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IV ARGENTINA The River Plate — Buenos Aires, its Trade and People. The
Argentine Republic is the modern
representative of the Spanish colonies on the east coast of South
America, as
Brazil is that of the Portuguese. Fifteen years after the landing of
Spanish sailors first sighted the entrance to the Rio Plata, and in
Mendoza established a settlement on the site which later was Buenos
.Aires. No
gold or silver, however, was to be found, and the Spaniards looked on
holdings on the South Atlantic merely as a back door to their richer
possessions on the Pacific. Till the eighteenth century all their South
American territories were under the Viceroy of Peru, and in order to
suit the
convenience of that colony no ship was allowed to trade direct with
Aires; all the merchandise from Europe had to be fetched over the
Andes. It was
not till the first richness of the mines was exhausted that attention
was drawn
to the grass-covered plains of the east. The
Napoleonic wars, which turned Brazil from
a colony to an empire, ultimately led to the establishment of
republican rule
in the Spanish colonies. Pitt, however, made a mistake in judging in
1806 that
the discontent felt by the younger nation with the rule of their
would make them unite in the war against her. He sent an armed force to
River Plate, but his full expectation that there would be a local
rising was
grievously disappointed; Buenos Aires was captured, but the British
subsequently heavily defeated and obliged to return home. The
anniversary of
the "reconquest" is yearly celebrated, and the newly arrived Briton,
who probably never heard of the occurrence, finds that in Argentina his
is regarded as a defeated nation. The
loyalty of the colonists to the Crown of
Spain was not, however, of long duration. Seeing that in the old
country all
authority was in the melting-pot, a secret society was formed in Buenos
of which Belgrano was a leading member, to work for representative
popular desire for freedom became too strong to be resisted, and on May
1810, the viceroy resigned. From that date the independence of
Argentina is
officially reckoned. The Argentines then successfully assisted the
revolutionaries of Chile. Disputes subsequently arose as to the
boundary between
the two countries; these differences were referred, at the beginning of
century, to the Crown of England, which appointed a commission to deal
with the
matter, and a treaty was agreed upon in accordance with its
recommendations. At noon
the following day we anchored for a short time, as the current was too
for us, and at evening anchored again, apparently in the middle of
though with twelve large vessels as neighbours. We were in reality at
entrance to the Dredged Channel, where artificial means have had to be
to make the river navigable for ships of large draft. Here it is
necessary to
pass the quarantine authorities and obtain a fresh pilot, which
being duly complied with, we proceeded next day on our journey. As it
nears the
city the Dredged Channel divides into two; one branch leads to the
basin at the
north end of the docks, the other to that at the south end. The docks
at Buenos
Aires, instead of being stowed away as an undesirable excrescence in
some remote
part of the town, as is the case in most large seaports, form a
frontage of
some three miles to the most important part of the city, and appeal
strongly to
both the eye and the imagination. There, in ordered sequence, not by
units —
as, for example, at Southampton or Marseilles — but by hundreds, lie
vessels of all descriptions from almost every country in Europe; the
sign of the great carrying trade between the old country and the new.
They have
brought their human freight and cargo of manufactured goods, and are
waiting to
return with a food-supply of livestock and grain. Even these docks are
equal to cope with the demand for accommodation, for in the grain
season as
many as a hundred may be seen in the outer roadstead awaiting
admission, and
large extensions were in progress. Argentina is one of those new lands
stand in the position of rural estate to older and manufacturing
Europe; the
supply of food, which in the earliest stages of the world's development
next each man's dwelling, and then outside the towns, is now brought
7,000 miles of ocean. Little Mana
was most kindly welcomed by the
port authority, and awarded a place of honour by the entrance to the
Basin, which is generally reserved for men-of-war. Here she appeared
but minute, and not being a battleship felt her position somewhat
The next berth was occupied by a large emigrant ship, which was German,
and Italian by turns, and as the yacht was immediately under the stern
looked as if, with the least motion, she would be crushed out of
Every time a huge ship went out of the entrance to the harbour, all on
rushed to the yacht's deck to see if her bowsprit was about to be
carried away.
The manoeuvring of the big vessels by tugs in a limited space is,
wonderful, and though we had one or two narrow escapes, either the
position was
not so perilous as appeared, or we became accustomed to alarms, for we
lived there quite comfortably. We landed either by boat across the
docks, or by
scrambling up a wharf like a house-side by means of a lengthy and
shaky ladder. I have a vivid mental picture of His Majesty's Minister,
Reginald Tower, when he was good enough to come and see us, standing on
the top
with a little dog, and not unnaturally wondering how on earth he was
to descend. We lay at
Buenos Aires for over a month, refitting and stowing, before facing the
part of the voyage. We grudged the delay, but even with the kind help
received there is, as has already been explained, much time inevitably
lost in
a new port, and New Spain, like its European prototype, is essentially
country of mañana. In the end we
to leave without getting the trouble with the engine put right. The
stores sent
ahead from England arrived safely, and through the courtesy of the
Legation we
received them custom free, but on some articles, which were unluckily
to come by post — a serge suit, linen coat, and two washing blouses —
we had to
pay £4 duty. I spent a portion of the time in luxury at an hotel while Mana had a much-needed spring-cleaning.
S. lived on board, and I found on my return had had a good many
visitors, whom
he appeared to have enjoyed showing over the yacht with her hatches up
and the
floor covered with packing-cases; maintaining, in reply to my chagrined
comments, that the public were shown over the Terra
Nova in just such a condition. In such
time as could be spared from the work of the Expedition we saw what we
could of
the life of the country, and our observations are given for what they
worth. Unlike Pernambuco there is no doubt as to the economical raisons d’être of the Argentine; they
are, of course, grain and meat. The area under cultivation, which we
did not
see, is steadily increasing, but the grain export is still far below
that of
the United States. The greater part of the mutton supplied to Great
comes from Australia and New Zealand, but the Argentine provides 72 per
of the beef which we receive from abroad, and we were much interested
in seeing
something of the cattle industry. We visited, by the courtesy of the
owner, Señior
Pereyra, an estancia about an hour's journey from Buenos Aires. The
traversed first the suburbs of a great town, then low country often
water, and we alighted at a little railway station, from which we
entered the park of the estancia. The estate was large, though there
are others
which exceed it; it covers fifteen square miles, a portion of which is,
however, undrained. It has been in the occupation of the same family
for about
ninety years, during which time continual planting has been going on.
The road
which led through the park to the house passed under several fine
avenues; the
eucalyptus trees of older growth were most beautiful, and a revelation
of what
that tree can attain, to those who have only seen it in temperate
climates or
in the villages and towns of South Africa. The
dwelling of the owner proved to be a most charming country house. The
dining-room was panelled with oak, displaying the magnificent
collection of
silver cups gained by the stock of the estancia. Our host was in the
position of having just won at the cattle show, then being held at
Aires, the highest awards for both Herefords and Shorthorns. The
for such prizes lies in the Argentine between a limited number of noted
breeders, and it is felt well to bring in a judge from the outside.
That year
an English gentleman, well known in connection with the Royal and other
had been requested to act. Eighty thousand Argentine dollars, or over
sterling, were paid at this show for a champion bull, being the highest
yet given for such an animal. After luncheon we inspected the large
farm buildings
where the most valuable of the stock were housed. The remainder of the
some 7,000 in all, lived in different large enclosures in various parts
of the
estate, with a cottage near-by for the caretaker. The owner was
assisted by an
English and a French manager, and 260 peons
or labourers, mostly Italian, were employed on the estancia.
They earn £3 10s. a month, with practically no expenses,
being housed in a row of buildings with a mess-room in common. There
was no
lack of labour, applicants having continually to be turned away. Our
education was continued by a visit to the market at Buenos Aires, where
anything up to 5,000 head of cattle are disposed of daily. These are
from all parts of the Argentine, and were formerly driven across
country. Now,
however, owing to the prevalence of wire fences, they are generally
brought by
train. They are confined in open pens, and sold by auction or
otherwise. The
cattle auctioneers are men of high position, and regard themselves as
aristocracy of the city. The animation of the scene is increased by the
of roughriders who career on spirited ponies up and down the
looking after the stock and lassoing refractory beasts. No man
connected with
the "camp," as the open country is termed, ever thinks of walking at
any time. The Argentine saddle has special characteristics, and
consists of a
pad each side of the spine of the horse, above and below which rugs are
the whole being covered with a piece of leather and kept in place by
thus forming a most comfortable cushion. The stirrup is so made that
only the
toe can go into it, and the whole is calculated to allow a man to fall
clear if
he is thrown, a wise precaution in a land of unbroken mounts. It has
also the
advantage of providing excellent bedding, but is of course adapted for
a flat
country only, and would be out of place in a mountainous one. A kind
acquaintance, seeing the interest S. took in the saddle, made him a
present of
one, which proved invaluable in Easter Island. The
majority of the beasts sold at the cattle markets are for local
those going to the freezing manufactories are generally bought by
treaty. We were taken over one of the largest of these frigorificos,
as they are called, where some 1,200 cattle and 3,000
sheep are killed daily. Each animal is inspected from a sanitary point
of view
on arrival, and every beast is again examined after it has been killed.
It is
skinned and cleaned at the same time, and in fifteen minutes, from the
of being slain, is ready in two sides to hang up in the chilling or
chamber. Each of the sides is subsequently enclosed in a muslin
covering ready
to be shipped. The hides are, of course, also a most valuable
commodity, and
the fat is subjected to pressure, the oil being used for cooking
purposes and
the solid residue for candle-making. The unused portion of the beast is
into guano. Some of the meat is reserved for canning, and the tinned
goods are
particularly attractive. Each tin is closed save for one small hole at
the top,
and is then passed into a vacuum pump, which extracts the air and
closes the
hole with an electric needle, A very
determined set was being made to bring all the Argentine frigorificos
into the American meat trust; those which, like the
one we visited, are determined to resist have to fight hard to hold
position. There was a loud outcry with regard to the increase in the
price of
meat, which had gone up retail to about sevenpence a pound; but buying
a ship's chandler, who could obtain it for wholesale prices, we were
able to
purchase at a lower rate. The prices for tinned meat were much the same
as in
England. Salt meat we were warned to avoid, as it could not be
guaranteed for
more than two months, though the remainder of our stock that had been
put on
board in England, ten months before, was still in excellent condition.
attempt, we were told, had been made to discover the reason for this
which is common to all meat south of the Equator; the services of
experts from
Europe had been requisitioned, the method, the meat, the salt, and the
had all been carefully examined, but so far without result. The city
of Buenos Aires itself, of which the docks have already been described,
simply a glorified port for this trade, and for the produce of a
hinterland. The old part of the town, in which all business is
transacted and
which most impresses itself on the memory, is a labyrinth, or rather
chessboard, of terribly narrow streets. The thoroughfares are at right
and the houses, which are in regular blocks, are all precisely similar
appearance; nothing, therefore, but an exact knowledge of the names and
of the numerous streets as they lie in each direction of the
chess-board can
enable a stranger to find his way. The same street extends for miles,
and he
who forgets the number of his destination may as well give up the
search. So
narrow are these thoroughfares that two persons can only just pass on
pavement , and there is imminent danger of being pushed under the trams
run within fifteen inches of the curb. Traffic is only allowed in one
direction. In a town
which has never been walled, and where space was no object, such a
state of
things is surprising; the original construction is said to have been
due to the
desire to obtain a maximum of shade, and any alteration now is of
fraught with much difficulty. Great efforts are, however, being made to
the Argentine capital worthy of its wealth and position. An imposing
with the House of Congress at one end, has been cleared at great cost.
The more
recent portion of the town boasts good squares and parks, for the
network of
streets is but the hub of a huge and quickly growing city. Underground
are being constructed, but so rapid is the extension of Buenos Aires
that it is
said they will only relieve the traffic for eleven years. The general
impression of a bustling sea port with a southern element recalls
but it has not the same beauty of situation. Buenos Aires has been
"a horrible travesty of Paris," but perhaps the most correct
is that which styles it "a mixture of Paris and New York." Of what
description are the people in whose hands lie the development of this
with its growing influence on the destinies of the world? The new-comer
arriving from the north is at once struck with the distinction between
and the Argentine. Rio, with its strain of dark descent living in the
midst of
a dream of sleepy beauty, is still perhaps partly mediaeval and
tropical; Buenos Aires, on its flat plain and dreary river, is awake,
century, and wholly European; but it is to the south of Europe that the
Argentine is akin and not to the north. A Latin race was the first to
the new land, and successive waves of the same are still reaching its
In 1911 the immigrants from Spain, Italy, and France numbered nearly
as against 13,000 from Britain and 7,000 from Germany. Many Italians,
it is
true, come only for one harvest, or possibly for two, returning for the
season in their own homes. The wages earned are such that the more idle
are in
a position to disdain all other work, and a crowd of loiterers round
the docks,
who appeared to us to be unemployed of the usual character, turned out
to be
agricultural workers living on their own resources till the next
harvest. Many,
however, of these immigrants settle in the new land, by the law of
which every
child born in the country becomes ipso facto
an Argentine subject. It is perhaps because of this comparatively
origin that an Argentine type seems to be already developing. It is
fundamentally that of Southern Europe, but it is moulded by a new
is wide-awake and energetic, with an absence of all mystery and
tradition, but
alive to the finger-tips. The practical aspect of life is the dominant
whether for the native or temporary resident. "We are all here to make
money," the stranger is frankly informed, “and we talk of nothing
else." No apology shall therefore be made for once more referring to
question of pounds, shillings, and pence, for in South America it is
to get away from it. The cost
of living in Buenos Aires is two or three times as high as that of
London in
normal times. At the best hotel, usually frequented by European
travellers, the
smallest bedroom cannot be obtained under eighteen shillings a night,
and even
at the less dear hotels, resorted to by those to whom expense is an
object, the
ordinary price for dinner is five dollars or 8s. 9d. "One
thinks a good deal in England of a £5 note," was the remark to us of
Argentine; "here one never goes out without a fifty-dollar note
£4 and £5) in one's pocket." Rents are enormous, and a would-be
told us ruefully that he could not obtain in the suburbs a house with
sitting and four bedrooms, on a plot of ground some thirty yards
square, under
£15,000. All this falls hardly on the visitor or foreign official, but
affects the resident but little; an 8 per cent, investment is looked
upon as
reasonable and cautious, and for the working classes wages are
high. The temporary immigrant who wishes to go back to Europe saves
most of the
money by living under very meagre conditions; thus two or three
frequently join together in one room at about half the rate paid by
thrifty workmen. Most visitors to Southern Europe are acquainted with
little mansions, built in the villages of their birth, by natives who
returned with modest fortunes from the Argentine, and this is the
process by
which that wealth is accumulated. More rapid roads are occasionally
found to
success. Our Sailing-master was acquainted with a former gaol-warder
who went
out as an emigrant from Southampton; his wife joined him, but came back
long, saying little but that her husband was also returning. In less
than two
years the man was back with a competency for the rest of his days, the
of which continued to be veiled in mystery. Science,
literature, and art do not as yet thrive very largely in Argentina,
exception must be made for the very interesting museum at La Plata,
director was most kind in affording information to the Expedition. The
recreation is racing, in addition to which the inhabitants are all born
gamblers. Sir Reginald Tower, to whose kind arrangements for us we owe
much of
the interest of our time in Buenos Aires, was good enough to take us to
a race
meeting, and we were greatly impressed with the lavish arrangements for
comforts of the spectators. It was also most pleasant to be spared all
cries of
the bookmakers — the betting system is that of the pari mutuel. The
Jockey Club
is the most important social club, and with an entrance fee of nearly
£300 is
naturally extremely wealthy; its existing premises are palatial, and
even so
the removal to larger ones was under consideration. We were kindly
there by a distinguished representative of the early Spanish stock,
Calvo, to whom we were introduced while he was practising his
profession of
auctioneer at the cattle-market. His ancestor was a viceroy of the
Court of
Spain, and he is by descent on both sides a pure Spaniard; the
influences of to-day have, however, been too strong for the continuance
of this
tradition in the family, and he himself and other members of it have
with outside nationalities. His father, who was responsible for the
conduct of
a public journal, had his life attempted three times by his political
and finally sought refuge in England. There the son was born and
educated, but
later on, going out to the Argentine, he too entered public life and
became a
member of Congress, whose buildings it was most interesting to see
under his
guidance. The life
of Argentine women is almost that of the East. The men go their own
way, make
their own acquaintances, live their own life. They ask strangers but
little to
their homes, and it is possible to be on quite intimate terms with an
and unaware whether he is married or single. Country-house hospitality
exists, and even on the large estancias in the neighbourhood of Buenos
Aires, a
week-end party is unknown. A lady does not walk out alone, and never,
even in
her own home, receives a male guest without the presence of her
husband. We
have been credibly informed of a wife who boasted that during her
absence in Europe, of over a year, she never went out of the house.
There is no
higher education for women except for those training professionally,
and the
interests of the majority, like those of a certain set at home in
pre-war days,
consist mainly in bridge and dress. Forty years ago all women wore the
mantilla, but to-day fabulous sums are spent on clothes. One charming
lady told me that £30 was quite a usual sum to give for a smart but
simple hat.
At the seaside resorts the expenditure on clothes is so lavish, that it
cheaper to take the trip to Europe than to procure the necessary
garments in
which to be seen among your friends. In appearance the women are pretty
and effective,
but spoilt to the eyes of a European by the inordinate amount of
powder. I was
told by one present at the dinner-party in question of an amusing scene
witnessed in the ladies' cloak-room; a daughter arriving with her
mother called
out, “Oh, Mother, you have not nearly enough powder on," and made a
for the powder-puff to remedy with two or three large splashes the
defect. It is said that the wave of female emancipation is reaching
America, but doubt was expressed by a keen observer whether it would
necessarily take its European form of a demand for political and legal
or whether the Argentine woman would not begin by desiring the same
social and
matrimonial liberty as is assumed by her husband. At present,
with the vicious circle in which such customs move, much of the
taken to guard women appears to be necessary, and I was sadly informed
by more
than one English girl employed in the business houses of Buenos Aires,
that the
freedom with which young women can move and conduct themselves at home
was not
only conventionally but actually impossible in their new surroundings.1 Argentina,
as the depository of much that is undesirable from other nations, can
hope to escape the blackguard element. Assassination is the only thing
which is
cheap in the South American continent. The head of one of the seamen's
at Buenos Aires told S. that it was possible at any time to procure the
of a man by paying five dollars, not quite ten shillings, in the right
quarters: this was somewhat less than at Rio, where the price was
stated to be
thirteen shillings and fourpence. The scenes which occur nightly about
the docks
are incredible; hence returning to Mana
after dark was always a matter of some anxiety. Our steward received a
typewritten letter saying that he had been mentioned as a suitable man
for a
desirable situation, and giving an appointment after dark at a certain
house in
a certain street. On inquiry the address turned out to be that of a low
in the new part of the town, where much land is still waste, and there
was no
house yet built of the number given. With regard to the said steward,
Sunday evening he left the yacht and never returned. All anxiety about
his fate
was set at rest by the fact that he had cleared his cabin of all his
goods. He
may have been homesick and arranged to work his passage back, or he may
been enticed by a more substantial offer, a very usual occurrence where
servants are difficult to obtain. As he had of course signed the ship's
articles for the trip, his desertion was reported to the consulate and
police, but we were told that to get him back would be practically an
impossibility; while, scruples apart, nothing would have been gained by
simpler method of assassination. The man himself we did not regret, but
the manner of his kind he had waited till we were on the point of
sailing, and
therefore left us in the lurch. In spite
of the fact that personal safety still leaves a good deal to be
desired, the
Government of Argentina is one of the purest in South America; the
result, it
is said, of the wealth of her officials. She is already proudly
conscious of
her strength, and, in some quarters at any rate, is anxious to rely
upon it
alone for her position among nations rather than on any such external
aid as
the Monroe doctrine. Throughout the whole continent it is necessary in
of the citizens of the United States to term them carefully "North
Americans," avoiding the usual and more abbreviated form. Religion
is not a powerful factor in Argentina either in public or private life.
Catholicism is officially recognised, but it does not strive to be a
force, and meets therefore with general toleration; even when it is not
practised it is neither hated nor feared. Many women and some men are
but the majority of men simply ignore it. A Briton
in leaving Argentina not unnaturally asks what is the share of his own
countrymen in the development of the new republic. Our connection with
through trade is considerable. The railways are in British hands, and
61 per
cent, of the shipping flies the Union Jack. In addition to young men
who may
wish to take up life in "the camp," or country, a certain number of
Englishmen are employed in offices and professional positions, while in
connection with retail trade, it is homelike to see the shops and
advertisements of such firms as Harrod and Maple. A pleasing bond
throughout the British colony in Freemasonry, which is a most living
with many adherents, amongst whom our Minister is included. S. being
one of the
elect, we had, through the kindness of Mr. Chevalier Boutell, the
Deputy Grand
Master for South America, the pleasure of being present at a ladies'
which proved a very brilliant and enjoyable entertainment. While the
English commercial position is still good, it is said that forty years
ago our
proportion of the trade was even greater. An old inhabitant told us
that he
knew personally of not less than twenty-five British firms who had gone
during that period, owing to the dogged incapacity of the Englishman to
what his customer wanted, instead of what he himself chose to provide.
failures leave, of course, the door open for German penetration. A
for the same want of adaptability, and also for being given to drink,
Englishmen unpopular as employees. With regard to our women kind,
certain posts
in the town which are open to English girls are well paid, but they
should be
taken up in every case with the greatest caution, and the remuneration
carefully compared with the increased cost of living. A woman who
marries on to
an estancia is necessarily
comparatively isolated, and accounts differed as to the amount of help
she is
able to obtain in domestic labour. The 30,000 British subjects who form
whole of those resident in Argentina are, in any case, but a drop in
the ocean,
and they but seldom identify themselves with the country of their
abode. It is
not unusual for parents to arrange that their children shall be born in
England, in order that they may avoid registration as citizens of the
with its consequent liability to military service. It has been proposed
in high
quarters that suitable accommodation might be provided in the Falkland
as nearer and more convenient British soil. Failing some such
arrangement it is
possible to register a child of British parentage which is born in
at the national consulate, and it is then ipso facto a British subject,
when actually in the land where it first saw the light. Whatever share
may have in developing the wealth of Argentina, that country never has
and never will be, connected with us by blood; for that bond with new
lands we
must look to our own dominions over the seas. 1 Lady Grogan informs me that one of the main reasons for the position of women in Argentina is that there is no Married Women's Property Act, and that even an heiress is therefore in ordinary course entirely dependent on her husband. |