Blogging At Kellscraft Studio...
There have been a lot of changes at The Studio: relocating from Boston to Maine; living in an old farmhouse where there are many, many chores and less time for book publishing; enjoying the summer with family and friends.
Well, Labor Day is here, and in my day (not quite horse-and-buggy day) that meant back to school or off to college. has become an enormous resource for schools, libraries, colleges and home-schoolers, and we're quite proud of that. We'll continue to offer free public domain books here in the years to come but we'd like to hear from you. We'd like to know what books you'd like to see here (remember: in the U.S. all books printed prior to 1923 are in the public domain; more recent books may be but have to be researched to verify their publishing status.)
We'd also like to know what you like here at the site and what you think can be improved. This is your chance to have your say. We'll take all suggestions seriously, however, please keep your comments civil and respect all others who comment here. Unlike most of the blogging world, mean-spiritedness will not be tolerated and offenders will be removed from the posts.
Of course, if you would like to email me, you can always do so at:
Jeff Kelley
Web Master

Well, Labor Day is here, and in my day (not quite horse-and-buggy day) that meant back to school or off to college. has become an enormous resource for schools, libraries, colleges and home-schoolers, and we're quite proud of that. We'll continue to offer free public domain books here in the years to come but we'd like to hear from you. We'd like to know what books you'd like to see here (remember: in the U.S. all books printed prior to 1923 are in the public domain; more recent books may be but have to be researched to verify their publishing status.)
We'd also like to know what you like here at the site and what you think can be improved. This is your chance to have your say. We'll take all suggestions seriously, however, please keep your comments civil and respect all others who comment here. Unlike most of the blogging world, mean-spiritedness will not be tolerated and offenders will be removed from the posts.
Of course, if you would like to email me, you can always do so at:
Jeff Kelley
Web Master

Great website! Information dense and designed thoughtfully... Keep up the good work! D