Good Luck, she is
never a lady,
But the cursedest quean alive.
Tricksy, wincing, and jady —
Kittle to lead or drive.
Greet her — she’s hailing a stranger!
Meet her — she’s busking to leave!
Let her alone for a shrew to the bone
And the hussy comes plucking your sleeve
Largesse! Largesse, O Fortune!
Give or hold at your will.
If I’ve no care for Fortune,
Fortune must follow me still!
The Wishing Caps.
Then, lowering their voices, they spoke together. Kim came to rest
under a tree, but the lama tugged impatiently at his elbow.
‘Let us go on. The river is not here.’
‘Hai mai! Have we not walked enough for a little? Our river will not
run away. Patience, and he will give us a dole.’
‘That,’ said the old soldier suddenly, ‘is the Friend of the Stars. He
brought me the news yesterday. Having seen the very man Himself, in a
vision, giving orders for the war.’
‘Hm!’ said his son, all deep in his broad chest. ‘He carne by a
bazar-rumour and made profit of it.’
His father laughed. ‘At least he did not ride to me begging for a new
charger and the gods know how many rupees. Are thy brothers’ regiments
also under orders?’
‘I do not know. I took leave and carne swiftly to thee in case
‘In case they ran before thee to beg. O gamblers and spendthrifts all!
But thou hast never yet ridden in a charge. A good horse is needed
there, truly. A good follower and a good pony also for the marching.
Let us see — let us see.’ He thrummed on the pommel.
‘This is no place to cast accounts in, my father. Let us go to thy
At least pay the boy then; I have no pice with me, and he brought
auspicious news. Ho! Friend of all the World, a war is toward as thou
hast said.’
‘Nay, as I know, the war,’ returned Kim,
‘Eh?’ said the lama, clicking his beads, all eager for the
‘My master does not trouble the stars for hire. We brought the news —
bear witness, we brought the news, and now we go.’ Kim half-crooked his
hand at his side.
The son tossed a silver coin through the sunlight, grumbling something
about beggars and jugglers. It was a four-anna piece, and would feed
them well for some days. The lama, seeing the flash of the metal,
droned a blessing.
‘Go thy way, Friend of all the World,’ piped the old soldier, wheeling
his scrawny mount. ‘For once in all my days I have met a true prophet —
who was not in the Army.’
Father and son swung round together: the old man sitting as erect as
the Ressaldar.
A Punjabi constable in yellow linen trousers slouched across the road.
He had seen the money pass.
‘Halt!’ he cried in impressive English. ‘Know ye not that there is a takkus
of two annas a head, which is four annas, on those who
enter the road from this side-road? It is the order of the Sirkar, and
the money is spent for the planting of trees and the beautification of
the ways.’
‘And the belies of the Police,’ said Kim, skipping out of arm’s reach.
‘Consider for a while, man with a mud head. Think you we came from the
nearest pond like the frog, thy father-in-law? Hast thou ever heard the
name of thy brother?’
‘And who was he? Leave the boy alone,’ cried a senior constable,
immensely delighted, as he squatted down to smoke his pipe in the
‘He took a label from a bottle of belaitee-pani (soda-water),
and, affixing it to a bridge, collected taxes for a month from those
who passed, saying that it was the Sirkar’s order. Then came an
Englishman and broke his head. Ah, brother, I am a town-crow, not a
The policeman drew back abashed, and Kim hooted at him all down the
‘Was there ever such a disciple as I?’ he cried merrily to the lama.
‘All earth would have picked thy bones within ten mile of Lahore city
if I had not guarded thee.’
‘I consider in my own mind whether thou art a spirit, sometimes, or
sometimes an evil imp,’ said the lama, smiling slowly.
‘I am thy chela.’ Kim dropped into step at his
side — that indescribable gait of the long-distance tramp all the world
‘Now let us walk,’ muttered the lama, and to the click of his rosary
they walked in silence mile upon mile. The lama, as usual, was deep in
meditation, but Kim’s bright eyes were open wide. This broad, smiling
river of life, he considered, was a vast improvement on the cramped and
crowded Lahore streets. There were new people and new sights at every
stride — castes he knew and castes that were altogether out of his
They met a troop of long-haired, strong-scented Sansis with baskets of
lizards and other unclean food on their backs, the lean dogs sniffing
at their heels. These people kept their own side of the road, moving at
a quick, furtive jog-trot, and all other castes gave them ample room;
for the Sansi is deep pollution. Behind them, walking wide and stiffly
across the strong shadows, the memory of his leg-irons stiff on him,
strode one newly released from the jail; his full stomach and shiny
skin to prove that the Government fed its prisoners better than most
honest men could feed themselves. Kim knew that walk well, and made
shrill jest of it as they passed. Then an Akali, a wild-eyed,
wild-haired Sikh devotee in the blue-checked clothes of his faith, with
polished-steel quoits glistening on the cone of his tall blue turban,
stalked past, returning from a visit to one of the independent Sikh
States, where he had been singing the ancient glories of the Khalsa to
College-trained princelings in top-boots and white-cord breeches. Kim
was careful not to irritate that man; for the Akali’s temper is short
and his arm quick. Here and there they met or were overtaken by the
gaily dressed crowds of whole villages turning out to some local fair;
the women, with their babes on their hips, walking behind the men, the
older boys prancing on sticks of sugar-cane, dragging rude brass models
of locomotives such as they sell for a halfpenny, or flashing the sun
into the eyes of their betters from cheap toy mirrors. One could see at
a glance what each had bought; and if there were any doubt it needed
only to watch the wives comparing, brown arm against brown arm, the
newly purchased dull glass bracelets that come from the Northwest. The
merry-makers stepped slowly, calling one to the other and stopping to
haggle with sweetmeat-sellers, or to make a prayer before one of the
wayside shrines —sometimes Hindu, sometimes Mussalman — which the low
caste of both creeds shared with beautiful impartiality. A solid line
of blue rising and falling like the back of a caterpillar in haste,
would swing up through the quivering dust and trot past to a chorus of
shrill cackling. That was a gang of
changars — the women who have taken all the
embankments of all the Northern railways under their charge — a
flat-footed, big-bosomed, strong-limbed, blue-petticoated clan of
earth-carriers, hurrying north on news of a job, and wasting no time by
the road. They belong to the caste whose men do not count, and they
walked with squared elbows, swinging hips, and heads on high, as suits
women who carry heavy weights. A little later a marriage procession
would strike into the Grand Trunk with music and shoutings, and a smell
of marigold and jasmine stronger even than the reek of the dust. One
could see the bride’s dhooly, a blur of red and tinsel, staggering
through the haze, while the bridegroom’s bewreathed pony turned aside
to snatch a mouthful from a passing fodder-cart. Then Kim would join
the Kentish fire of good wishes and broad jokes, wishing the couple a
hundred sons and no daughters, as the saying is. Still more interesting
and more to be shouted over it was when a strolling juggler with some
half-trained monkeys, or a panting, feeble bear, or a woman who tied
goats’ horns to her feet, and with these danced on a slack-rope, set
the horses to shying and the women to shrill, long-drawn quavers of
The lama never raised his eyes. He did not see the money-lender on his
goose-rumped pony, hastening along to collect the cruel interest; or
the long-shouting, deep-voiced little mob — still in military formation
— of native soldiers on leave, rejoicing to be rid of their breeches
and puttees, and saying the most outrageous things to the most
respectable women in sight. Even the seller of Ganges-water he did not
see, and Kim expected that he would at least buy a bottle of that
precious stuff. He looked steadily at the ground, and strode as
steadily hour after hour, his soul busied elsewhere. But Kim was in the
seventh heaven of joy. The Grand Trunk at this point was built on an
embankment to guard against winter floods from the foothills, so that
one walked, as it were, a little above the country, along a stately
corridor, seeing all India spread out to left and right. It was
beautiful to behold the many-yoked grain and cotton waggons crawling
over the country roads: one could hear their axles, complaining a mile
away, coming nearer, till with shouts and yells and bad words they
climbed up the steep incline and plunged on to the hard main road,
carter reviling carter. It was equally beautiful to watch the people,
little clumps of red and blue and pink and white and saffron, turning
aside to go to their own villages, dispersing and growing small by twos
and threes across the level plain. Kim felt these things, though he
could not give tongue to his feelings, and so contented himself with
buying peeled sugar-cane and spitting the pith generously about his
path. From time to time the lama took snuff, and at last Kim could
stand the silence no longer.
‘This is a good land — the land of the South!’ said he. ‘The air is
good; the water is good. Eh?’
‘And they are all bound upon the Wheel,’ said the lama. ‘Bound from
life after life. To none of these has the Way been shown.’ He shook
himself back to this world.
‘And now we have walked a weary way,’ said Kim. ‘Surely we shall soon
come to a
parao (a resting place). Shall we stay there? Look, the sun
is sloping.’
‘Who will receive us this evening?’
‘That is all one. This country is full of good folk. Besides,’ — he
sunk his voice beneath a whisper, ‘we have money.’
The crowd thickened as they neared the resting place which marked the
end of their day’s journey. A line of stalls selling very simple food
and tobacco, a stack of firewood, a police-station, a well, a
horse-trough, a few trees, and, under them, some trampled ground dotted
with the black ashes of old fires, are all that mark a parao on
the Grand Trunk; if you except the beggars and the crows — both,
By this time the sun was driving broad golden spokes through the lower
branches of the mango trees; the parakeets and doves were coming home
in their hundreds; the chattering, gray-backed Seven Sisters, talking
over the day’s adventures, walked back and forth in twos and threes
almost under the feet of the travellers; and shufflings and scufflings
in the branches showed that the bats were ready to go out on the
night-picket. Swiftly the light gathered itself together, painted for
an instant the faces and the cart-wheels and the bullocks’ horns as red
as blood. Then the night fell, changing the touch of the air, drawing a
low, even haze, like a gossamer veil of blue, across the face of the
country, and bringing out, keen and distinct, the smell of wood-smoke
and cattle and the good scent of wheaten cakes cooked on ashes. The
evening patrol hurried out of the police-station with important
coughings and reiterated orders; and a live charcoal ball in the cup of
a wayside carter’s hookah glowed red where Kim’s
eye mechanically watched the last flicker of the sun on the brass
The life of the parao was very like that of the
Kashmir serai on a small scale. Kim dived into the happy Asiatic
disorder which, if you only allow time, will bring you everything that
a simple man needs.
His wants were few, because, since the lama had no caste scruples,
cooked food from the nearest stall would serve; but, for luxury’s sake,
Kim bought a handful of dung-cakes to build a fire. All about, coming
and going round the little flames, men cried for oil, or grain, or
sweetmeats, or tobacco, jostling one another while they waited their
turn at the well; and under the men’s voices you heard from halted,
shuttered carts the shrill squeals and giggles of women whose faces
should not be seen in public.
Nowadays, well-educated natives are of opinion that when their
womenfolk travel — and they visit a good deal — it is better to take
them quickly by rail in a properly screened compartment; and that
custom is spreading. But there are always those of the old rock who
hold by the use of their forefathers; and, above all, there are always
the old women, —more conservative than the men, — who toward the end of
their days go a pilgrimage. They, being withered and undesirable, do
not, under certain circumstances, object to unveiling. After their long
seclusion, during which they have always been in business touch with a
thousand outside interests, they love the bustle and stir of the open
road, the gatherings at the shrines, and the infinite possibilities of
gossip with like-minded dowagers. Very often it suits a long-suffering
family that a strong-tongued, iron-willed old lady should disport
herself about India in this fashion; for certainly pilgrimage is
grateful to the gods. So it comes about that in the most remote places,
as in the most public, you find some knot of grizzled servitors in
nominal charge of an old lady who is more or less curtained and hid
away in a bullock-cart. Such men are staid and discreet, and when a
European or a high-caste native is near will net their charge with most
elaborate precautions; but in the ordinary haphazard chances of
pilgrimage the precautions are not taken. The old lady is, after all,
intensely human, and lives to look upon life.
Kim marked down a gaily ornamented ruth or family
bullock-cart, with a broidered canopy of two domes, like a
double-humped camel, which had just been drawn into the parao.
Eight men made its retinue, and two of the eight were
armed with rusty sabres — sure signs that they followed a person of
distinction, for the common folk do not bear arms. An increasing cackle
of complaints, orders, and jests, and what to a European would have
been bad language, came from behind the curtains. Here was evidently a
woman used to command.
Kim looked over the retinue critically. Half of them were thin-legged,
gray-bearded Ooryas from down country. The other half were duffle-clad,
felt-hatted hillmen of the North; and that mixture told its own tale,
even if he had not overheard the incessant sparring between the two
divisions. The old lady was going south on a visit — probably to a rich
relative, most probably to a son-in-law, who had sent up an escort as a
mark of respect. The hillmen would be of her own people — Kulu or
Kangra folk. It was quite clear that she was not taking her daughter
down to be wedded, or the curtains would have been laced home and the
guard would have allowed no one near the car. A merry and a
high-spirited dame, thought Kim, balancing the dung-cake in one hand,
the cooked food in the other, and piloting the lama with a nudging
shoulder. Something might be made out of the meeting. The lama would
give him no help, but, as a conscientious chela,
Kim was delighted to beg for two.
He built his fire as close to the ruth as he
dared, waiting for one of the escort to order him away. The lama
dropped wearily to the ground, much as a heavy fruit-eating bat cowers,
and returned to his rosary.
‘Stand farther off, beggar!’ The order was shouted in broken
Hindustanee by one of the hill-men.
‘Huh! It is only a pahari’ (a hill-man), said Kim
over his shoulder. ‘Since when have the hill-men owned all
The retort was a swift and brilliant sketch of Kim’s pedigree for three
‘Ah!’ Kim’s voice was sweeter than ever, as he broke the dung-cake into
fit pieces. ‘In my country we call that the
beginning of love-talk.’
A harsh, thin cackle behind the curtains put the hill-man on his mettle
for a second shot.
‘Not so bad — not so bad,’ said Kim, with calm. ‘But have a care, my
brother, lest we — we, I say —be minded to give a
curse or so in return. And our curses have the knack of biting
The Ooryas laughed; the hillman sprang forward threateningly; the lama
suddenly raised his head, bringing his huge tam-o’-shanter cap into the
full light of Kim’s new-started fire.
‘What is it?’ said he.
The man halted as though struck to stone. ‘I —I — am saved from a great
sin,’ he stammered.
‘The foreigner has found him a priest at last,’ whispered one of the
‘Hai! Why is that beggar brat not well beaten?’ the old woman
The hill-man drew back to the cart and whispered something to the
curtain. There was dead silence, then a muttering.
‘This goes well,’ thought Kim, pretending neither to see nor
‘When — when — he has eaten’ — the hill-man fawned on Kim — ‘it — it is
requested that the Holy One will do the honour to talk to one who would
speak to him.’
‘After he has eaten he will sleep,’ Kim returned loftily. He could not
quite see what new turn the game had taken, but stood resolute to
profit by it. ‘Now, I will get him his food.’ The last sentence, spoken
loudly, ended with a sigh as of faintness.
‘I — I myself and the others of my people will look to that — if it is
‘It is permitted,’ said Kim, more loftily than ever. ‘Holy One, these
people will bring us food.’
‘The land is good. All the country of the south is good — a great and a
terrible world,’ mumbled the lama drowsily.
‘Let him sleep,’ said Kim, ‘but look to it that we are well fed when he
wakes. He is a very holy man.’
Again one of the Ooryas said something contemptuously.
‘He is not a faquir. He is not a down-country
beggar,’ Kim went on severely, addressing the stars. ‘He is the most
holy of holy men. He is above all castes. I am his chela.’
‘Come here!’ said
the flat thin voice behind the curtain; and Kim came, conscious that
eyes he could not see were staring at him. One skinny brown finger
heavy with rings lay on the edge of the cart, and the talk went this
‘Who is that one?’
‘An exceeding holy one. He comes from far off. He comes from
‘Where in Tibet?’
‘From behind the snows — from a very far place. He knows the stars; he
makes horoscopes; he reads nativities. But he does not do this for
money. He does it for kindness and great charity. I am his disciple. I
am called also the Friend of the Stars.’
‘Thou art no hillman.’
‘Ask him. He will tell thee I was sent to him from the stars to show
him an end to his pilgrimage.’
‘Humph! Consider, brat, that I am an old woman and not altogether a
fool. Lamas I know, and to these I give reverence, but thou art no more
a lawful chela
than this my finger is the pole of this waggon. Thou
art a casteless Hindi — a bold and unblushing beggar, attached, belike,
to the Holy One for the sake of gain.’
‘Do we not all work for gain?’ Kim changed his tone promptly to match
that altered voice. ‘I have heard ‘— this was a bow drawn at a venture
— ‘ I have heard—’
‘What hast thou heard?’ she snapped, rapping with the finger.
‘Nothing that I well remember, but some talk in the bazars, which is
doubtless a lie, that even Rajahs— small hill Rajahs—’
‘But none the less of good Rajput blood.’
‘Assuredly of good blood. That these even sell the more comely of their
womenfolk for gain. Down south they sell them — to zemindars and
such-all of Oudh.’
If there is one thing in the world that the small hill Rajahs deny it
is just this charge; but it happens to be one thing that the bazars
believe, when they discuss the mysterious slave-traffics of India. The
old lady explained to Kim, in a tense, indignant whisper, precisely
what manner and fashion of malignant liar he was. Had Kim hinted this
when she was a girl, he would have been pommelled to death that same
evening by an elephant. This was perfectly true.
‘Ahai! I am only a beggar’s brat, as the Eye of Beauty has said,’ he
wailed in extravagant terror.
‘Eye of Beauty, forsooth! Who am I that thou should fling beggar
endearments at me?’ And yet she laughed at the long-forgotten word.
‘Forty years ago that might have been said, and not without truth. Ay,
thirty years ago. But it is the fault of this gadding up and down Hind
that a king’s widow must jostle with all the scum of the
land, and be made a mock by beggars.’
‘Great Queen,’ said Kim promptly, for he heard her shaking with
indignation. ‘I am even what the Great Queen says I am; but none the
less is my master holy. He has not yet heard the Great Queen’s order
‘Order! I order a Holy One — a teacher of the Law — to come and speak
to a woman! Never!’
‘Pity my stupidity. I thought it was given as an order —’
‘It was not. It was a petition. Does this make all
A silver coin clinked on the edge of the cart. Kim took it and salaamed
profoundly. The old lady recognized that, as the eyes and the ears of
the lama, he was to be propitiated.
‘I am but the Holy One’s disciple. When he has eaten he will
‘Oh, villain and shameless rogue!’ The jewelled forefinger shook itself
at him reprovingly; but he could hear the old lady’s chuckle.
‘Nay, what is it?’ he said, dropping into his most caressing and
confidential tone — the one, he knew, that few could resist. ‘Is —
there any need of a son in thy family? Speak freely, for we priests — ‘
That last was a direct plagiarism from a faquir by
the Taksali Gate.
‘We priests! Thou art not yet old enough to —’ She checked the joke
with another laugh. ‘Believe me, now and again, we women, O priest,
think of other matters than sons. Moreover, my daughter has borne her
‘Two arrows in the quiver are better than one; and three are better
still.’ Kim quoted the proverb with a meditative drawl, looking
discreetly earthward.
‘True — oh, true. But perhaps that will come. Certainly those
down-country Brahmins are utterly useless. I sent gifts and monies and
gifts again to them, and they prophesied.’
‘Ah,’ said Kim, with infinite contempt, ‘they prophesied!’ A
professional could have done no better.
‘And it was not till I remembered my own gods that my prayers were
heard. I chose an auspicious hour, and — perhaps thy Holy One has heard
of the Abbot of the Deng-cho lamassery. It was to him I put the matter,
and behold in the due time all came about as I desired. The Brahmin in
the house of the father of my daughter’s son has since said that it was
through his prayers — which is a little matter
which I will make plain to him when we reach our journey’s end. And so
afterwards I go to Buddh Gaya, to make shraddha for
the father of my children.’
‘Thither go we.’
‘Doubly auspicious,’ chirruped the old lady. ‘A second son at least!’
‘O Friend of all the World!’ The lama had waked, and, simply as a child
bewildered in a strange bed, called for Kim.
‘I come! I come, Holy One!’ He dashed to the fire, where he found the
lama already surrounded by dishes of food, the hillmen visibly adoring
him and the Southerners looking sourly.
‘Go back! Withdraw!’ Kim cried. ‘Do we eat publicly like dogs?’ They
finished the meal in silence, each a little apart from the other, and
Kim topped it with a native-made cigarette.
‘Did I not say an hundred times that the South is a good land? Here is
a virtuous and high-born widow of a hill Rajah on pilgrimage, she says,
to Buddh Gaya. She it is sends us those dishes; and when thou art well
rested she would speak to thee.’
‘Is this also thy work?’ The lama dipped deep into his
‘Who else watched over thee since our wonderful journey began?’ Kim’s
eyes danced in his head as he blew the rank smoke through his nostrils
and stretched him on the dusty ground. ‘Have I failed to oversee thy
comforts, Holy One?’
‘A blessing on thee.’ The lama inclined his solemn head. ‘I have known
many men in my so long life, and disciples not a few. But to none among
men, if so be thou art woman-born, has my heart gone out as it has to
thee — thoughtful, wise, and courteous, but something of a small
‘And I have never seen such a Holy One as thou.’ Kim considered the
benevolent yellow face wrinkle by wrinkle. ‘It is less than three days
since we took road together, and it is as though it were a hundred
‘Perhaps in a former life it was permitted that I should have rendered
thee some service. May be’ — he smiled — ‘I freed thee from a trap; or,
having caught thee on a hook in the days when I was not enlightened,
cast thee back into the river again.’
‘May be,’ said Kim quietly. He had heard this sort of speculation again
and again, from the mouths of many men whom an Englishman would not
consider imaginative. ‘Now as regards that woman in the bullock-cart, I
think she needs a second son for her
‘That is no part of the Way,’ said the lama. ‘But at least she is from
the hills. Ah, the hills, and the snow of the hills!’
He rose and stalked to the cart. Kim would have given his ears to come
too, but the lama did not invite him; and the few words Kim caught were
in an unknown tongue, for they spoke some common speech of the
mountains. The woman seemed to ask questions which the lama turned over
in his mind before answering. Now and again he heard the drone and boom
of a Chinese quotation. It was a strange picture that he watched
between drowsy eyelids. The lama, very straight and erect, the deep
folds of his yellow clothing slashed with black in the light of the
parao fires precisely as a knotted tree-trunk is slashed
with the shadow of the long sun, addressed a tinsel and lacquered ruth
which burned like a many-coloured jewel in the same
uncertain light. The patterns on the gold-worked curtains ran up and
down, melting and reforming as the folds shook and quivered to the
night wind; and when the talk grew more earnest the jewelled forefinger
snapped out little sparks of light between the embroideries. Behind the
cart was a wall of uncertain darkness speckled with little fires and
alive with half-caught forms and faces and shadows. The voices of early
evening had settled down to one soothing hum whose deepest note was the
steady chumping of the bullocks above their chopped straw, and whose
highest was the tinkle of a Bengali dancing girl’s sitar. Most
men had eaten and were deep in their gurgling, grunting hookahs, which
in full blast sound like bullfrogs.
At last the lama returned. A hill-man walked behind him with a wadded
cotton-quilt and spread it carefully by the fire.
‘She deserves ten thousand grandchildren,’ thought Kim. ‘None the less,
but for me, these gifts would not have come.’
‘A virtuous woman — and a wise one.’ The lama slackened off, joint by
joint, like a slow camel. ‘The world is full of charity to those who
follow the Way.’ He flung a fair half of the quilt over Kim.
‘And what said she?’ Kim rolled up in his share of it.
‘She asked me many questions and propounded many problems — the most of
which were idle tales which she had heard from devil-serving priests
who pretend to follow the Way. Some I answered, and some I said were
foolish. Many wear the robe, but few keep the Way.’
‘True. That is true.’ Kim used the thoughtful, conciliatory tone of
those who wish to draw confidences.
‘But by her lights she is most right-minded. She desires greatly that
we should go with her to Buddh Gaya; her road being ours, as I
understand, for many days’ journey to the southward.’
‘Patience a little. To this I said that my search came before all
things. She had heard many foolish legends, but this great truth of my
river she had never heard. Such are the priests of the lower hills! She
did not know of my river — not even the tale of the Shooting of the
‘I spoke therefore of the Search, and of the Way, and of matters that
were profitable, she desiring only that I should accompany her and make
prayer for a second son.’
‘Aha! “We women” do not think of anything save
children,’ said Kim sleepily.
‘Now, seeing that our roads runt together for a while, I do not see
that we in any way depart from our search if so be we go with her — at
least as far as — I have forgotten the name of the city.’
‘Ohé! ‘said Kim, turning and speaking in a sharp whisper to one of the
Ooryas a few yards away. ‘Where is your master’s house?’
‘A little behind Saharunpore, among the fruit gardens.’ He named the
‘That was the place,’ said the lama. ‘So far, at least, we can go with
‘Flies go to carrion,’ said the Oorya, in an abstracted voice.
‘For the sick cow a crow; for the sick man a Brahmin.’ Kim quoted the
proverb impersonally to the shadow-tops of the trees overhead.
The Oorya grunted and held his peace.
‘So then we go with her, Holy One?’
‘Is there any reason against? I can still step aside and try all the
rivers that the road overpasses. She desires that I should come. She
very greatly desires it.’
Kim stifled a laugh in the quilt. When once that imperious old lady had
recovered from her natural awe of a lama he thought it probable that
she would be worth listening to.
He was nearly asleep when the lama suddenly quoted a proverb: ‘The
husbands of the talkative have a great reward hereafter.’ Then Kim
heard him snuff thrice, and dozed off, still laughing.
The diamond-bright dawn woke men and cows and bullocks together. Kim
sat up and yawned, shook himself, and thrilled with delight. This was
seeing the world in real truth; this was life as he would have it —
bustling and shouting, the buckling of belts, and beating of bullocks
and creaking of wheels, lighting of fires and cooking of food, and new
sights at every turn of the approving eye. The morning mist swept off
in a whirl of silver; the parrots shot away to some distant river in
shrieking green hosts: all the well-wheels within earshot were at work.
India was awake, and Kim was in the middle of it, more awake and more
excited than any one, chewing on a twig that he would presently use as
a tooth-brush; for he borrowed right- and left-handedly from all the
customs of the country he knew and loved. There was no need to worry
about food — no need to spend a cowrie at the crowded stalls. He was
the disciple of a holy man annexed by a strong-willed old lady. All
things would be prepared for them, and when they were respectfully
invited so to do they would sit and eat. For the rest, — Kim giggled
here as he cleaned his teeth, — the old lady would be no bar to the
enjoyment of the road. He inspected her bullocks critically, as they
came up grunting and blowing under the yokes. If they went too swiftly
— it was not likely — there would be a pleasant seat for himself along
the pole; the lama would sit beside the driver. The escort, of course,
would walk. The old lady, equally of course, would talk a great deal,
and by what he had heard that conversation would not lack salt. She was
already ordering, haranguing, rebuking and, it must be
said, cursing her servants for delays.
‘Get her her pipe. In the name of the gods, get her her pipe and stop
her ill-omened mouth,’ cried an Oorya, tying up his shapeless bundles
of bedding. ‘She and the parrots are alike. They screech in the
‘The lead-bullocks! Hai! Look to the lead-bullocks!’ They were backing
and wheeling as a cotton-cart’s axle caught them by the horns. ‘Son of
an owl, where dost thou go?’ This to the grinning carter.
‘Ai! Yai! Yai! That within there is the Queen of Delhi going to pray
for a son.’ The man called back over his high load: ‘Room for the Queen
of Delhi and her prime minister the gray monkey climbing up his own
sword!’ Another cart loaded with bark for a down-country tannery
followed close behind, and its driver added a few compliments as the
ruth-bullocks backed and backed again.
From behind the shaking curtains came one volley of invective. It did
not last long, but in kind and quality, in blistering, biting
appropriateness, it was beyond anything that even Kim had heard. He
could see the carter’s bare chest collapse with amazement, as the man
salaamed reverently to the voice, leaped from the pole, and helped the
escort to haul their volcano on to the main road. Then the voice told
him truthfully what sort of wife he had wedded, and what she was doing
in his absence.
shabash!’ murmured Kim, unable to contain
himself, as the man slunk away.
‘Well done, indeed? It is a shame and a scandal that a poor woman may
not go to make prayer to her gods except she be jostled and insulted by
all the refuse of Hindustan — that she must eat gâli (abuse)
as men eat ghi. But I have yet a wag left to my
tongue, a word or two well spoken that serves the occasion. And still
am I without my tobacco! Who is the one-eyed and
luckless son of shame that has not yet prepared my pipe?’
The lama and Kim
walked a little to one side; Kim
chewing his stick of sugar-cane,
and making way for
no one under
the status of a priest.
It was hastily thrust in by a hill-man, and a trickle of thick smoke
from each corner of the curtains showed that peace was
If Kim had walked proudly the day before, disciple of a holy man,
to-day he paced with tenfold pride in the train of a semi-royal
procession, with a recognised place under the patronage of an old lady
of charming manners and infinite resource. The escort, their heads tied
up native fashion, fell in on either side the cart, shuffling enormous
clouds of dust.
The lama and Kim walked a little to one side; Kim chewing his stick of
sugar-cane, and making way for no one under the status of a priest.
They could hear the old lady’s tongue clacking as steadily as a
rice-husker. She bade the escort tell her what was going on on the
road; and as soon as they were clear of the
parao she flung back the curtains and peered out, her veil a
third across her face. Her men did not eye her directly when she
addressed them, and thus the proprieties were more or less
A dark, sallowish district superintendent of police, faultlessly
uniformed, an Englishman, trotted by on a tired horse, and, seeing by
her retinue what manner of person she was, chaffed her.
‘O mother,’ he cried, ‘do they do this in the zenanas? Suppose
an Englishman came by and saw that thou hadst no nose?’
‘What?’ she shrilled back. ‘Thy own mother has no nose? Why
say so, then, on the open road?’
It was a fair counter. The Englishman threw up his hand with a gesture
of a man hit at sword-play. She laughed and nodded.
‘Is this a face to tempt virtue aside?’ She withdrew all her veil and
stared at him.
It was by no means lovely, but as the man gathered up his reins he
called it a Moon of Paradise, a Disturber of Integrity, and a few other
fantastic epithets which doubled her up with mirth.
‘That is a nut-cut (rogue),’ she said. ‘All
police-constables are nut -cuts;
but the police-wallahs are the worst. Hai, my son, thou
hast never learned all that since thou camest from Belait (Europe).
Who suckled thee?’
pahareen — a hillwoman of Dalhousie, my mother. Keep thy
beauty under a shade — O Dispenser of Delights,’ and he was
‘These be the sort,’— she took a fine judicial tone, and stuffed her
mouth with
pan. ‘These be the sort to dispense justice.
They know the land and the customs of the land. The others, all new
from Europe, suckled by white women and learning our tongues from
books, are worse than the pestilence. They do harm to kings.’ Then she
told a long, long tale to the world at large, of an ignorant young
policeman who bad disturbed some small hill Rajah, a ninth cousin of
her own, in the matter of a trivial land case, winding up with a
quotation from a work by no means devotional.
Then her mood changed, and she bade one of the escort ask whether the
lama would walk alongside and discuss matters of religion. So Kim
dropped back into the dust and returned to his sugar-cane. For an hour
or more the lama’s tam-o’-shanter showed like a moon through the haze;
and, from all he heard, Kim gathered that the old woman wept. One of
the Ooryas half apologised for his rudeness overnight, saying that he
had never known the old lady in so good a temper, and he ascribed it to
the presence of the strange priest. Personally, he believed in
Brahmins, though, like all natives, he was acutely aware of their
cunning and their greed. Still, when Brahmins only irritated a
cantankerous dowager like the mother of his master’s wife, and when she
sent them away so angry that they cursed the whole retinue (which was
the real reason of the second off-side bullock going lame, and of the
pole breaking the night before), he was prepared to accept any priest
of any other denomination in or out of India. To this Kim assented with
wise nods, and bade the Oorya observe that the lama took no money, and
that the cost of his and Kim’s food would be repaid a hundred times in
the good luck that would attend the caravan hence-forward. He also told
stories of Lahore city, and sang a song or two which made the escort
laugh. As a town-mouse well acquainted with the latest songs by the
most fashionable composers, — they are women for the most part, — Kim
had a distinct advantage over men from a drowsy little village behind
Saharunpore, but he let that advantage be inferred.
At noon they turned aside to eat, and the meal was good, plentiful, and
well-served on plates of clean leaves, in decency, out of drift of the
dust. They gave the slops to certain beggars, that all requirements
might be fulfilled, and sat down to a long, luxurious smoke. The old
lady had retreated behind her curtains, but mixed most freely in the
talk, her servants arguing with and contradicting her as servants do
throughout the East. She compared the cool and the pines of the Kangra
and Kulu hills with the dust and the mangoes of the South; she told a
tale of some old local gods at the edge of her husband’s territory; she
roundly abused the tobacco which she was then smoking, reviled all
Brahmins, and speculated without reserve as to when a second grandson
might be expected.
the book image to continue to the next chapter