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274. THE
peoples, whose union had accomplished the overthrow of Assyria, had no
difficulty about the division of the spoils. The Manda (Medes) were a
folk, with problems of organization and aspirations to conquest as yet
to the regions east and north of the Tigris. Their king, whom the
tradition (sect. 267) names Cyaxares, extended his sway southward over
Elam and
to the north and northwest to the borders of Asia Minor, where he came
conflict with the kingdom of Lydia. A decisive battle for supremacy was
only by an eclipse (585 B. C.), and subsequent negotiations temporarily
the boundary between the two kingdoms at the river Halys. Cyaxares
seems to
have been at once a successful warrior and a wise administrator, the
founder of a firm nationality among the widespread and restless peoples
of this
region. During his lifetime peace between him and the rulers of the
kingdom on
the Euphrates was unbroken, sealed as it had been by the marriage of
daughter to the son of Nabupaluçur. 275. It
was natural
that the provinces of Assyria to the west and south of the Tigris and
mountain wall as far as the Mediterranean should fall to the king of
Various districts of Babylonia seem to have been held by the Assyrians
for a
time before the fall of Nineveh (sect. 265), but thereafter they were
under Babylonian rule with out a struggle. This fact, coupled with the
tradition of the army from the sea which he was sent to oppose (sect.
268), but
with which, it appears, he made common cause, suggests that Nabupaluçur
was a
Kaldean, and that with him these tribes, so long struggling with
Assyria for
the supremacy over Babylon, had at last attained their goal. Such,
also, was
the Opinion of the Jewish writers, who call the king and his armies
"Chaldean." Hence the new empire may be called the Kaldean Empire.
Yet during the past centuries of contact, so intermingled in blood and
in common interests had Kaldeans and Babylonians become, that the
empire may with
equal propriety be called the New Babylonian Empire. For its history
the chief
sources available are the Greek writers of a later age. Its royal
so far as discovered, are occupied more with the buildings restored by
kings than with the wars waged by them; with slight exceptions, they
are silent
as to relations with the world without. That the Greek historians were
always accurate is convincingly proved in some crucial instances (sect.
and hence the modern Student of the period, who is dependent so largely
them, treads often on uncertain ground. Happily, the contemporaneous
of the Hebrew writers, prophets and historians, throw much welcome
light on
some important details of foreign affairs. 276. Although Nabupaluçur
was king twenty-one years (626-605
B. C.), it was not until the later period of his reign that he became
outside the limits of his capital. The alliance with the Manda (Medes)
and the
beginning of active operations against Nineveh could hardly have been
to 610 B. C. The few inscriptions that are known to be his, describe
his works
of peace, the rebuilding of Etemenanki, the temple tower of Babylon,
reopening of the canal at Sippar, and the rearing there of a temple to
Belit, or "mistress of Sippar." One inscription speaks vaguely of the
destruction of his enemies, and refers particularly to the overthrow of
Shubari and the turning of "their land into mounds and plough-land."
This would indicate a campaign in northern Mesopotamia, and, were it
not for
the statement of Nabuna'id (Nabonidus) that the Babylonian king had
nothing to
do with the destruction of the temples of Assyria, might reasonably be
as a reference to the final expedition in which Nineveh fell. In fact,
it suggests that while the siege of Nineveh was going on, the army of
Nabupaluçur, under his son Nabukudurriuçur (Nebuchadrezzar), was
operating in
upper Mesopotamia on the Euphrates. The whole region was in confusion;
wandering bands of mountaineers were pillaging the towns; Haran's
famous temple
of the moon-god was ruined by such a raid. The army of Necho II. of
(sect. 265) was also threatening the fords of the river, and, having
taken possession of Syria, was prepared to demand a still greater share
of the
spoils of Nineveh. Nebuchadrezzar, after clearing the country east of
river, crossed it and met the Egyptians on Syrian soil at the famous
city of
Karkhemish in 605 B. C. (Jer. xlvi. 2). Necho was thoroughly beaten and
fled hastily
southward, followed by the Kaldean army. The vassal kings paid their
homage to
the new conqueror. Among them was Jehoiakim of Judah (2 Kings xxiv. 1).
Nebuchadrezzar, at the border of Egypt, received news of the death of
father. Fearing difficulties regarding his accession, he made a treaty
Necho by which the latter relinquished his claims to Palestine and
Syria, and
at once marched rapidly across the desert to Babylon. At Babylon he
seems to
have found all things in quiet, and ascended the throne at the close of
605 B.
C. The heritage of Assyria, so far as it fell to the Babylonian heir,
had been
secured, with the exception of Egypt, and the new king, while ruling
over a
region far less extensive than that of the great Assyrian monarchs,
possessed a
territory that in size, position, and resources still deserved to be
called an
empire. 277. THE
reason for Nebuchadrezzar's haste in returning to Babylon to secure the
may not be easy to name, but the fear of trouble which such an action
was prophetic. A curious passage from the description of the ceremonial
at the
rebuilding of the Marduk temple in Babylon, found in an inscription of
Nabupaluçur, may throw some light upon the situation: Unto Marduk, my lord, I
bowed my neck; I arrayed myself in
my gown, the robe of my royalty. Bricks and mortar I carried on my
head, a dupshikku of
gold and silver I wore; and
Nebuchadrezzar, the first-born, the chief son, beloved of my heart, I
caused to
carry mortar mixed with wine, oil, and (other) products along with my
Nabu-shum-lisher, his talimu,
offspring of my own flesh, the junior, my darling, I ordered to take a
and spade (?); a dupshikku
gold and silver I placed (on him). Unto Marduk, my lord, as a gift, I
him (II. 59III. 18; see ABL, p. 132). 278. The struggle of two
brothers for their father's throne
has already appeared in Assyrian history. In this case the younger
seems, from
this passage, to have been intended by his father for a special post in
kingdom; the consecration to Marduk indicated, probably, his elevation
to the
priesthood and, in connection with the epithet talimu, suggests to
(AOF, II. ii. pp. 193 ff.) an appointment as king of Babylon, while the
brother was to be ruler of the empire and the suzerain. Thus the old
problem of
Babylonian prerogative reappeared under the Kaldeans. While the fully
theory, as held by Winckler (l. c.), of a division between the
hierarchy and the
Kaldean rulers that runs all through the history of this empire and
causes its ruin, is improbable, the existence of intrigue and the
danger of
dynastic troubles are obvious. How to be king of Babylon in all the
religious meaning of that term and at the same time to harmonize the
demands of
this position with the administration of the greater state, remained,
to the
end, the standing problem of the Mesopotamian dynasties.
however, by the promptness of his appearance on the scene and through
fidelity of his father's counsellors, overcame whatever opposition may
existed, and in his long reign (605-562 B. C.) maintained his supreme
with power undisturbed by revolt and splendor undimmed by rivalry. 279. If
the Kaldean
empire was of modest proportions in comparison with that of Assyria, it
had the
advantage of relief from the wearisome and costly wars with mountain
The absorption of all the northern and eastern Assyrian provinces by
the Manda
(Medes), and the firm alliance between them and the Kaldean king, left
him free
to take possession of the more compact and tractable districts which
fell to
him and to organize their administration. How this was done is not very
except as it may be inferred from the details of his relations to the
kingdom of Judah, as preserved in the Old Testament writings.
himself has left no documents of value that bear upon this side of his
activity. But the long and instructive biblical story of Judah's
involved, as they were, with the fate of neighboring peoples, reveals
sufficient fulness the king's modes of procedure and ideals of
as well as the problems and difficulties that he was compelled to meet.
study of it is essential to the understanding of Babylonian history.
Unfortunately the narratives are not free from confusion and
the special investigation of which belongs to the student of Jewish
rather than
of Babylonian history. In general, Egypt was the troublesome factor in
region. The twenty-sixth dynasty had succeeded in reorganizing the Nile
principalities into something like unity, and in so adjusting the
demands of
the various classes as to occupy a firm seat at the head of affairs.
it proceeded to reassert its old pre-eminence in western Asia. After
conclusive defeat at Karkhemish, he did not, however, make a new
attempt in
force upon Palestine (2 Kings xxiv. 7), but preferred to use intrigue
to induce
the communities there to rebel. Jehoiakim may, in the beginning, have
stood by
his Egyptian suzerain and suffered punishment from Nebuchadrezzar's
army on its
first advance (2 Chron. xxxvi. 6 f.); but after his submission he
faithful to Babylon for three years (2 Kings xxiv. 1), till 601 B. C.
At last
the situation became intolerable. Palestine was seething with elements
revolution. The Kaldean army had been withdrawn. Bedouin were raiding
border communities, and these, in turn, were harrying the frontiers of
Judah (2
Kings xxiv. 2). The Kedarenes were pouring into Syria from the desert
at the
same time (Jer. xlix. 28), the whole movement being the result of the
of Assyrian pressure, which, for the last century, had presented an
barrier to the advance of this last wave of Arabian migration. So
renounced his allegiance. For a year or more he was left undisturbed,
Nebuchadrezzar apparently was forced to send an army to restore his own
authority throughout the western border. Jerusalem closed its gates and
besieged. Meanwhile Jehoiakim died, and his son Jehoiachin succeeded to
throne. Nebuchadrezzar had followed his army in order to settle the
affairs of
the west, and, when he appeared before Jerusalem, Jehoiachin gave
himself up to
his overlord (597 B. C.). The kingdom was punished by the deportation
of the
king, his court and from nine to ten thousand of the citizens.
uncle was appointed king under the name of Zedekiah, and sworn to
to Babylon. During the same campaign it is probable that the Bedouin
driven back and the other disturbances upon the border quieted. The
king was imprisoned in Babylon, and his people were settled in central
Babylonia near Nippur on the Khebar canal. 280. But
quiet had
been only temporarily restored. Zedekiah found his people hard to
restrain. The
states on the east, Ammon, Moab, and Edom, were in ferment, and Judah,
faithful to its suzerain, was in danger of constant inroads from that
Their ambassadors appeared at his court, and at the same time
emissaries from
Tyre and Sidon were present (Jer. xxvii. 3) to urge common cause
Nebuchadrezzar. Twice, apparently, it was necessary for Zedekiah to
matters at Babylon, once by sending ambassadors (Jer. xxix. 3), and
once by
appearing in person before the king (Jer. li. 59). The deported Jews in
Babylonia were also intriguing in the interests of rebellion, and even
burning alive of two of the most outspoken of their leaders, by the
order of
Nebuchadrezzar, could not restrain them. Finally, Pharaoh Hophra, who
succeeded Psamtik II., son of Necho, in 589 B.C. threw himself
vigorously into
the cause of the conspirators and Zedekiah joined them (588 B. C.).
Nebuchadrezzar bestirred himself and advanced in strong force as far as
on the middle Orontes. Thence he sent out a division against Judah,
overran the country and besieged the three strongholds which held out,
Lachish, and Jerusalem (Jer. xxxiv. 7). The defence of Jerusalem was
particularly desperate; only after a siege of one and a half years was
it taken
(586 B. C.). The usual punishments were inflicted. The king was blinded
Nebuchadrezzar's own hand; his sons and counsellors were slain, the
citizens deported,
the city was demolished, and the booty carried away. The people
remaining in
the land were left under the oversight of a Jewish noble, Gedaliah,
and, when
later he was slain by one of his fellow chieftains, the region was
further desolated and abandoned. Thus the old tragedy was re-enacted,
and for
the last time. It is true that Hophra had made a demonstration against
Kaldeans during the siege of Jerusalem that had compelled a temporary
of the siege, but the lack of concerted action on the part of the
rebels was
followed by the usual disaster. Edom and Moab had already made their
peace with
their overlord. Ammon and Tyre do not seem to have played any active
part in
the struggle. Judah stood alone and perished. 281.
seems to have proceeded against Tyre and besieged it. The siege is said
to have
lasted thirteen years (585-573 B. C.), after which the city came to
although it was not entered by the Kaldean king. The death of its king,
II., coincided with its submission. Egypt was attacked by
Nebuchadrezzar in 568
B. C., at a time when Hophra had been followed by Amasis as a result of
internal strife. Of the success or extent of the campaign there is no
knowledge. It was little more than a punitive expedition, from which
speedily recovered. 282. If
knowledge of Nebuchadrezzar's wars and the administration of his empire
must be
derived largely from others than himself, the case is different with
respect to
his activity in Babylonia. To this long inscriptions are devoted, and
tablets, stamps, and bricks from many famous sites add their testimony.
describes, particularly, his building operations in the city of
Babylon, the
fortifications, the palaces, and the temples reared by him. Utility and
adornment were his guiding principles, but not without the deeper
motives of
piety and patriotism. In Babylonia at large, he labored at the
restoration of
the canal system, so important for agriculture, commerce, and defence.
canal which was restored by him, led from the Euphrates south of Hit
to the gulf through the centre of Babylonia; another on the west of the
Euphrates opened up to irrigation and agriculture the edge of the
desert. The river, as it passed along before Babylon, was lined with
laid in bitumen, which at low water are visible to-day. The city-canals
similarly treated. Those connecting the two rivers and extending
through the
land between them were reopened. A system of basins, dykes, and dams
and guided the waters of the rivers, works so various and colossal as
excite the admiration of the Greeks, who saw or heard of them. A system
defences was planned by the erection of a great wall in north
stretching from the Euphrates to the Tigris; it was flanked east and
west, by a
series of ramparts of earth and moats filled with water, and extended
as far as Nippur. It was called the Median wall. Restorations of
temples were
made in Borsippa, Sippar, Ur, Uruk, Larsam, Dilbat, and Baz. More than
temples and shrines are mentioned in the inscriptions as receiving
Bricks bearing the king's name are said to have come from every site in
Babylonia, from Bagdad to the mouth of the rivers. He may well stand as
the greatest
builder of all the kings of the Mesopotamian valley. 283. An
estimate of
the policy and achievements of Nebuchadrezzar, while limited by the
amount of information on the various phases of his activity, and
subject to
revision in the light of, new material, can be undertaken with a
expectation of general accuracy. Tiele has called him one of the
rulers of antiquity (BAG, p. 454), and, when his operations in
Babylonia are
considered, that statement has weight and significance. A century and a
half of
war, in which Babylonia had been the field of battle, had reduced its
cities to
ruins and its fields to waste lands. Its temples had been spoiled or
and its gods, in humiliation or wrath, had abandoned their
Warring factions had divided up the country between them, or vied with
another in handing it over to foreign foes. The first duty of the king,
loved his people and considered the well-being and prosperity of his
government, was to restore and unite. Recovery and consolidation,
these were
the watchwords of public policy for the time, and these Nebuchadrezzar
himself to realize. It is no chance, then, that his inscriptions deal
uniformly with Babylonian affairs, with matters of building and
and religion. It has been pointed out, also, that his far-seeing policy
contemplated the danger from the Medes, his present allies, and that
elaborate scheme of defences was intended to make Babylon impregnable
in the
conflict which he saw impending. All this was sagacious and
statesmanlike. 284. In
fulfilment of this policy, the king conceived it indispensable to lay
emphasis on the pre-eminence of his capital, the city of Babylon. Here
were his
most extensive and costly buildings erected. For its protection the
vast system
of fortifications was designed. To beautify and adorn its streets and
was his supremest desire, as the exaltation of its gods was the deepest
of his heart. He, or his successors, even went so far as to destroy the
temple of the elder Bel in the immemorially sacred city of Nippur, the
sanctuary of the whole land, an act which has its explanation only in
purpose to glorify Marduk of Babylon (Peters, Nippur, II. p. 262). But
one title
is borne by him in all his inscriptions, and that is "King of
Babylon;" and in them he declares, "With the exception of Babylon and
Borsippa I did not adorn a single city," and "Because my heart did
not love the abode of my royalty in another city, in no (other) human
habitation did I build a residence for my lordship. Property, the
insignia of
royalty, I did not establish anywhere else" (ABL, pp. 140, 141).
Reasonable question may be raised as to the wisdom of this procedure.
Assyrian kings, while they glorified Nineveh, or Kalkhi, always
themselves rulers of the state or the empire, and the title assumed was
recognized to entail responsibility. But Nebuchadrezzar chose to follow
less laudable feature of the example of his predecessors, and, when the
concerned was Babylon, with the jealousies and rivalries which had
around it, the preference was doubtfully wise. To have developed the
economic, and even defensive significance of the other cities, while
his preference for Babylon, would have removed difficulties which his
successors found insoluble. 285. The
serious modification of one's high estimate of Nebuchadrezzar must be
made when
his administration of his empire is examined. The fundamental
principles of his
policy in this field are involved in his preference of Babylonia and
capital. It is true that the following passage in his inscriptions must
given due weight: Far-off
distant mountains, from the Upper Sea to the Lower Sea, steep trails,
paths, where motion was impeded, where there was no foothold, difficult
journeys without water, I traversed, and the unruly I overthrew; I
bound as
captives my enemies; the land I set in order and the people I made to
both bad and good among the people I took under my care (?); silver,
costly precious stones, bronze, palm-wood, cedar-wood, all kinds of
things, a rich abundance, the product of the mountains, the wealth of
the seas,
a heavy gift, a splendid present, to my city Babylon I brought (EIH,
II. 13
ff.). This,
however, is
the only statement of the kind to be found, and its limitations are
The facts, which his dealing with Judah and the other western states
lower its significance yet more. For a century Assyria had maintained
supremacy there with little or no trouble, with what success can be
measured in
a single instance. On good grounds it has been held that King Josiah's
opposition to Necho of Egypt was inspired by his loyalty to Assyria,
that state was now at its last gasp. Its government had been severe,
but it had
organized and protected its vassals. But the Jewish rebellion against
Nebuchadrezzar is explicable, chiefly from the neglect of the
Babylonian king to
look .after the subject states in the west. There is no evidence that
but the most general supervision was exercised. Assyrian methods were
imitated. The punishment of Judah is a most instructive example. The
Jews were
deported, but no peoples were put in their place. The system of dealing
with a
conquered city, developed by Assyria, was employed (McCurdy, HPM, III.
pp. 287
ff.), except that the rehabilitation of the wasted and spoiled district
quite overlooked, and it was practically abandoned. Thus, while
Babylonia was
enriched by spoils of war and captives, a vassal kingdom, paying
tribute and
important to the well-being of the west, was annihilated. Nor did the
deportation accomplish the results which the Assyrian system
contemplated. The
Jews, segregated in Babylonia and left practically to themselves,
their national spirit and were a constant trouble to their master. On
whole, therefore, it is probable that Nebuchadrezzar was interested in
empire only as it contributed to the enrichment of the capital, and
commercial interests were not at stake, he paid little attention to his
possessions outside of Babylonia. The Euphrates and the trade-routes to
the sea
were kept open, because Babylonian merchants demanded this, and the
of the great emporium at the mouth of the rivers was involved in it.
subject-states not industrially or commercially of the first importance
trouble, they were demolished. 286.
was, in truth, a son of Babylonia, not of Assyria, a man of peace, not
of war,
a devotee of religion and culture, not of organization and
administration. His
strength as a world-ruler lay in his inheritance, the alliance with
the Medes
made by his father and the methods of imperial organization which.
Assyria had
bequeathed to him. His Babylonian policy had its strong and its weak
For the rest, he manifested the cruelty, the luxury, and the ruthless
characteristic of the great Semitic monarchs. From this point of view,
picture of him in the Book of Daniel is, in not a few respects,
accurate. His inscriptions reveal a loftiness of religious sentiment,
unequalled in the royal literature of the oriental world. As a pious
of Marduk and his son Nabu, he utters prayers which, though they may
not be of
his own composition, were sanctioned by him and bear witness to the
height of
religious thought and feeling reached in his day. The following is not
least remarkable of these petitions: O eternal
prince ! Lord of all being!
As for the king whom thou lovest, and Whose name thou hast proclaimed As was pleasing to thee, Do thou lead aright his life, Guide him in a straight path. I am the prince, obedient to thee, The creature of thy hand; Thou hast created me, and With dominion over all people Thou hast intrusted me. According to thy grace, O Lord, Which thou dost bestow on All people, Cause me to love thy supreme dominion, And create in my heart The worship of thy god-head, And grant whatever is pleasing to thee, Because thou hast fashioned my life. (EIH, I.
55.) Similar utterances
justify Tiele's statement that an
Israelite worshipper, by substituting Jehovah and Jerusalem for Marduk
Babylon, could take them upon his own lips. As coming from the king,
indicate a remarkable conception of sovereignty, its ideals and
obligations, as
well as its source in the righteous character and beneficent will of
Almighty (Jastrow, RBA, pp. 298 f.). 287. The
instability of the dynasty of Nebuchadrezzar, in spite of his own
vigorous and
successful reign, is painfully manifest in the careers of his
successors. He
was followed by his son Ame1 Marduk (Evil-merodach), who was slain by
brother-in-law Nergal-shar-uçur (Neriglissar) after a reign of two
(562-560 B. C.). The latter ascended the throne to rule but four years
B. C.), when he was cut off, apparently, by an untimely yet not violent
His son, Labashi Marduk (Labosoarchod), followed him as king, but,
after ruling
nine months (556 B. C.), was made away with by a body of conspirators
who chose
one of their number, Nabuna'id (Nabonidus), to be king, the last to
occupy that
seat as ruler of the New Babylonian Empire. 288. Nabuna'id has left
an instructive commentary upon the
political situation of these years in his stele, recently discovered,
describing the events connected with his own accession, the character
of his
predecessors, and his rule of Babylonia. According to him, Amel Marduk
Labashi Marduk had failed to keep the precepts and fellow the policies
of their
respective fathers, Nebuchadrezzar and Nergalsharuçur, and hence fate
them away before their time. The fathers, however, had agreed in their
political policy, and this policy Nabuna'id set before himself as
ruler. In
essential harmony with the testimony of Nabuua'id is that of Berosus
Cont. Ap., I. 20), who describes Amel Marduk as "lawless and impious"
and Labashi Marduk as "not knowing how to rule." Such characterizations
of these kings, however, evidently made by their enemies, are so vague
as to
leave large room for hypothesis as to the particular policy they
pursued. Some
modern students have regarded them as adherents of the priestly party
and, as
such, overpowered and removed by the military or official party. For
this view
support has been sought in the one known specific act of Amel Marduk,
release of Jehoiachin of Judah (sect. 279) from prison and his
admission to the
royal table (2 Kings xxv. 27 ff.). But the motive for this act is
and the exactly opposite hypothesis is held by others. All that can be
with certainty is that, beneath the firm rule Of Nebuchadrezzar,
intrigues and
strifes of parties had been secretly growing the manifestation of which
in the following
years threw the government into confusion and threatened the collapse
of the
state. Had Nergalsharuçur lived longer, he might have kept affairs in
order and
prolonged the life of the empire, for his inscriptions indicate that he
was a
man Of capacity, active in the restoration of Babylonian cities and
quite in the spirit of Nebuchadrezzar. The reign of Nabuna'id
introduces new
elements into the final scene of Babylon's downfall and deserves,
therefore, a
separate discussion.
289. THE
of the Kaldi to supremacy in Babylonia might be expected to result in
communication of new and original impulses to the somewhat stationary
civilization of that ancient land. They had proved their right to exist
as a
people and their power both to endure hardness and to rise superior to
disaster, by centuries of conflict with the mightiest organized force
that had
as yet appeared in the world. They had even outlived Assyria and
divided her
spoils, and, unhindered by opposition, were now in a position to
realize their
national ideals in the fairest region of the ancient world. 290.
exist in reasonable abundance from which to gain knowledge of the
made by this régime to human progress and to estimate its character. It
is true
that the ruins of Babylon itself have not, as yet, been so carefully
investigated as to yield much information concerning the art and
of the city in its Kaldean prime, although this lack will, it is hoped,
be supplied
by the work of the German commission now excavating there (1902). But a
thoroughly representative series of royal inscriptions exists, as an
of the literature, and vast collections of business documents,
extending from
the beginning to the end of the period, open up the social life of the
in all its varied aspects. The writings of the Hebrew exiles in the
land and
the reports of later Greek travellers and historians make additions of
little value. 291. The
examination of these sources of information reveals a general result
which is
at first thought somewhat surprising. It discloses a life and culture
differ in no essential respects from the Babylonian civilization of the
two thousand years. The sketch of the society of 2500 B. C. (Part I.
iii., iv.) stands in the main without need of alteration for the
society of 500
B. C. As in the case of the Kassites (sect. 123), so in that of the
Kaldi the
age-long Babylonian civilization has absorbed the new elements and has
them into its immemorial forms. The same occupations are followed; the
institutions are preserved; the same social classes exist; the same
of legal, political, and moral action prevail; the same forms of
are maintained. There seems to be almost a conscious effort on the part
of the
Kaldean leaders to return to the ancient customs. So marked is this
that the period can properly be characterized as the Renaissance of Old
Babylonia. Its most picturesque exemplar is king Nabuna'id, whose
activities and his deep interest in them have already been referred to
and will
be described in the following chapter (sect. 308). Not less manifest is
same tendency in the royal literature, in which, as has been noted, not
the literary style but even the forms of the characters are modelled
after the
inscriptions of the time of Khammurabi. Winckler has said that an
of Nebuchadrezzar must have made an impression upon the Babylonians of
period corresponding to what a German of today would feel in seeing a
work printed in gothic characters and written in middle-high-German
(GBA, p.
320). An interesting historical parallel, not without significance
also, is
found in the Egypt of the same age which, under the Pharaohs of the
twenty-sixth dynasty, reveals a return to the past of exactly similar
character. 292. It
remains for
the student of the period to indicate in this sphere of imitation of
the past
the distinctive features of the new age, since no epoch can precisely
the features of one long gone by. Of the various occupations followed,
and commerce seem to have developed beyond agriculture. In the
centuries of
conflict in Babylonia the farmer suffered most severely, and vast areas
country were devastated. The Kaldean kings sought to remedy the
difficulty by
importing populations like the Jews, who were settled in the country
and appear
to have been put to agricultural labor. Later, in the Persian period,
fertility of the land was astonishing to the Greek Herodotus, and his
illustrates the outcome of the measures instituted by Nebuchadrezzar
(sect. 7).
But industrial pursuits and their concomitants, commercial activities,
the seat
of which was in the cities had grown enormously and were zealously
fostered by
the rulers. Of all the manufactures, the carpets, cottons, and linens
Babylon were still the most famous in the ancient world. A development
of trade
with the south and southwest is suggested by the building of the city
Teredon at the mouth of the Euphrates, and by the spice and incense
carried on through the Arabian city of Gerrha. The undisturbed
possession of
the Euphrates valley and of the trade-routes to the west gave impulses
larger commercial energy in that direction. It is Nebuchadrezzar who is
doubtless referred to by Herodotus under the name of Nitocris, to whom
ascribed the making of the Euphrates to wind about in its course, that
thus its
force might be diminished and its use by the frail boats and rafts
employed for traffic facilitated. The other improvements in canals and
in the
Euphrates itself, and the building of the quays, not only at Babylon
but also
at Bagdad and elsewhere by these kings, point to their recognition of
importance of trade and commerce, which never was so enormous as in
period. Ezekiel declares that his people had been carried away into "a
land of traffic" and "set in a city of merchants" (xvii. 4),
though he also adds that they were "planted in a fruitful soil" and
placed "beside many waters" and "set as a willow tree" (ibid. v. 5). 293. The
pre-eminence of industrial life illustrates other changes which had
come over
Babylonian society in this period. Social life, if it had preserved its
distinctions of noble and common man, was permeated by the spirit of
Even kings and princes appear in documents describing ordinary business
transactions. Nergalsharuçur borrows money to buy a house. Belshazzar,
son of
Nabuna'id, sells wool and takes security for the payment, as any other
merchant. Indeed, it has been thought that the old aristocracy had
disappeared, and that the merchant princes and ecclesiastical lords had
its place. Certain families, like that of the Egibi at Babylon and the
at Nippur, were prominent financiers and handed down their talents,
material and intellectual, through several generations. Gold and silver
the standards of value, and it has been calculated that the ratio
between the
two was from eleven, or twelve, to one. Coinage had improved, smaller
of the precious metals being stamped as five shekel and one shekel
Interest varied from twenty per cent to ten per cent. 294.
this industrial development was the transference of the bulk of the
to the cities, and chiefly to Babylon. In the capital, doubtless, the
refinement and luxury of civilized society in the ancient world reached
highest point. Herodotus has an interesting picture of the Babylonian
of the time: The dress
of the
Babylonians is a linen tunic reaching to the feet, and above it another
made in wool, besides which they have a short white cloak thrown round
and shoes of a peculiar fashion, not unlike those worn by the Botians.
have long hair, wear turbans on their heads, and anoint their whole
body with
perfumes. Every one carries a seal, and a walking stick, carved at the
top into
the form of an apple, a rose, a lily, an eagle, or something similar;
for it is
not their habit to use a stick without an ornament (Her., I. 195). To this
may be added that of Ezekiel, who pictured "the Chaldeans portrayed
vermilion, girded with girdles upon their loins, with dyed turbans upon
heads, all of them princes to look upon" (Ezek. xxiii. 14 f.). 295. The
life continued to be the basis of social organization. Few changes are
traceable, and these were in the direction of a higher standard of
morals. The
practice of polygamy or concubinage appears to be much restricted, and
custom of marriage by purchase was practically done away with. The wife
brought her dowry. The position of woman was still as free and as high
before. The strange statement of Herodotus as to the religious
prostitution of
the Babylonian women is, in itself, incredible, as well as his stories
of the
marriage-market (I. 196, 199). The contemporaneous documents bear quite
opposite testimony. 296. The
history of
the Kaldean regime is a sufficient illustration of the character of the
during this period. It differed from the earlier Babylonian
chiefly because the Assyrian Empire had done its work. It was more
the king was less of a sacred personage and more of a warrior and
Yet there appears here the return to the old-time conception of the
ecclesiastical character of the ruler, inseparable from a king of
Babylon, and
in harmony with this renaissance spirit. That an imperial
administration was
possible at all was due to the Assyrian system already in vogue in the
provinces, and to an army which was chiefly composed of mercenaries
from the ends of the earth. Tradition has preserved the name of a
Antimenidas, a Greek of Mitylene, who was a prominent figure among the
of Nebuchadrezzar (Strabo, XIII. 2, 3). The character of the soldiery
was not
high. The impression made upon subject peoples is illustrated by the
of the Hebrew prophets. Habakkuk declares, "Their horses also are
than leopards, and are more fierce than the evening wolves; and their
spread themselves: yea, their horsemen come from far; they fly as an
eagle that
hasteth to devour. They come all of them for violence; their faces are
eagerly as the east wind; and they gather captives as the sand" (Hab.
8, 9). 297. The
glory of
Babylonia, however, was in the arts of peace, and this age was not
behind in
the cultivation of science, ĉsthetics, and literature. But there is no
that, in this direction more than in others, was there any endeavor to
the past. The literary art showed, perhaps, greater elaboration of
details, but
there was no new thought. Its quality and influence are best estimated
by the
example of the one people of genius that breathed its atmosphere.
literature, of the exile and after, is in form separated by a great
gulf from
that of the earlier period. The peculiarities of the style of Ezekiel
and of
Zechariah the artificiality of form and the grotesqueness of
conception are
Babylonian. But the mechanical correctness of these writers becomes
harmony and
unity of presentation in such a literary artist as the author of the
part of Isaiah. "His discourse, serene, affluent, and glowing, is an
of a Babylonian landscape. As it unrolls itself, we think of fields and
and stately palms and bending willows and gently flowing streams,
away over an ample plain, and all standing cut clear in the light of a
cloudless sky" (McCurdy, HPM, III. p. 420). For a fuller knowledge of
contribution of the Kaldean period to the artistic development it will
necessary to await further excavation on the site of Babylon; but
already it is
known that the special type of artistic adornment in the Kaldean
palaces was
the wall decorated in colors. Bricks enamelled in colors are among the
commonest articles picked up on the mounds of Babylon. It is the walls
Nebuchadrezzar's palace to which Diodorus refers in speaking of "every
kind of animal imitated according to all the rules of art both as to
form and
color; the whole represented the chase of various animals, the latter
more than four cubits high in the middle Semiramis on horseback
letting fly
an arrow against a panther, and on one side her husband Ninus at close
with a lion" (Diod., II. 8, 6). This description is confirmed by the
recent discovery of the throne-room of the palace with beautifully
decorations of this character, which took the place of the bas-reliefs
Ninevite kings. 298. In
the sphere
of religion the Kaldean period was most active, and yet most
conservative. It was the brief Indian summer of the faith, cherished
through so
many centuries in the temples by successive generations of zealous
priests and
devout worshippers. Ancient cults were revived; ruined shrines
restored; old
endowments renewed. Yet the ideas of the gods and of their place and
prerogatives in the pantheon had changed but slightly. Mention has
already been
made of the preference of the kings for Marduk and Nabu (sect. 284),
and of the
approach to monotheism and spirituality which appears in the prayers of
Nebuchadrezzar. Nabuna'id, it is thought, sought to raise Shamash, the
to the level of Marduk and Nabu, but the attempt only cost him the
enmity of
the priests of the capital. Everywhere priestly control made the cult
dominant element in the religion; its materialistic features, its
its incantation ceremonials, and its astrology continued to be the
popular elements.
The condition of morals was fluctuating, affected, it is true, by noble
expressions of faith and devotion such as are found in the hymns and
but elevated and maintained at a worthy standard far more by the
activities of business. True, it was a commercial and mercantile
morality, but
a striking testimony is borne to it by a later writer who mentions,
among the
other virtues of the Babylonians, their imperturbability and their
straightforwardness (Nic. of Damascus, Fr. 131), characteristics of
which the
Stoics were proud. The influence of the religion upon outside peoples
however, never as potent as in this period. The international life of
east and
west, now so close and reciprocal, afforded the most favorable
opportunity for the
extension of the profound cosmological and theological ideas which, in
and often grotesque forms, had been wrought out on Babylonian soil. The
and inquiring Greek mind was now brought within close range, and the
reports of
eastern travellers stimulated the curiosity and the thoughts of the
philosophers. The Jews, too, drank in the teachings. "The finishing
touches to the structure of Judaism given on Babylonian soil reveal
Babylonian trade-mark. Ezekiel, in many respects the most
characteristic Jewish
figure of the exile, is steeped in Babylonian theology and mysticism;
and the
profound influence of Ezekiel is recognized by modern scholarship in
religious spirit that characterizes the Jews upon the reorganization of
commonwealth" (Jastrow, RBA, pp. 696 f.). 299. This
renaissance of the past, which is the achievement of the Kaldi for
has its shining example and supreme symbol in the city of Babylon. The
of the great Nebuchadrezzar to his capital has already been indicated
284). To present, however imperfectly, a general picture of the city as
it came
from the hands of its Kaldean rulers is a service due to their memory.
At the
same time this supreme interest is the best illustration of the
limitations as
well as the height of their ideals. It is possible at present, with
certainty, to connect at least two of the three great mounds on the
site of the
ancient city, now called Babel, Kasr, and Amran, with the special
palaces, temple, and gardens which are ascribed to Nebuchadrezzar, even
if the
many other ruin-heaps in the vicinity cannot be identified. The many
inscriptions of the Kaldi and the descriptions of the Greek writers
permit a
sketch of the Babylon of that day. The city proper, the nucleus and
heart of
it, was that which lay along the east bank of the Euphrates and within
inner wall called Imgur Bel, which stretched in a kind of half. circle
out from
the river. The chief buildings within this wall were the temple and the
Around this inner wall there ran a second wall called Nemitti Bel,
parallel to it and at a considerable distance from it, constituting the
of the larger city. Its circumference, including the river front, was
about eight
miles. Each of these walls had its moat. Though of about the same size
Nineveh (sect. 231), Babylon was much more thickly populated, the
houses being
three and four stories in height. The streets of the city ran at right
and all the spaces about the temple and between the walls were probably
occupied with private houses or buildings for business. 300. The
the centre of the inner city, consisted of a complex of structures,
upon its elevated platform and surrounded by its own wall. Most
conspicuous was
the ziggurat, or temple-tower of seven stages, which the king rebuilt.
Of this
Herodotus says: "The ascent to the top is on the outside by a path
winds round all the towers (stages). When one is about half-way up, one
finds a
resting-place and seats where persons are wont to sit some time on
their way to
the summit. On the topmost tower (stage) there is a spacious temple,
and inside
the temple stands a couch of unusual size richly adorned with a golden
table by
its side. There is no statue of any kind set up in the place." Beside
tower was the shrine of the god Marduk, E-kua, a magnificent structure
walls glistened with gold, precious stones, and alabaster, and whose
roof was
of fragrant cedar of Lebanon. At the entrance was the shrine of the
his spouse, and elsewhere were the sanctuaries of Nabu and other
deities. Of
another sacred chamber Nebuchadrezzar records that: The shrine
of the
Fates, where, on Zagmuku, the beginning of the year, on the eighth and
eleventh day, the king, the god of heaven and earth, the lord of
heaven, takes
up his residence, where the gods of heaven and earth reverently pay
and stand bowed down before him; a fate of a far-distant day, as the
fate of my
life, they determine therein: that shrine, the shrine of royalty, the
shrine of
lordly power, belonging to the leader of the gods, the Prince Marduk,
which a
former king had constructed with silver, I decorated with shining gold
brilliant ornaments (EIH, II. 54 if). From the
door of
the temple a passage led to the sacred street, A-ibur-shabu, along
which the
sacred ships of the gods were wont to be borne on festal days, while by
temple's side the sacred canal ran from the Euphrates eastward,
bringing water
for sacred uses. 301. To
the north
lay the palace between the canal and the inner wall. Built or renewed
Nabupaluçur, it had fallen into decay and had to be repaired by his
son. For so
great a king, however, it had become too small. Yet it could not be
without encroaching on the sacred domains of the god. Nebuchadrezzar
it, therefore, exactly after the old dimensions, but across the inner
either to the north or east, within the outer wall, he cleared a space,
within fifteen days the turrets of a splendid palace appeared, uniting
the two
walls and making, with its own intersecting battlements, a citadel
protected alike the outer and the inner city. Upon the furnishing of
palace were lavished all the resources of his empire. Cedar, cypress,
palm, and
other costly woods, gold, silver, bronze, copper, and precious stones,
and marble from the distant mountains, were employed in its
construction and
adornment. 302. This
which was also a citadel, was but one of the many defences which were
for the city's security. The inner and outer walls were raised and
strengthened. Most imposing of all was the system of fortifications
placed by
Nebuchadrezzar quite outside of the walls already described. It
consisted of a
combination of earthworks and water-ways. A wall was built of colossal
dimensions, four thousand cubits (one and one half miles?) east of
The extremities were connected with canals or earthworks which reached
to the
Euphrates; it was itself protected by a fortified moat. This was the
work which astonished Herodotus. He gave its height as somewhat more
than three
hundred and seventy feet, and its width more than ninety feet. The
summit was
lined with battlements and guard chambers, between which on either side
a space
was left sufficient for a four-horse chariot to turn. The wall was
pierced by
an hundred brazen gates (Her., I. 178 ff.). 303.
Adornment and
practical utility as well as defence were in the mind of Nebuchadrezzar
when he
put his hand to the rebuilding of Babylon. He dug again the sacred
canal and
lined it with brick; he raised the sacred street, carrying it by a
bridge over
the canal and lifting higher the gates of the two city walls at the
point where
it passed through them. He built up the bank of the Euphrates with
making splendid quays, which still exist, walled them in and opened
gates at
the points where the city streets came down to the water's edge. Later
historians dwell on his magnificent hanging gardens, which rose
somewhere near
his palaces; they were built in lofty terraces to solace his Median
queen for
the absence of her beloved mountains. Across the river, in the twin
city of
Borsippa, he rebuilt the city wall and restored the temple tower of the
god Nabu,
son of Marduk. In time the two cities became more and more united. It
is this
double city which seems to be in the mind of Herodotus when he
Babylon as a great square about fourteen miles on each side, the walls
making a
circuit of fifty-six miles and enclosing an area of two hundred square
While the Babylon of the Kaldi was much smaller than this, their
devotion to it
manifested itself in these initial works that in course of time
produced the
larger and more famous city. Already it contained at least two of the
wonders of the world, and its beauty and wealth made it for a long time
thereafter the chief centre of the east. "From Nebuchadrezzar to the
Mongol invasion" it was well-nigh "the greatest commercial city of
the world." 304. For
remained, after the wreck of the Semitic domination of the East, as
glorious as
before and as imperious in the realm of commerce and of culture. She
succeeded to the varying and petty local powers that, in the beginnings
history, struggled with one another for a transient pre-eminence. She
had laid,
there and then, the foundations of the state which had endured for
She had outlasted the empire on the Tigris. She had been the despair of
statesmen of Assyria, and a decisive element in the downfall of that
She had been the pride of the Kaldean monarchs, and was at last the
grave of
their glory. She had given to the ancient world its laws, its
literature, its
religion. In the words of Professor Rawlinson: "Hers was apparently the
genius which excogitated an alphabet; worked out the simpler problems
arithmetic; invented implements for measuring the lapse of time;
conceived the
idea of raising enormous structures with the poorest of all materials,
discovered the art of polishing, boring, and engraving gems; reproduced
truthfulness the outlines of human and animal forms; attained to high
perfection in textile fabrics; studied with success the motions of the
bodies; conceived of grammar as a science; elaborated a system of law;
saw the
value of an exact chronology; in almost every branch of science made
beginning, thus rendering it comparatively easy for other nations to
with the superstructure. . . . It was from the east, not from Egypt,
Greece derived her architecture, her sculpture, her science, her
her mathematical knowledge, in a word, her intellectual life. And
Babylon was
the source to which the entire stream of eastern civilization may be
traced. It
is scarcely too much to say that, but for Babylon, real civilization
might not
even yet have dawned upon the earth" (Gt. Mon., III. pp. 75 f.). 305. Upon
people of Israel, too, Babylon left her mark. Though mistress of their
and its destroyer, she could not rule their spirits. Their prophets
forward to her fall and rejoiced. To them, the image of all material
prosperity, she was set over against that higher ideal of victorious
of spiritual achievement, the triumph of which in their vision was
sure. Thus
pictured by them, Babylon has lived on in the imagination of
Christendom as the
supreme symbol of the rich, the cruel, the lustful, the enemy of
saints, the
Antichrist, destined to destruction. Who shall say that, thus seeing,
prophets did not behold clearly the vital weakness of that ancient
in her, its embodiment? With all her glory Babylon was of the earth and
fallen; Jerusalem, which is from above, abideth forever. 306. THE
which placed Nabuna'id upon the throne (555-539 B. C.) seems to have
involved a
transfer of emphasis in the politics of the state. Nabuna'id was not a
but a Babylonian noble, son of a prince, Nabu-balatsu-iqbi. In his long
inscription, to which reference has already been made (sect. 288), he
his purpose to conduct affairs after the example of Nebuchadrezzar and
Nabupaluçur. In fact, his rather numerous inscriptions present him not
only as
a devout worshipper of the gods and a restorer of temples, but also as
vigorous and zealous defender of the imperial authority. The empire
intact within its old limits when he came into possession of it, and in
first years of his reign he paid no little attention to the maintenance
of his
authority in the west. In the badly broken first column of his
Annals, references made to Hamath and the mountains of Amanus; in
with military movements, indicate that he was active in Syria, and
fragments of
Menander suggest that in his reign dynastic troubles in Tyre led to his
setting, first, Merbaal (555-552 B. C.), and then Hirom III. (551-532
B. C.),
both hostages at his court, upon the Tyrian throne. The impulse to
western expeditions may have been given by the new relations to the
(Medes) which the last years had induced, and which may now be
described in
some detail. 307.
During the
lifetime of Nebuchadrezzar the alliance with the Manda (Medes) had
firm, although to Cyaxares had succeeded (about 584 B. C.) his son
(Astyages). The rapid changes which followed upon the death of the
Kaldean monarch, and particularly the transference of the succession
from the
Kaldean to the Babylonian line, in the person of Nabuna'id, seem to
have been
the occasion of estrangement between the two peoples. Nabuna'id asserts
that in
the beginning of his reign the Manda had been in possession of northern
Mesopotamia and were encamped about Haran. But one Of those sudden
reversals of
supremacy not uncommon in the beginnings of great empires had taken
place in
Media. Among the communities that acknowledged the sway of Astyages was
province of Anshan in northern Elam, occupied by the Persians under
hereditary chieftains of the house of Teispes. The king of Anshan
during these
years, a certain Cyrus, raised a rebellion against his suzerain (about
553 B.
C.) which resulted in the downfall of Astyages and the supremacy of
Cyrus and
the Persians (550 B. C.). During these troubles the movement of
against Babylonia was given up, and Nabuna'id reports that by 553 B. C.
were no Manda about Haran. He also dwells with satisfaction upon the
of Astyages by Cyrus, king of Anshan, as a divine intervention in his
favor. The way was open for him to send an expedition not only to Haran
rebuild the temple there, but to advance farther into the west. He was
doubtless gratified that inner troubles were breaking up the Median
Empire, as
had so often been the case among the loose agglomerations of peoples in
northern mountains, and he felt that henceforth neither their
friendship nor
their enmity was particularly significant, little dreaming that within
decades the young conqueror would be knocking at his own gates. The
career of
Cyrus is one of the marvels of antiquity. His victory over his Median
was not merely the substitution of one dynasty for another, nor was it
by internecine wars in which the fresh and vigorous peoples of the
north were
crippled. With consummate statesmanship the young king united all
inspired them with a common spirit, and out of a kingdom in which
tribes and
peoples had been joined in loose confederation about a common overlord,
built the solid foundations of the Medo-Persian Empire. 308. The
from hostile complications with the Medes, enjoyed by Nabuna'id during
years that followed, he improved by pursuing those works of peace in
which his
prototype Nebuchadrezzar had gained such renown. With the details of
building operations his inscriptions are filled. The peculiar delight
they represent him as feeling in these works and the unique method
which he
adopted in the prosecution of them have led scholars to regard him as a
political weakling, a cultured dilettante, an archĉological virtuoso,
to whom
the discovery Of an ancient foundation stone was more significant than
conduct of the state or the defence of the empire. Further knowledge
has proved
the accusation unjust, although the facts on which it was based are
evident enough.
In his zeal for the reconstruction of temples he was not satisfied with
clearing off the superficial rubbish of the mound, but must dig down
the successive layers of ruins, until the original foundation had been
and the inscription of the first builder had been uncovered. Reference
already been made to the value of the data which he thus published
(sect. 40)
for the construction of a Babylonian chronology. A passage may be here
from an inscription, illustrative at once of his devout piety and his
archĉological perseverance and of its scientific value for modern
scholars: For
Shamash, the
judge of heaven and earth, E-babbara, his temple which is in Sippar,
Nebuchadrezzar, a former king, had rebuilt, after searching for its
platform-foundation without finding it that house he rebuilt, but in
forty-five years its walls had fallen in. I became anxious and humble;
I was
alarmed and much troubled. When I had brought out Shamash from within
it and
made him take residence in another house, I pulled that house down and
search for its old platform-foundation; and I dug to a depth of
cubits, and Shamash, the great lord of E-babbara, the temple, the
dwelling well
pleasing to him, permitted me to behold the platform-foundation of
Naram Sin,
the son of Sargon, which during a period of thirty-two hundred years no
among my predecessors had seen. In the month Tishrit, in a favorable
month, on
an auspicious day, revealed to me by Shamash and Adad in a vision, with
gold, costly and precious stones, products of the forest,
cedars, amid joy and rejoicing, I raised its brick-work not an inch
inward or
outward upon the platform-foundation of Naram Sin, the son of Sargon.
I laid
in rows five thousand large cedars for its roof; I set up in its
doorways high
doors of cedar... . I took the hands of Shamash, my lord, and with joy
rejoicing I made him take up a residence therein well pleasing to him.
I found
the inscription written in the name of Naram Sin, the son of Sargon,
and I did
not alter it. I anointed it with oil, offered sacrifices, placed it
with my
inscription, and restored it to its place (Nab. Cyl. II. 47 ff.). He claims
thus to
have reconstructed, besides this temple of Shamash in Sippar, that of
also in Sippar, that of Sin in Haran, the temple E-ul-bar in Agade, the
and other shrines in Ur and the Shamash temple at Larsam. 309. It
was not to
be expected that in a hot-bed of intrigue such as Babylon was at this
time, the
various activities of Nabuna'id were pursued with a successful
harmonization of
all factions. With Nebuchadrezzar as example, he sought to maintain the
while at the same time he honored the gods; but in both respects he
appears to
have failed. He called himself "patron of Esagila and Ezida," temples
of Marduk and Nabu in Babylon and Borsippa; he gave rich gifts to these
deities; yet his rearing of temples to other gods, and especially the
paid to Shamash, the sun-god, are thought to have arrayed against him
priests of Babylon, as though he were planning to put that deity in the
of pre-eminence given by Nebuchadrezzar to Marduk and Nabu. Nor may his
concealed satisfaction at the victory of Cyrus over Astyages have
pleased those
who remembered Nebuchadrezzar's alliance with Media. He certainly left
conqueror unmolested, if indeed, as some think, he did not give him aid
in his
rebellion, a policy which, however shrewd, was not acceptable to the
Kaldeans. Thus difficulties were inevitable. A hint of the situation is
in the Annals, where, beginning with the seventh year of the king (549
B. C.),
it is said that he "was in Tema; the son of the king, the nobles and
soldiers in Akkad. (The king for Nisan) did not come to Babylon. Nabu
did not
come to Babylon; Bel was not brought forth." In other words, the usual
yearly ceremonial, by which a king renewed his royal authority in
the hands of Bel" in Babylon, did not take place. The same omission is
chronicled in effect for the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh years
B. C.), and may have continued, though the breaking of the Annals at
this point
permits no positive statement. It is difficult to understand how he
could have
maintained himself as king, if this retirement to Tema and the omission
Of an
indispensable ceremonial had been due to his own carelessness regarding
of state and his absorption in his temples and books. The facts are
satisfactorily interpreted by supposing that, with his seventh year, on
of universal dissatisfaction he was forced into retirement, and the
conduct of
affairs assumed by his son, Bel-shar-uçur (Belshazzar), with whom began
active measures towards protecting the state from its Medo-Persian
neighbors. 310. The
consequences of this change of attitude towards Cyrus soon became
apparent. In
the year 547 B. C. he appeared with his army at the Tigris below
Arbela, and
seems to have taken possession of a border state, so that now the
garrisoning the frontier cities of the Medo-Persian and Babylonian
stood face to face. The conflict seemed imminent; but affairs in
quarter of the kingdom demanded the presence and activity of Cyrus, and
a few
years intervened before the final struggle took place. 311. The
extraordinary success of Cyrus alarmed all the older states of the
world, and they bestirred themselves to resist his progress. The
initiative was
taken apparently by Lydia, which, under its king, Croesus, was now the
power of Asia Minor. Both commerce and culture had brought that state
close association with the Greek cities as well as with Egypt and
The advent of the new and aggressive Persian power was disturbing to
parties alike. Accordingly, a quadruple alliance was formed by Crsus
of Lydia,
Amasis of Egypt, Sparta, as leader of the Greek states, and the war
party now
in power at Babylon, with the evident purpose of putting a stop to the
of Cyrus (about 547 B. C.). He accepted the challenge and marched
against the most formidable and aggressive of his opponents, the king
of Lydia,
before the troops of the other leaguers could join with him. Crsus,
loath, crossed the Halys in 546 B. C., but was beaten and lost his
kingdom the
next year (545 B. C.). 312.
Babylon's time
of trial was now at hand. Unfortunately the beginning of the advance of
into the Mesopotamian valley and the details of the earlier years of
struggle, as well as the ebb and flow of party strife at Babylon are
unknown, a gap occurring in the Annals at this point. The inscription
again intelligible with the seventeenth and last year of Nabuna'id (739
B. C.).
The Babylonian king is now in the capital, and the usual religious
are performed. Cyrus is on the northeastern frontier. Has Nabuna'id
released from his confinement at Tema in consequence of the breaking
down of
the plans of his enemies? However that may be, he has gathered into
Babylon the
images of the gods from the length and breadth of Akkad, excepting
those of
Borsippa, Kutha, and Sippar, with a view either to their protection or
to the
aid they may supply to the capital. The action was ill-timed from the
point of
view of the priests of Marduk, Babylon's city god, whose prerogative
and power
were thus underestimated or even dishonored. Cyrus's attack upon the
system of defences was made at Upi (Opis), at the junction of the
Tigris and
the Turnat, where he broke through and stood on Babylonian soil in
October, 539
B. C. Belshazzar and his army were beaten back. Nabuna'id sought in
vain to
organize the people for defence. Sippar was taken early in October, and
king fled to Babylon, closely pursued by a detachment of the Persians
Gubaru (Gobryas). It might well be thought that the broad and lofty
walls of
the capital would long withstand the assaults of an enemy; the
narrative of
Herodotus (I. 190, 191) tells how, after a tedious siege, Cyrus, in
set about diverting the main channel of the Euphrates and by marching
troops into the city through the river gates, thus laid open, took the
defenders by surprise and captured the city. Nothing, however, could be
from the actual event. Gubaru found friends within the walls who opened
gates soon after his arrival; Babylon fell into the hands of the
without a struggle. So deeply had the feuds of parties, ecclesiastical
political, eaten into the body politic that the capital was betrayed by
its own
citizens. The so-called Cyrus cylinder has perpetuated the memory of
infamy. There, in words written under the hand of Babylonian priests,
it is
said that Marduk, in wrath at the loss of his prerogative and the
complaints of
his servants, not only abandoned the city, but He
searched through
all lands; he saw him, and he sought the righteous prince, after his
own heart,
whom he took by the hand. Cyrus, king of Anshan, he called by name; to
sovereignty over the whole world he appointed him. . . . Marduk, the
lord, guardian of his people, looked with joy on his pious works and
upright heart; he commanded him to go to his city Babylon, and he
caused him to
take the road to Babylon, going by his side as a friend and companion .
. .
without skirmish or battle he permitted him to enter Babylon. He spared
city Babylon in (its) calamity. Nabonidus, the king, who did not
reverence him,
he delivered into his hand. All the people of Babylon, all Shumer and
nobles and governors, prostrated themselves before him, kissed his
rejoiced at his sovereignty, showed happiness in their faces (Cyrus
Cyl., 11
ff). 313. A few
later, Cyrus himself entered the city. Nabuna'id had already been
captured. He
was treated kindly and exiled to the east. Belshazzar was shortly
afterward slain,
while, as it seems, making a last stand with the remnant of his forces.
The new
lord worshipped at the ancient shrines, glorified the gods that had
given him
headship over their land and people, and received in his royal city
Babylon the
kings, from all quarters of the world, who came bringing their heavy
taxes and
kissed his feet. He called himself by the old familiar titles "Cyrus,
king of the world, the great king, the powerful king, the king of
Babylon, the
king of Shumer and Akkad, the king of the four quarters of the world, .
. .
whose reign Bel and Nabu love, whose sovereignty they longed for in the
of their hearts." But the words are empty echoes of a vanishing past.
was, in fact, a new master of the nations, who Stood upon the ruins of
mighty Semitic communities that for millenniums had ruled the world. A
man of
another race, to whom the valley of the Tigris and the Euphrates was no
the centre of human power and human civilization, whose ideals of the
and the human world were formed under other skies, and whose empire
far away beyond the boundaries of Assyria in its fairest splendor, was
henceforth to direct the destinies of the peoples, whose leadership of
history has been followed from its dawn to its setting. A new force had
come to
its own, and another chapter of human progress began. |