story of the great
struggle of Wales for freedom under a Prince of her own is laid,
fitly enough, amid the wild scenery that surrounds the highest point
in Southern Britain. The whole district of Snowdon, with its grim
moorlands and towering heights forming a bulwark to the western
shore, breathes an air of freedom, and it was here that the last
Llewelyn defied the might of the first English Edward.
by the bitter
lament of those who had fallen under the yoke of the Anglo-Norman
barons, Llewelyn, Lord of Snowdon, threw off the pretence of alliance
and friendship which Henry III. had thought well to keep up between
them, and claimed to be ruler of all Wales, as his grandfather had
done in the days of Henry II. During the long Barons' War in England
the "Lord of Snowdon" found no difficulty in maintaining
his right to be "Prince of Wales"; the real trouble only
began when Edward I., on his accession, called upon the Prince to do
homage as his vassal. For two years Llewelyn paid no heed, and when
he heard that an English army was advancing upon him, went out
boldly to meet it.
the chieftains of
Central and South Wales turned traitor, his own brother David
deserted him, and the Prince, driven back to the inmost recesses of
his mountain fastness, was forced to lay down his arms. Preferring to
have him as friend rather than enemy, Edward behaved generously
enough, merely seizing a large slice of his dominions, confining him
to the Snowdon district, and providing that the title "Prince of
Wales" should cease at his death.
years elapsed of
outward peace and inward commotion. Then came a rumour of a strange
event. Long years before, Merlin, a famous Welsh bard and prophet,
had foretold that "when English money became round, a Prince of
Wales should be crowned in London." In 1282 a new copper coinage
had taken the place of the usual breaking of the silver penny into
halves and quarters; and in that same year the traitor David, who had
been rewarded with an English earldom, threw off his allegiance to
Edward, and appeared with an army before his brother's
dwelling-place. Gladly did Llewelyn once more raise the standard of
revolt, and a desperate struggle for freedom began. The great army of
the English King, encircling the Snowdon range, which was the
headquarters of the Prince, drew in closer and closer; but meantime
the English soldiers were suffering terribly in that hard winter of
1282, which the hardy Welshmen, living in the snowbound caves of the
mountain, seemed to pass through unheeding. As long as Llewelyn was
there to inspire and cheer, pain and even death were to be welcomed;
but almost by chance the men of Wales lost their leader in a quite
unimportant skirmish. Llewelyn had emerged from his mountain
lair, and, hoping to drive the English from the Brecknock district,
had ridden forth to meet some allies. He was met by a party of
English horsemen and cut down by an almost unknown knight. With
Llewelyn, "our last ruler," as the Welsh still call him,
the cause of Welsh independence was lost. At Rhuddlan, in Flintshire,
you may still see a bit of the wall remaining where the Statute of
Wales was passed by the Parliament held there in 1284; and in that
Statute Edward showed the greatest wisdom; for, instead of forcing
English laws and customs upon them, he allowed the Welsh to keep
their own as far as possible, altering them only where it was clearly
for their own advantage.
was at Carnarvon
Castle, which guards the entrance to "Snowdonia," that the
little Prince was born who was presented by Edward I. to the Welsh
chieftains upon a shield as a "Prince of Wales who could not
speak a word of English." And nowadays Carnarvon is, perhaps,
the best starting-point from which
to take a glimpse
of this wild and mountainous district.
us, as we look
towards the mountains, lie the Menai Straits, spanned by the fine
suspension bridge, so strong and yet so fairy-like with its arches of
Anglesey marble, that it has been called a " poem in stone and
iron." This bridge continues the Holyhead road to the island of
Anglesey, the home of the Llewelyns, where the soil is so fertile
that an old saying declares that it can provide corn enough for all
the people in Wales; and thence, across the island, we may reach
Holyhead, the starting-point for the Irish mail-boats.
Snowdon by rail to Llanberis, the scenery changes rapidly from pretty
woods and pastures to that of rugged heights, crags, and rockbound
lakes. The mountain valley in which the village lies is commanded by
the very ancient Welsh castle of Dolbadarn, once the prison of Owen,
the brother of the ill-fated Llewelyn, Lord of Snowdon. Below is the
great lake, and beyond the wild Pass of Llanberis, bounded by a
"tumultuous chaos of rock and crag, as if Titans in some burst
of fury had been rending cliffs and flinging their fragments far and
wide." If we are lazy, we may climb Snowdon by the little
mountain train, but if not, we set off the ascent till, just below
the steepest part, we turn off a little from the path to look at the
wonderful hollow of Cwmglas, high up in the mountainside, with
its two tiny tarns, surrounded by "striated" or
glacier-marked rocks.
steep scramble brings
us to the top of Snowdon, and if it is a clear day a glorious view
rewards us. Beyond the line of sea is the blue range of the Wicklow
Mountains in Ireland; below us, half hidden by the crags and
shoulders of the huge mass, lie lakes and valleys, and the quiet
lowlands stretching to the borders of the Atlantic.
one of the
loveliest of these valleys we reach the mountain-girt village of
Beddgelert. You all know the story of Llewelyn and his faithful dog,
killed by his master because he thought he had eaten the child he had
in reality saved from a wolf. Here you may see the stones which mark
his tomb; but you will probably be told that the story is but a myth,
and that the grave is really that of a Welsh chieftain named Gelert,
and not of a dog at all. You may console yourselves with knowing
that, whether this is true or not, the picturesque little village was
a favourite hunting-spot for the Llewelyn whose story we know in
history, and that the curious little church there is part of one of
the oldest monasteries in Wales.
beautiful valley
leads to the famous pass and bridge of Aberglaslyn. Here the huge
cliffs on either hand approach so closely to one another that
there is barely room
for road and river; and the wooded slopes, as they near the water,
afford a strong contrast to the wild rocks above.
this rugged
splendour, the prettiness of the Fairy Glen at Bettws-y-Coed will
seem tame enough. We will not linger there, but will finish our
glimpse of this land of Llewelyn by a visit to Conway Castle, built
by Edward I. in 1283, to safeguard this part of Wild Wales that he
had so hardly won.
town of
Conway," rugged without, beautiful within," is a fine
example of the fortified walled towns of the Middle Ages. The walls
are triangular, and are said to represent a Welsh harp, and are
entered by crumbling stone gateways.
them towers the
castle of Edward I., in which he was himself besieged on one occasion
by the rebel Welsh, and was only saved by the arrival of his fleet.
poet Gray makes this
neighbourhood the scene of an event upon which the light of history
throws grave doubt. The English King, believing that the conquest of
Wales would never be completed while the bards remained to stir up
the patriotic zeal of their fellow-countrymen, is said to have
ordered a general massacre of them on the banks of the River Conway.
It was the prophetic curse pronounced on the King by one of these
bards, standing "on a rock, whose haughty brow frowns o'er old
Conway's foaming flood," which
down the steep of
Snowdon's shaggy side
wound with toilsome
march his long array."
spite of "Cambria's
curse and Cambria's tears," the English King must have felt
fairly secure within the massive walls of the castle, whose
banqueting-hall, now open to the sky, and ivy-grown, is of such noble
length and breadth that it might well have contained a regiment of
retainers. The passionate patriotism of Wales had little chance
against the solid strength of English builders and English troops.