legs. By Sunday we began to feel better,
except Mr.
Corry, who had a slight temperature and complained of feeling unwell.
When on
Monday we arrived at Juan Fernandez, S. was down with dysentery and a
temperature of 103°, while Mr. Corry's rose, to our alarm, to 104°;
Tuesday and
Wednesday he was still in high fever, and by Wednesday evening it was
useless to hope that his illness was either influenza or malaria; there
nothing to be done but to act on the third possibility and assume that
it was
typhoid fever; we therefore turned the ship round and ran for
Valparaiso. The
prospect of the passage back was hardly cheerful; I was out certainly
for fresh
experiences, but not for the responsibility of nursing typhoid and
dysentery at
the same time in a small boat in mid-Pacific. Each twelve hours,
however, was
got through somehow, and better on the whole than might have been
expected. S.
happily improved, and our poor geologist himself was wonderfully
cheerful and
plucky; the sea was kind to us, and we reached Valparaiso on Sunday
with our invalid in a condition which we felt did us credit. The
of arriving in port with illness on board proved to be not so great as
I, at
any rate, had feared; the authorities were most kind in allowing us to
down our yellow flag almost at once, and taking us to a Government
The harbour doctor was found to give the necessary authority for
landing a sick
man, while arrangements were made with the hospital for a stretcher and
ambulance, and by the middle of the afternoon the patient was
comfortably on
shore and in bed. The British hospital at Valparaiso is new, reserved
entirely for paying patients, and much surpasses in comfort anything
that we
have either of us seen in England. Our diagnosis unfortunately proved
to be
accurate, but we had the comfort of knowing that the illness was well
understood, as typhoid is, it appeared, very common in South America,
among new-comers. It had been obviously contracted during the time at
Talcahuano, when both Mr. Corry and Mr. Ritchie had had frequent meals
shore. We waited
in port for a week, communicating by cable with the friends of our
patient, and
then held a council of war. The doctor gave it as his opinion that
there was no
reason for delay, and it was obviously impossible in such an illness to
pending recovery. We had, however, to face the position that there was
chance, although a slight one, of other cases occurring on board;
records show a percentage of about 3 per cent . of doctors and nurses
by patients, and of course our precautions had, through circumstances,
neither so timely nor so thorough; with 2,000 miles of Pacific before
us we
felt that we could take no risk. On the other hand, we had no wish for
experiences in hanging about in South American ports, more especially
smallpox was at this time raging at Valparaiso. We therefore decided
that we
would run back again to Juan Fernandez, and put in a few days in a sort
quarantine, before finally leaving for our destination. The
episode was most disappointing for all concerned; nevertheless our
feeling was one of thankfulness both for the sufferer and ourselves,
that, if
the thing had to be, the illness had declared itself while we were
still within
reach of help; the thought that we were within measurable distance of
having a
case of typhoid on Easter Island still makes us shudder. Hopes were
for a while that it might be possible for our geologist to join us,
either when Mana returned or by the Chilean naval
training ship, which it was said might shortly visit the island.
the case proved not only severe, but was prolonged by relapses, and on
the doctor forbade any such roughing it. Mr. Corry therefore went back
England, from whence he sent us a report on the geology of the
Channels, and such information as he had gathered on the moot question
of the
submergence of a Pacific continent. When war broke out he was among the
to join His Majesty's forces, and, alas! laid down his life for his
country in
September 1915. When on our return to London my husband addressed the
Geological Society on the results of the Expedition, our thoughts
turned with sadness to the one who, under other circumstances, should
have had
that honour; I sat next to one of the older Fellows, and he expressed
special sorrow at the scientific loss caused by the early death of our
colleague. “Corry was," he said, “quite one of the most promising of
younger men in the geological world." 1 Some of
the Chileans with British names are said to be descended from the
officers and
men under command of Lord Cochrane. |