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etiquette which is
not consistent with this theory of the opening; it used to be regarded
exceedingly impolite and insulting to play the first stone on the
point in the center of the board, called "Ten gen." It has been
explained to me that the reason for this rule is that such a move was
to assure the victory to the first player, and it is related that when
on one
occasion Murase Shuho had defeated a rival many times in succession,
latter, becoming desperate, apologized for his rudeness and placed his
stone on
this spot, and Murase, nevertheless, succeeded in winning the game,
which was
regarded as evidence of his great skill. It has, however, been shown by
Dosaku that this move gives the first player no decisive advantage, and
I have
been also told by some Japanese that the reason that this move is
regarded as
impolite is because it is a wasted move, and implies a disrespect for
adversary's skill, and from what experience I have had in the game I
think the
latter explanation is more plausible. At all events, such a move is
unusual and can only be utilized by a player of the highest skill. When good players commence the game, from
the first
they have in mind the entire board, and they generally play a stone in
each of
the four corners and one or two around the edges of the board,
sketching out,
as it were, the territory which they ultimately hope to obtain. They do
not at
once attack each other's stones, and it is not until the game is well
that anything like a hand to hand conflict occurs. Beginners are likely
engage at once in a close conflict. Their minds seem to be occupied
with an
intense desire to surround and capture the first stones the adversary
places on
the board, and often their opposing groups of stones, starting in one
will spread out in a struggling mass from that point all over the
board. There
is no surer indication of the play of a novice than this. It is just as
if a
battle were to commence without the guidance of a commanding officer,
indiscriminate fisticuffs among the common soldiers. Of the other
extreme, or
"Ji dori Go," we have already spoken. Another way in which the play
of experts may be recognized is that all the stones of a good player
are likely
to be connected in one or at most two groups, while poorer players find
stones divided up into small groups each of which has to struggle to
form the
necessary two "Me" in order to insure survival. Assuming that we have advanced far enough
to avoid
premature encounters or "Ji dori Go," and are placing our stones in
advantageous positions, decently and in order, the question arises, how
spaces can be safely skipped from stone to stone in advancing our
that is to say, how far can stones be separated and yet be potentially
connected, and therefore safe against attack? The answer is, that two
can safely be left if there are no adversary's stones in the immediate
vicinity. To demonstrate this, let us suppose that Black has stones at
R 13 and
R 16, and White tries to cut them off from each other. White's best
line of
attack would be as follows:
Black has made good his
connection, or Black at his fourth move could play at Q 14, then
There are other continuations, but they
are still
worse for White. If, however, the adversary's stones are already posted
on the
line of advance sometimes it is only safe to skip one point, and of
course in
close positions the stones must be played so that they are actually
The Japanese call this skipping of "Me" by the terms "Ikken
tobi," "Nikken tobi," "Sangen tobi," etc., which
literally means "to fly one, two, or three spaces." Although this is
plain enough, these relations are nevertheless shown on Plate 13,
Diagrams i, ii,
and iii. When stones of
colors on the same line are separated by vacant space in a similar way
(Diagram iv), then the
terms "Ikken
kakari," "Nikken kakari," etc., are used. "Kakari"
really means "to hang" or "to be related," but as used in
this sense it might be translated "to attack." Sometimes the stones are placed in
relation to each
other like the Knight's move in Chess. The Knight in Japanese is called
"Keima," or "the honorable horse," and if the stones are of
the same color the relation is called "Keima" or "Kogeima,"
"Ko" being the diminutive. If the stones are of opposite colors, then
the phrase "Keima" or "Kogeima kakari" is used as in the
previous case. The Japanese also designate a relation similar to the
move, but farther apart, by special words; thus, if the stones are one
farther apart, it is called "Ogeima," or "the Great Knight's
move," and if the stone is advanced one step still farther, it is
"Daidaigeima," or "the Great Great Knight's move." On Plate
13, Diagrams v, vi, and vii,
are shown "Kogeima," "Ogeima," and "Daidaigeima." The next question that will trouble the
beginner is
where to place his stones when his adversary is advancing into his
and beginners are likely to play their stones directly in contact with
advancing forces. This merely results in their being engulfed by the
line, and the stones and territory are both lost. If you wish to stop
adversary's advance, play your stones a space or two apart from his, so
you have a chance to strengthen your line before his attack is upon
you. The next thing we will speak of is what
the Japanese
call the "Sente." This word means literally "the leading
hand," but is best translated by our words "having the
offensive." It corresponds quite closely to the word "attack,"
as it is used in Chess, but in describing a game of Go it is better to
the word "attack" for a stronger demonstration than is indicated by
the word "Sente." The "Sente" merely means that the player
having it can compel his adversary to answer his moves or else sustain
damage, and sometimes one player will have the "Sente" in one portion
of the board, and his adversary may disregard the attack and by playing
in some
other quarter take the "Sente" there. Sometimes the defending player
by his ingenious moves may turn the tables on his adversary and wrest
"Sente" from him. At all events, holding the "Sente" is an
advantage, and the annotations on illustrative games abound with
references to
it, and conservative authors on the game advise abandoning a stone or
two for
the purpose of taking the "Sente." ![]() Plate 13 Sometimes a player has three stones
surrounding a
vacant space, as shown in Plate 13, Diagram viii,
and the question arises how to attack this group. This is done by
playing on
the fourth intersection. The Japanese call this "Nozoku," or
"peeping into," and when a stone is played in this way it generally
forces the adversary to fill up that "Me." It may be mentioned here
also that when your adversary is trying to form "Me" in a disputed
territory, the way to circumvent him is to play your stones on one of
the four
points he will obviously need to complete his "Me," and sometimes
this is done before he has three of the necessary stones on the board.
The term
"Nozoku" is also applied to any stone which is played as a
preliminary move in cutting the connection between two of the
stones or groups of stones. Sometimes a situation occurs as shown in
Plate 13,
Diagram ix. Here it is
supposed to
be White's move, and he must, of course, play at K 8, whereupon
would play at K 7 ("Osaeru"), and White would have to play at
L 8 ("Nobiru"), and so on until, if these moves were persisted
in, the formation would stretch in a zigzag line to the edge of the
board. This
situation is called "Shicho," which really means a "running
attack." It results in the capture of the white stones when the edge of
the board is reached, unless they happen to find a comrade posted on
the line
of retreat, for instance, at P 4, in which case they can be saved.
course, between good players "Shicho" is never played out to the end,
for they can at once see whether or not the stones will live, and often
a stone
placed seemingly at random in a distant part of the board is played
partly with
the object of supporting a retreating line should "Shicho" occur. Plate 13, Diagram x,
shows a situation that often arises, in which the White player, by
putting his
stone at M 1 on the edge of the board, can join his two groups of
This is so because if Black plays at L 1 or N 1, white can
immediately kill the stone. This joining on the edge of the board is
called by
the special term "Watari," which means "to cross over."
Sometimes we find the word "Watari" used when the connection between
two groups is made in a similar way, although not at the extreme edge
of the
board. A much more frequent situation is shown at
Plate 13,
Diagram xi. It is not
worthy of
special notice except because a special word is applied to it. If Black
at S 1, it is called "Haneru," which really means the flourish
which is made in finishing an ideograph. We will now take up a few of the other
words that are
used by the Japanese as they play the game. By far the most frequent of
are "Tsugu," "Kiru," "Nobiru," and
"Osaeru." "Tsugu" means "to connect," and when
two stones are adjacent but on the diagonal, as shown in Plate 13,
Diagram xii, it is
necessary to connect them if
an attack is threatened. This may be done by playing on either side;
that is to
say, at Q 17 or R 16. If, on the other hand, Black should
play on
both these points, the white stones would be forever separated, and
cutting off is called "Kiru," although, as a rule, when such a
situation is worthy of comment, one of the intersections has already
filled by the attacking player. Plate 13, Diagram xiii, illustrates "Kiru,"
where, if a black stone
is played at Q 12, the white stones are separated. "Kiru" means
"to cut," and is recognizable as one of the component parts of that
much abused and mispronounced word "Harakiri." "Nobiru"
means "to extend," and when there is a line of stones it means the
adding of another one at the end, not skipping a space as in the case
"Ikken tobi," but extending with the stones absolutely connected. In
Plate 13, Diagram xiv,
if Black
plays at Q 9 it would be called "Nobiru." "Osaeru"
means "to press down," and this is what we do when we desire to
prevent our adversary from extending his line, as seen in the preceding
diagram. It is done by playing directly at the end of the adversary's
line, as
shown in Diagram xv,
where Black
is supposed to play at Q 6. Here White must play on one side of
the black
stone, but it must be pointed out that unless there is support in the
neighborhood for the stone used in "Osaeru," the stone thus played
runs the risk of capture. In Diagram ix,
explaining "Shicho," we also had an illustration of
"Nobiru" and "Osaeru." If a stone is played on the intersection
adjacent to another stone, it is called "Kosumu," but this word is
not nearly so much used as the other four. Sometimes, also, when it is
necessary to connect two groups of stones instead of placing the stone
so as
actually to connect them, as in the case of "Tsugu," the stone is
played so as to effectively guard the point of connection and thus
prevent the
adversary's stone from separating the two groups. This play is called
"Kake tsugu," or "a hanging connection"; e.g., in
Diagram xiii, if a
white stone
were played at Q 11 it would be an instance of "Kake tsugu" and
would have prevented the black stone from cutting off the White
connection at
Q 12, for, if the black stone were played there after a white
stone had
been placed at Q 11, White could capture it on the next move. Passing from these words which describe
the commonest
moves in the game, we will mention the expression "Te
okure"—literally "a slow hand" or "a slow move," which
means an unnecessary or wasted move. Many of the moves of a beginner
are of
this character, especially when he has a territory pretty well fenced
in and
cannot make up his mind whether or not it is necessary to strengthen
the group
before proceeding to another field of battle. In annotating the best
games, also,
it is used to mean a move that is not the best possible move, and we
hear it used by Japanese in criticising the play. "Semeai" is another word with which we
be familiar. It means "mutually attacking," from "Semeru,"
"to attack," and "Au," "to encounter," that is to
say, if the White player attacks a group of black stones, the Black
answers by endeavoring to surround the surrounding stones, and so on.
In our
Illustrative Game, Number i,
play in the upper right-hand corner of the board is an example of
"Semeai." It is in positions of this kind that the condition of
affairs called "Seki" often comes about. Plate 13, Diagram xvi,
shows a position which is illustrated only because a special name is
applied to
it. The Japanese call such a relation of stones "Cho tsugai,"
literally, "the hinge of a door." The last expression which we will give is
oshi gatchi," which is the term applied to a victory by a large margin
the early part of the game. These Japanese words mean "to conquer by
pushing the center." Beginners are generally desirous of achieving a
victory in this way, and are not content to allow their adversary any
of the board. It is one of the first things to be remembered, that, no
how skilful a player may be, his adversary will always be able to
acquire some
territory, and one of the maxims of the game is not to attempt to
achieve too
great a victory. Before proceeding with the technical
chapters on the
Illustrative Games, Openings, etc., it may be well to say a word in
regard to
the method adopted for keeping a record of the game. The Japanese do
this by
simply showing a picture of the finished game, on which each stone is
as it was played. If a stone is taken and another stone is put in its
place, an
annotation is made over the diagram of the board with a reference to
intersection, stating that such a stone has been taken in "Ko." Such
a method with the necessary marginal annotation is good enough, but it
is very
hard to follow, as there is no means of telling where any stone is
searching all over the board for it; and while the Japanese are very
clever at
this, Occidental students of the game do not find it so easy.
Therefore, I have
adopted the method suggested by Korschelt, which in turn is founded on
custom of Chess annotation in use all over the world. The lines at the
of the board are lettered from A to T, the letter I being omitted, and
at the
sides of the board they are numbered up from 1 to 19. Thus it is always
easy to
locate any given stone. In the last few years the Japanese have
commenced to
adopt an analogous method of notation. |