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How Glooskap made a Magician of a Young
Man, who aided another to win a Wife and do Wonderful Deeds. (Micmac.) It is well known unto all
Indians who still keep the true faith of the olden time that there are wondrous
dwellers in the lonely woods, such as elves and fairies, called by the Micmacs Mikumwessos,
and by the Passamaquoddies Oonahgawessos. And these can work great
wonders, and also sing so as to charm the wildest beasts. From them alone come
the magic pipes or flutes, which sometimes pass into possession of noted
sorcerers and great warriors; and when these are played upon, the woman who
hears the melody is bewitched with love, and the moose and caribou follow the
sound even to their death. And when the Megumawessos are pleased with a
mortal they make him a fairy, even like themselves. N'Karnayoo. In old times there was an Indian
village, and in it were two young men,55 who had heard that
Glooskap, ere he left the world, would bestow on those who came to him whatever
they wanted. So they went their way, an exceeding long pilgrimage, until they
came to a great island, where he dwelt. And there they first met with Dame Bear
and Marten, and next with the Master himself. Then they all, sitting down to
supper, had placed before them only one extremely small dish, and on this there
was a tiny bit of meat, and nothing more. But being a bold and jolly fellow,
the first of the pilgrims, thinking himself mocked for sport, cut off a great
part of the meat, and ate it, when that which was in the dish grew in a
twinkling to its former size; and so this went on all through the supper, every
one eating his fill, the dish at the end being as full as ever. Of these two, one wished to
become a Mikum-wess, and the other to win a very beautiful girl, the daughter
of a great chief, who imposed such cruel tasks on all who came for her, that
they died in attempting them. And the first was taken by
Glooskap; and after he had by a merry trick covered him with filth and put him
to great shame, he took him to the river, and after washing him clean and
combing his hair gave him a change of raiment and a hair string of exceeding
great magic virtue, since when he had bound it on he became a Mikumwess, having
all the power of the elfin-world. And also because he desired to excel in
singing and music, the Master gave him a small pipe, and it was that which charmed
all living beings;56 and then
singing a song bade him join in with him. And doing this he found that he could
sing, and ever after had a wondrous voice. Now to seek the beautiful
girl it was necessary to sail afar over the sea; and during this adventure the
Mikumwess was charged to take care of the younger pilgrim. So he begged the
Master to lend him his canoe. And Glooskap answered, "Yes, I will do this
for thee, if thou wilt honestly return it when thou needest it no more. Yet in
very truth I did never yet lend it to mortal man but that I had to go after it
myself."57 Thereupon the young man
promised most faithfully that he would indeed return the canoe, and with this
they got them ready for the journey. But when they came to the bay there was no
canoe, and they knew not what was to be done. But Glooskap pointed to a small
island of granite which rose amid the waves, and it was covered with tall
pine-trees. "There is my canoe!" said he;58 and when he
had taken them unto it, it became a real canoe, with masts, and they set sail
on it, rejoicing. So they came in time to a
very large island, where they drew up the canoe and hid it in the bushes. Then
they went forward to seek for people, and found a village in which dwelt the
chief who had the beautiful daughter, in seeking whom so many had lost their
lives. And having found him, they
went into his wigwam, and were placed on the seat of honor. Now when an Indian
seeks a wife, he or his mutual friend makes no great ado about it, but utters
two words, which tell the whole story. And these are Sewin-coadoo-gwah-loogwet',
which mean — in Micmac, "I am tired of living alone." And the chief,
hearing this, consented that the young man should marry her whom he sought; but
on one condition: and this was that he should slay and bring unto him the head
of a certain horned dragon, called in Micmac Chepichealm.59 So
this was agreed upon, and the two strangers went to the wigwam which was
assigned them. Now in the night he that was
Mikumwess arose and went alone and afar until he came to the den of the dragon,
and this was a great hole in the ground. And over this he laid a mighty log,
and then began the magic dance around the den. So the serpent, or the great
Chepichcalm, hearing the call, came forth, putting out his head after the
manner of snakes, waving it all about in every way and looking round him. While
doing this he rested his neck upon the log, when the Indian with a blow of his
hatchet severed it. Then taking the head by one of the shining yellow horns he
bore it to his friend, who in the morning gave it to the chief. And the old man
said to himself, "This time I fear me I shall lose my child." Yet the young man had more
to do; for the chief said, "I would fain see my son coast down yonder hill
on hand-sled." Now this lull was an exceeding high mountain; the sides
thereof were ragged with rocks and terrible with trees and ice. Then two
toboggins60 were brought out, one of them for the two strangers, and
this he that was Mikumwess was to direct. And on the other were two powerful
men, and these were both boo-oinak,61 who hoped to see the former soon fall out,
and then to run over them. And at the word they went flying fearfully down the
mountain, and yet ever faster, as if to death. And soon he that sought the girl
went whirling headlong from the sled, and the two boo-oinak gave a loud
hurrah; for they knew not that this had been done with intent by the Mikumwess,
that he might get them before him. So he put forth his hand, and, seizing the
younger man, turned a little aside, but in an instant went on after; and
erelong the sled of the boo-oinak stopped, but the other, bounding
upwards from a mighty wall of ice, flew far over their heads onwards; nor did
it stop in the valley, but, running with tremendous speed up the opposite hill
and into the village, struck the side of the chief's wigwam, ripping it up from
end to end ere it stopped. And the old man, seeing this, said, "This time
I have lost my daughter!" Yet the young man had more
to do; for the chief said, "There is here a man who has never been beaten
in running, and thou must strive with him in that and overcome him, to win thy
wife." And the race was appointed; but ere it came off he that was
Mikumwess lent to his friend the magic pipe to give him power.62 And
when he that was the racer of the village met the young man, the youth said,
"Who art thou?" and he replied, "I am Wey-ad-esk" (the
Northern Lights, M.); "but who art thou?" And he answered, "I am
Wosogwodesk" (the Chain Lightning). And they ran. In an instant they were
no longer in sight; they were far away over the most distant hills. Then all
sat and waited, and ere it was noon he that was the Chain Lightning returned,
and he was not out of breath, nor weary, and he had gone round the world. And
at evening they saw the Northern Lights return, and he trembled and quivered
with fatigue; yet for all that he had not been round the world, but had turned
back. And the old chief, seeing him beaten, exclaimed, "This time I shall
lose my child!" And yet there was another
trial of the young man ere he could win her whom he wanted. For the chief had a
man whom no one could overcome in swimming and diving, and it was chiefly in
this last thing that he excelled. And the young man must strive with him. And
when they met he asked the man of the village his name, and he replied, "I
am an Ukchigumooech" (a Sea Duck, M.); "but who are you?"
And he answered, "I am a Kweemoo" (a Loon, M.). So they dived,
and after a time the Sea Duck rose again for breath, but those who waited
waited long indeed ere they saw the Loon. And an hour passed, and he came not,
and yet another ere they beheld him; but when he at last rose the old chief
said, "This is the end of all our weary work, for this time truly I have
lost my child." Yet it was not the end of
the wonderful deeds which were done in that village by the power of the great
Glooskap. For the Mikumwess, at the great dance which was held that evening at
the wedding, astonished all who beheld him. As he danced around the circle,
upon the very hard beaten floor, they saw his feet sink deeper at every step,
and ever deeper as the dance went on; ploughing the ground up into high, uneven
ridges, forming a trench as he went, until at length only his head was to be
seen.63 And this ended the dancing
for that night, since the ground was no longer to be danced upon by anybody
except wizards and witches. Then the young man and his
wife and the Mikumwess entered their canoe and sailed boosijk
(homewards, M.). And yet their trials were not over.64 For they had
not gone far ere they saw an awful storm coming to meet them; and he that had
the Elfin spells knew that it was raised by boo-oin, or sorcery, since
these storms are the worst of all. Then, without fear, he rose, and, filling
his lungs and puffing his cheeks, he blew against the tempest, wind against
wind, until he blew the wind away, and the great water was 'aoobuneak',
as calm and smooth as before. So they sailed on over the
sunlit sea, but it was not long before the Elf-gifted saw rising among the
waves far before them a dark mass, which soon proved to be a tremendous Beast
coming to attack them. And as he drew near they saw it was Quahbeet, the giant
beaver, and his eyes were angry.65 But the Mikumwess, seeing this,
steered straight to meet the monster, and, coming to him, said, "I am the
great hunter of beavers; lo, I am their butcher; many a one has fallen by my
hand."66 Now the Beaver had placed himself under water, with
his tail out of it and rising upwards, that he might sink the canoe with a blow
thereof; for the Beaver strikes mightily in such wise, as is his wont. But he
of the magic power, with one blow of his tomahawk, cut the tail from the body,
and sailed onward. Yet they had not gone far
ere, on rounding a point, they saw before them another animal of giant size,
who likewise had his tail in the air, waiting to overcome them, and this was
A-bekk-thee-lo (M.), the Skunk. Yet ere he made his hideous attack the
Mikumwess, ever on the watch, caught up his spear, and, hurling it, pierced
A-bekk-thee-lo, who did but kick two or three times ere he died. And, stepping
ashore, he who had slain him took a pole, a long dead pine, which lay upon the
sand, and, transfixing the Skunk, lifted him high in air, and, planting the
tree on the ground, left him, saying scornfully, as he left, "Lik cho
je nain!" which, being interpreted, meaneth, "And now show your
tail there!"67 So they returned safely. And Glooskap met them at the landing, and his first words were, "Well, my friends, I see that you have brought back my canoe." And they answered, "We have, indeed." Then he inquired," Has all gone well with ye?" And they replied that it had. Then Glooskap, laughing, let them know that in all they had experienced he had been busy, and that in all their triumphs he had had a hand. And to the Mikumwess he said, "Go now thy ways, thou and these, and ever lead happy lives: thou amid the Elfin, they among mankind. And be sure of this, that if danger or trouble should come to you, you have but to think of me, and verily aid will come." So they rose and went to their wigwams.68 ___________________________
55. According to another Micmac version of
this legend, the elder of these pilgrims was Keekwahjoo, the Badger, and the
younger Caktoogwasees, or Little Thunder. 56. The identity of these incidents with
those of "classic" times is worth noting. There is a lustration and
the clothing the neophyte in a new garment, and he receives the magic fillet,
as in the Mysteries of the old world. Nor is the resemblance of the pipe to
that of Orpheus less striking. In many respects this is the most remarkable old
Indian myth I have ever met with. 57. One of the traits of bonhomie
and common humanity which continually occur in the Glooskap tales, even in the
most serious situations and solemn myths. In this respect the resemblance of
the Northwest Algonquin tales to the Norse is truly striking. The canoe is
among all Indians, even in Central America, exactly what the umbrella is in
civilized society. With all his immense originality Glooskap had a number of "old
Joes," of which he never seems to have tired. One was the inexhaustible
dish, and another the giant skunk set upon end to salute his visitors, and this
of the canoe was probably the commonest of all. He is a true Indian divinity,
shining like the lightning and striking only when there is a storm, but
appearing like the Aurora Borealis, or even the Robin Goodfellow-Will-o'-the-Wisp
at others. 58. Another standard "piece of
witt" with the incorrigible joker. Glooskap's "floating island"
was served up as a dessert to all guests, and I doubt not that if the double
meaning of the word had been known to him, they would have had that too. 59. Vide "Supernatural Beings."
The Chepichealm (M.) is an immense horned serpent or wingless dragon. It
is probably identical with the Wiwillmekq' (P. and Pen.), which is a singular
horned worm found on trees or by water. It is believed to be capable of
assuming a vast size and to be gifted with supernatural powers. 60. Toboggin: a sled or sledge. 61. Magicians, the original of pow-wow-in.
It is apparently the same in meaning as the angakok of the neighboring
Eskimo. 62. It may be observed that Indian magic
depends on fetich, or objects having innate power. Glooskap himself relies on
his belt, and when he lends it to Marten, the boy becomes "manitoo,"
as the more Western Indians term it. There is in the early red Indian mythology
really no God; only more or less powerful magicians. 63. This is very characteristic of the true
magician, both in the Algonquin and Eskimo folk-lore. "The angakok,"
or sorcerer of Greenland, "after meeting with tomarsuk, or guardian
spirits, sometimes manifested it by his feet sinking into the rocky ground just
as if in snow." (Rink.) This phrase indicates the Northern origin of
the idea, which occurs in many Indian stories. I have been assured in all faith
that there is a Passamaquoddy m'teoulin, or sorcerer, now living, who
can walk up to his knees in a floor or in the paved street, and an honest and
trustworthy Indian assured me that he had seen him do it. 64. These subsequent trials were not
inflicted by the old chief, but were, as appears by comparison with other
legends, simply jokes played by the incorrigible Glooskap. It is most probable
that in its original form this remarkable myth was all maya, or illusion,
and the whole a series of illusions, caused by the arch-conjurer, typifying
natural phenomena. 65. From the beginning, when Quahbeetsis,
the son of the Beaver, inspired Malsumsis with hatred of Glooskap, this
quadruped appears as an enemy. 66. This is oddly like the speech of the
beaver-killer in The Hunting of the Snark. 67. The Skunk is here a parody on the
Beaver. 68. In its earlier form this must have been
a very remarkable narrative, or poem. That the two combatants in the race were
originally the personified Northern Lights and Lightning, and that these were not
merely names assumed for boasting, is shown by the incident that the Lightning
actually passed round the world, while the Aurora Borealis only covered
a portion of it. The diving is either a later addition, or it represents the
same stupendous spirits taking on the appearance of mastering the element of
water as well as that of fire. Without carrying the Solar myth theory to
extremes, it cannot be denied that Glooskap appears in several of these stories
as Spring, or as the melter of ice, the conqueror of the frozen stream and of
the iceberg. In this narrative he is active and creative Nature itself,
directing and sporting with the warring elements. His vast practical joking
cannot fail to remind the reader yet again of the Norse deities and their
jovial household godhood. This tradition is Micmac,
and taken almost entirely from Mr. Rand's manuscript. It should be borne in
mind that it is not from a single story of this collection, but from a careful
analysis and comparison of them all, that their entire value is to be
ascertained. Certain incidents in this tale deserve special attention. The young men go to a land of evil sorcerers, of boo-oin. When one is required to run a race he conquers because he is really the Lightning. When Thor visits Utgard Loki, there is also a race, in which Hugi wins, because he is Thought disguised as a man. Glooskap has a canoe, which is sometimes immensely large, but which at other times shrinks to a very small size. In the Edda, Odin is said to have had made for him by the dwarfs a boat, Skidbladnir, which, like Glooskap's bark, expanded or diminished. Sigurd, in the New Edda, is obliged to kill a dragon, and it is very remarkable that he does it by a special previous preparation. That is to say, he digs a little ditch, and when the dragon crawls over it the hero pierces him with his sword. In this story the Indian lays a log over the dragon's hole, to enable him to chop his head off. The dragon, or horned snake, is an old-time tradition in America, or pre-Columbian. |