At exactly three
furry people came –
Grizzly Bear, and Bushy
And others I could name!

Little Bear woke up early
next morning and went down-stairs.
Why do you suppose he got up
so early?
He thought that he would
look for Susan Cotton-Tail's glasses!
Little Bear looked all over
the house for the glasses.
Susan Cotton-Tail got up,
and called: "Who is down-stairs in my house?"
Patter, patter, patter, went
Little Bear's feet.
He came to the foot of the
stairs and then he set up a shout.
What do you suppose made
Little Bear shout?
There stood Susan Cotton-Tail
with her glasses pushed up on her nightcap!
Little Bear crept up-stairs and
pulled Susan's glasses over her eyes, and kissed her.

Susan was so pleased to be
able to see again that she said:
"You are really a very
handsome Little Bear. It is a pity you haven't any name!"
Bunny Cotton-Tail gave
Little Bear a hug, and they all made merry because Susan Cotton-Tail's
were found.
Bunny Cotton-Tail made a big
sign. He wrote these words on the sign: "Wanted, a name for Little
Bear!" Bunny tacked the sign up on the outside of the house.
"What did you do that
for?" asked Susan. "The animals will read about it in the
Bunny did not answer -- how could
he? for his mouth was full of tacks. At exactly three o'clock in the
a great procession of animals began to come, and all of them brought
names for
Little Bear.
There were so many animals
that the house was full, and the yard was full, and still more animals
The old owl sat up in a
tree, and the animals began to shout names, one after the other.
"Adolphus -- Henry --
James -- Marcus -- Augustus," and so they went on all afternoon.
When it was sun-down, the
old owl got ready to speak.
The old owl was very wise.
He said: "My dear friends, we can find a great many names, but how can
be sure any one of them belongs to Little Bear?"
Then Little Bear set up a
great cry, and Bunny Cotton-Tail began to feed him a banana and Susan
gave him a cookie, but still he cried.
Just then the sixteen little
Bears came down the road, two and two, and Little Bear was so happy to
see them
that he forgot he didn't have any name and he shouted: "Good-by, Bunny;
Then he ran down the road as
fast as his little legs could carry him.
The sixteen little Bears
kissed him and hugged him and the eldest brother Bear carried him
part-way home.
They met Bushy Tail as they went
along. He switched his tail in a very proud
way and said:
don't grow
on bushes, but Papa Bear has plenty of dollars to spare!"
All the little Bears turned
and chased Bushy Tail, but he was a sly old fox. He was too quick for
them, and
he soon disappeared in the woods. Little Bear suddenly gave a shout,
then all
the Bears began to shout. There, in the road, was something round and

Little Bear picked it up; it
was the silver dollar that Papa Bear had given Bushy Tail for the
"Give it to me,"
said the first little Bear.
"Give it to me,"
said the second little Bear.
Then each of the little
Bears shouted: "I want the dollar! I want the dollar!" Little Bear
walked very fast. He held the silver dollar very tightly in his paw. He
afraid he might lose it.
Little Bear said: "I
will give the dollar back to Papa Bear."
"I wish I had found
it," said the first little Bear.
"I wish I had found
it," said the second little Bear.
Curly Bear said:
"Little Bear is right. He must give the dollar back to Papa Bear."
Little Bear kissed Curly
Bear, and they went on home.
Patter, patter, fell
The little bears were cold,
But they
bravely dug away,
To find the pot of
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