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Waiting for a Sign


Two full weeks of chemo treatment.

 Two weeks of waiting.  Waiting for a sign – any improvement.

 Too early? 

 Is it too late?

Your appetite is really good
Got more food?
You are eating like a horse.
What’s that?
Never mind….

 As I write this, Toby sits on my old drop front desk, staring at me to pay him any attention, his eyes intent on my face. But I’m thinking and typing and thinking….

 Papers begin sliding out of the pigeon holes. Slowly at first, a furry paw reaching in and sliding out a bill to be paid, or a letter from a friend still unanswered. No response from me, as I'm still ruminating on life right now. Toby escalates.

I watch as Toby bites the corner of an envelope, slowly pulling it out of its appointed slot, and gives it a shake, like killing prey (something he has never done, that we are aware.) He turns and looks at me.  Head strokes must now be given, before he pulls out the remaining items and ruins my filing system.  Satisfied, he gets down, curls up on an old Japanese camphor chest… and waits for me. For what I do not know.



You know.
I do?
For you to pay me attention later.
Ahhh. I see.
Or maybe give me some more food.
Like the fresh turkey we discovered you love?
That yummy soft meat? Yes please!
You know, Thanksgiving is coming up.
What’s that?
A day when we give Thanks for who and what’s around us.
    Including you in our lives.
That’s nice. And that special meat?
That’s what we eat most that day. And other stuff.
    Until we fall asleep on the couch.
When I can also sleep on your lap? Can we do this every day?
Well, maybe not every day, with all that food…
But we can do the lap nap?
Any time you want…

 And so we wait, looking for a change. Hoping the chemo Is working. Waiting for the next oncology appointment.


Cat nap ballet

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