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"Institutions are dependent on character; and, however changed in
their superficial aspects, cannot be changed in their essential natures faster
than character changes.... "Sudden changes of religious institutions, as
of political institutions, are certain to be followed by reactions. HERBERT SPENCER, Autobiography. Reflections IN the
preceding pages I have endeavoured to suggest a general idea of the social
history of Japan, and a general idea of the nature of those forces which shaped
and tempered the character of her people. Certainly this attempt leaves much to
be desired: the time is yet far away at which a satisfactory work upon the
subject can be prepared. But the fact that Japan can be understood only through
the study of her religious and social evolution, has been, I trust,
sufficiently indicated. She affords us the amazing spectacle of an Eastern
society maintaining all the outward forms of Western civilization; using, with
unquestionable efficiency, the applied science of the Occident; accomplishing,
by prodigious effort, the work of centuries within the time of three decades, yet sociologically remaining at a
stage corresponding to that which, in ancient Europe, preceded the Christian era
by hundreds of years. But no
suggestion of origins and causes should diminish the pleasure of contemplating
this curious world, psychologically still so far away from us in the course of
human evolution. The wonder and the beauty of what remains of the Old Japan
cannot be lessened by any knowledge of the conditions that produced them. The
old kindliness and grace of manners need not cease to charm us because we know
that such manners were cultivated, for a thousand years, under the edge of the sword.
The common politeness which appeared, but a few years ago, to be almost
universal, and the rarity of quarrels, should not prove less agreeable because
we have learned that, for generations and generations, all quarrels among the
people were punished with extraordinary rigour; and that the custom of the vendetta,
which rendered necessary such repression, also made everybody cautious of word
and deed. The popular smile should not seem less winning because we have been
told of a period, in the past of the subject-classes, when not to smile in the teeth
of pain might cost life itself. And the Japanese woman, as cultivated by the
old home-training, is not less sweet a being because she represents the moral
ideal of a vanishing world, and because we can faintly surmise the cost, the incalculable cost in pain, of
producing her. No: what
remains of this elder civilization is full of charm, charm unspeakable, and
to witness its gradual destruction must be a grief for whomsoever has felt that
charm. However intolerable may seem, to the mind of the artist or poet, those
countless restrictions which once ruled all this fairy-world, and shaped the
soul of it, he cannot but admire and love their best results: the simplicity of
old custom, the amiability of
manners, the daintiness of habits, the delicate tact displayed in
pleasure-giving, the strange power
of presenting outwardly, under any circumstances, only the best and brightest aspects
of character. What emotional poetry, for even the least believing, in the ancient
home-religion, in the lamplet
nightly kindled before the manes of the dead, the tiny offerings of food and drink,
the welcome-fires lighted to guide the visiting ghosts, the little ships
prepared to bear them back to their rest! And this immemorial doctrine of filial
piety, exacting all that is noble,
not less than all that is terrible, in duty, in gratitude, in self-denial, what strange appeal does it make to
our lingering religious instincts; and how close to the divine appear to us the
finer natures forged by it! What queer weird attraction in those parish-temple festivals,
with their happy mingling of merriment and devotion in the presence of the gods!
What a universe of romance in that Buddhist art which has left its impress upon
almost every product of industry, from the toy of a child to the heirloom of a
prince; which has peopled the
solitudes with statues, and chiselled the wayside rocks with texts of sϋtras!
Who can forget the soft enchantment of this Buddhist atmosphere? the deep music of the great bells? the green peace of gardens haunted by
fearless things: doves that flutter down at call, fishes rising to be fed?...
Despite our incapacity to enter into the soul-life of this ancient East, despite the certainty that one might
as well hope to remount the River of Time and share the vanished existence of
some old Greek city, as to share the thoughts and the emotions of Old Japan, we find ourselves bewitched forever by
the vision, like those wanderers of folk-tale who rashly visited Elf-land. We know
that there is illusion, not as to
the reality of the visible, but as to its meanings, very much illusion. Yet why should this illusion attract us, like
some glimpse of Paradise? why
should we feel obliged to confess the ethical glamour of a civilization as far
away from us in thought as the Egypt of Ramses? Are we really charmed by the results
of a social discipline that refused to recognize the individual? enamoured of a cult that exacted the
suppression of personality? No: the charm
is made by the fact that this vision of the past represents to us much more
than past or present, that it
foreshadows the possibilities of some higher future, in a world of perfect sympathy.
After many a thousand years there may be developed a humanity able to achieve,
with never a shadow of illusion, those ethical conditions prefigured by the
ideals of Old Japan: instinctive unselfishness, a common desire to find the joy
of life in making happiness for others, a universal sense of moral beauty. And
whenever men shall have so far gained upon the present as to need no other code
than the teaching of their own hearts, then indeed the ancient Ideal of Shintō
will find Its supreme realization. Moreover,
it should be remembered that the social state, whose results thus attract us,
really produced much more than a beautiful mirage. Simple characters of great
charm, though necessarily of great fixity, were developed by it in multitude.
Old Japan came nearer to the achievement of the highest moral ideal than our
far more evolved societies can hope to do for many a hundred years. And but for
those ten centuries of war which followed upon the rise of the military power,
the ethical end to which all social discipline tended might have been much more
closely approached. Yet if the better side of this human nature had been further
developed at the cost of darker and sterner qualities, the consequence might
have proved unfortunate for the nation. No people so ruled by altruism as to
lose its capacities for aggression and cunning, could hold their own, in the
present state of the world, against, races hardened by the discipline of
competition as well as by the discipline of war. The future Japan must rely
upon the least amiable qualities of her character for success in the universal
struggle; and she will need to develop them strongly. * * * How
strongly she has been able to develop them in one direction, the present war
with Russia bears startling witness. But it is certainly to the long discipline
of the past that she owes the moral strength behind this unexpected display of aggressive
power. No superficial observation could discern the silent energies masked by
the resignation of the people to change,
the unconscious heroism informing this mass of forty million souls, the compressed force ready to expand
at Imperial bidding either for construction or destruction. From the leaders of
a nation with such a military and political history, one might expect the
manifestation of all those abilities of supreme importance in diplomacy and
war. But such capacities could prove of little worth were it not for the
character of the masses, the
quality of the material that moves to command with the power of winds and
tides. The veritable strength of Japan still lies in the moral nature of her
common people, her farmers and
fishers, artizans and labourers, the
patient quiet folk one sees toiling in the rice-fields, or occupied with the
humblest of crafts and callings in city by-ways. All the unconscious heroism of
the race is in these, and all its splendid courage, a courage that does not mean indifference to life, but the desire
to sacrifice life at the bidding of the Imperial Master who raises the ranks of
the dead. From the thousands of young men now being summoned to the war, one
hears no expression of hope to return to their homes with glory; the common wish uttered is only to win
remembrance at the Shōkonsha that "Spirit-Invoking Temple, where the
souls of all who die for Emperor and fatherland are believed to gather. At no
time was the ancient faith stronger than in this hour of struggle; and Russian
power will have very much more to fear from that faith than from repeating rifles
or Whitehead torpedoes.1 Shintō, as a religion of patriotism, is a
force that should suffice, if permitted fair-play, to affect not only the
destinies of the whole Far East, but the future of civilization. No more
irrational assertion was ever made about the Japanese than the statement of
their indifference to religion. Religion is still, as it has ever been, the
very life of the people, the motive and the directing power of their every
action: a religion of doing and suffering, a religion without cant and
hypocrisy. And the qualities especially developed by it are just those
qualities which have startled Russia, and may yet cause her many a painful
surprise. She has discovered alarming force where she imagined childish
weakness; she has encountered heroism where she expected to find timidity and helplessness.2
* * * For
countless reasons this terrible war (of which no man can yet see the end) is
unspeakably to be regretted; and of these reasons not the least are industrial.
War must temporarily check all tendencies towards the development of that healthy
individualism without which no modern nation can become prosperous and wealthy.
Enterprise is numbed, markets paralyzed, manufactures stopped. Yet, in the
extraordinary case of this extraordinary people, it is possible that the social
effects of the contest will prove to some degree beneficial. Prior to
hostilities, there had been a visible tendency to the premature dissolution of
institutions founded upon centuries of experience, a serious likelihood of
moral disintegration. That great changes must hereafter be made, that the
future well-being of the country requires them, would seem to admit of no
argument. But it is necessary that such changes be effected by degrees, not
with such inopportune haste as to imperil the moral constitution of the nation.
A war for independence, a war that obliges the race to stake its all upon the
issue, must bring about a tightening of the old social bonds, a strong
quickening of the ancient sentiments of loyalty and duty, a reinforcement of conservatism.
This will signify retrogression in some directions; but it will also mean
invigoration in others. Before the Russian menace, the Soul of Yamato revives
again. Out of the contest Japan will come, if successful, morally stronger than
before; and a new sense of self-confidence, a new spirit of independence, might
then reveal itself in the national attitude toward foreign policy and foreign pressure.
would be, of course, the danger of overconfidence. A people able to defeat
Russian power on land and sea might be tempted to believe themselves equally
able to cope with foreign capital upon their own territory; and every means
would certainly be tried of persuading or bullying the government into some
fatal compromise on the question of the right of foreigners to hold land.
Efforts in this direction have been carried on persistently and systematically for
years; and these efforts seem to have received some support from a class of
Japanese politicians, apparently incapable of understanding what enormous
tyranny a single privileged syndicate of foreign capital would be capable of exercising
in such a country. It appears to me that any person comprehending, even in the
vaguest way, the nature of money-power and the average conditions of life
throughout Japan, must recognize the certainty that foreign capital, with right
of land-tenure, would find means to control legislation, to control government,
and to bring about a state of affairs that would result in the practical
domination of the empire by alien interests. I cannot resist the conviction
that when Japan yields to foreign industry the right to purchase land, she is
lost beyond hope. The self-confidence that might tempt to such yielding, in
view of immediate advantages, would be fatal. Japan has incomparably more to
fear from English or American capital than from Russian battleships and
bayonets. Behind her military capacity is the disciplined experience of a
thousand years; behind her industrial and commercial power, the experience of
half-a-century. But she has been fully warned; and if she chooses hereafter to
invite her own ruin, it will not have been for lack of counsel, since she had
the wisest man in the world to advise her.3 To the
reader of these pages, at least, the strength and the weakness of the new
social organization its great capacities for offensive or defensive action in
military directions, and its comparative feebleness in other directions should
now be evident. All things considered, the marvel is that Japan should have
been so well able to hold her own; and it was assuredly no common wisdom that
guided her first unsteady efforts in new and perilous ways. Certainly her power
to accomplish what she has accomplished was derived from her old religious and
social training: she was able to keep strong because, under the new forms of
rule and the new conditions of social activity, she could still maintain a
great deal of the ancient discipline. But even thus it was only by the firmest
and shrewdest policy that she could avert disaster, could prevent the
disruption of her whole social structure under the weight of alien pressure. It
was imperative that vast changes should be made, but equally imperative that
they should not be of a character to endanger the foundations; and it was above
all things necessary, while preparing for immediate necessities, to provide
against future perils. Never before, perhaps, in the history of human
civilization, did any rulers find themselves obliged to cope with problems so
tremendous, so complicated, and so inexorable. And of these problems the most
inexorable remains to be solved. It is furnished by the fact that although all
the successes of Japan have been so far due to unselfish collective action,
sustained by the old Shinto ideals of duty and obedience, her industrial future
must depend upon egoistic individual action of a totally opposite kind! * * * What then
will become of the ancient morality? the ancient cult? In this
moment the conditions are abnormal. But it seems certain that there will be,
under normal conditions, a further gradual loosening of the old family-bonds; and
this would bring about a further disintegration. By the testimony of the
Japanese themselves, such disintegration was spreading rapidly among the upper
and middle classes of the great cities, prior to the present war. Among the
people of the agricultural districts, and even in the country towns, the old
ethical order of things has yet been little affected. And there are other
influences than legislative change or social necessity which are working for
disintegration. Old beliefs have been rudely shaken by the introduction of
larger knowledge: a new generation is being taught, in twenty-seven thousand
primary schools, the rudiments of science and the modern conception of the
universe. The Buddhist cosmology, with its fantastic pictures of Mount Meru,
has become a nursery-tale; the old Chinese nature-philosophy finds believers
only among the little educated, or the survivors of the feudal era; and the
youngest schoolboy has learned that the constellations are neither gods nor Buddhas,
but far-off groups of suns. No longer can popular fancy picture the Milky Way
as the River of Heaven; the legend of the Weaving-Maiden, and her waiting
lover, and the Bridge of Birds, is now told only to children; and the young fisherman,
though steering, like his fathers, by the light of stars, no longer discerns in
the northern sky the form of Miōken Bosatsu. Yet it
were easy to misinterpret the weakening of a certain class of old beliefs, or
the visible tendency to social change. Under any circumstances a religion decays
slowly; and the most conservative forms of religion are the last to yield to
disintegration. It were a grave mistake to suppose that the ancestor-cult has
yet been appreciably affected by exterior influences of any kind, or to imagine
that it continues to exist merely by force of hallowed custom, and not because
the majority still believe. No religion and least of all the religion of the
dead could thus suddenly lose its hold upon the affections of the race that
evolved it. Even in other directions the new scepticism is superficial: it has
not spread downwards into the core of things. There is indeed a growing class
of young men with whom scepticism of a certain sort is the fashion, and scorn
of the past an affectation; but even among these no word of disrespect
concerning the religion of the home is ever heard. Protests against the old
obligations of filial piety, complaints of the growing weight of the family
yoke, are sometimes uttered; but the domestic cult is never spoken of lightly.
As for the communal and other public forms of Shintō, the vigour of the old
religion is sufficiently indicated by the continually increasing number of
temples. In 1897 there were 191,962 Shintō temples; in 1901 there were 195,256.
It seems
probable that such changes as must occur in the near future will be social
rather than religious; and there is little reason to believe that these changes
however they may tend to weaken filial piety in sundry directions will
seriously affect the ancestor-cult itself. The weight of the family-bond,
aggravated by the increasing difficulty and cost of life, may be more and more
lightened for the individual; but no legislation can abolish the sentiment of
duty to the dead. When that sentiment utterly fails, the heart of a nation will
have ceased to beat. Belief in the old gods, as gods, may slowly pass; but
Shinto may live on as the Religion of the Fatherland, a religion of heroes and
patriots; and the likelihood of such future modification is indicated by the
memorial character of many new temples. It has
been much asserted of late years (chiefly because of the profound impression
made by Mr. Percival Lowell's Soul of the
Far East) that Japan is desperately in need of a Gospel of Individualism; and
many pious persons assume that the conversion of the country to Christianity
would suffice to produce the Individualism. This assumption has nothing to rest
on except the old superstition that national customs and habits and modes of feeling,
slowly shaped in the course of thousands of years, can be suddenly transformed
by a mere act of faith. Those further dissolutions of the old order which would
render possible, under normal conditions, a higher social energy, can be safely
brought about through industrialism only, through the working of necessities
that enforce competitive enterprise and commercial expansion. A long peace will
be required for such healthy transformation; and it is not impossible that an independent
and progressive Japan would then consider questions of religious change from
the standpoint of political expediency. Observation and study abroad may have
unduly impressed Japanese statesmen with the half-truth so forcibly uttered by
Michelet, that "money has a religion," that "capital is
Protestant," that the power and wealth and intellectual energy of the
world belong to the races who cast off the yoke of Rome, and freed themselves
from the creed of the Middle Ages.4 A Japanese statesman is said to
have lately declared that his countrymen were "rapidly drifting towards
Christianity"! Newspaper reports of eminent utterances are not often
trustworthy; but the report in this case is probably accurate, and the utterance
intended to suggest possibilities. Since the declaration of the Anglo-Japanese
alliance, there has been a remarkable softening in the attitude of safe
conservatism which the government formerly maintained toward Western
religion.... But as for the question whether the Japanese nation will ever adopt
an alien creed under official encouragement, I think that the sociological
answer is evident. Any understanding of the fundamental structure of society should
make equally obvious the imprudence of attempting hasty transformations, and
the impossibility of effecting them. For the present, at least, the religious
question in Japan is a question of social integrity; and any efforts to
precipitate the natural course of change can result only in provoking reaction and
disorder. I believe that the time is far away at which Japan can venture to
abandon the policy of caution that has served her so well, I believe that the
day on which she adopts a Western creed, her immemorial dynasty is doomed; and
I cannot help fearing that whenever she yields to foreign capital the right to
hold so much as one rood of her soil, she signs away her birthright beyond hope
of recovery. * * * With a
few general remarks upon the religion of the Far East, in its relation to
Occidental aggressions, this attempt at interpretation may fitly conclude. All the
societies of the Far East are founded, like that of Japan, upon
ancestor-worship. This ancient religion, in various forms, represents their moral
experience; and it offers everywhere to the introduction of Christianity, as
now intolerantly preached, obstacles of the most serious kind. Attacks upon it
must seem, to those whose lives are directed by it, the greatest of outrages
and the most unpardonable of crimes. A religion for which every member of a
community believes it his duty to die at call, is a religion for which he will
fight. His patience with attacks upon it will depend upon the degree of his
intelligence and the nature of his training. All the races of the Far East have
not the intelligence of the Japanese, nor have they been equally well trained,
under ages of military discipline, to adapt their conduct to circumstances. For
the Chinese peasant, in especial, attacks upon his religion are intolerable.
His cult remains the most precious of his possessions, and his supreme guide in
all matters of social right and wrong. The East has been tolerant of all creeds
which do not assault the foundations of its societies; and if Western missions had
been wise enough to leave those foundations alone, to deal with the
ancestor-cult as Buddhism did, and to show the same spirit of tolerance in
other directions, the introduction of Christianity upon a very extensive
scale should have proved a matter of no difficulty. That the result would have
been a Christianity differing considerably from Western Christianity is
obvious, the structure of Far-Eastern society not admitting of sudden
transformations; but the essentials of doctrine might have been widely
propagated, without exciting social antagonism, much less race-hatred. To-day
it is probably impossible to undo what the sterile labour of intolerance has
already done. The hatred of Western religion in China and adjacent countries is
undoubtedly due to the needless and implacable attacks which have been made
upon the ancestor-cult. To demand of a Chinese or an Annamese that he cast away
or destroy his ancestral tablets is not less irrational and inhuman than it
would be to demand of an Englishman or a Frenchman that he destroy his mother's
tombstone in proof of his devotion to Christianity. Nay, it Is much more
inhuman, for the European attaches to the funeral monument no such idea of
sacredness as that which attaches, in Eastern belief, to the simple tablet
inscribed with the name of the dead parent. From old time these attacks upon
the domestic faith of docile and peaceful communities have provoked massacres; and,
if persisted in, they will continue to provoke massacres while the people have
strength left to strike. How foreign religious aggression is answered by native
religious aggression; and how Christian military power avenges the foreign
victims with tenfold slaughter and strong robbery, need not here be recorded.
It has not been in these years only that ancestor-worshipping peoples have been
slaughtered, impoverished, or subjugated in revenge for the uprisings that
missionary intolerance provokes. But while Western trade and commerce directly
gain by these revenges. Western public opinion will suffer no discussion of the
right of provocation or the justice of retaliation. The less tolerant religious
bodies call it a wickedness even to raise the question of moral right; and
against the impartial observer, who dares to lift his voice in protest,
fanaticism turns as ferociously as if he were proved an enemy of the human
race. From the
sociological point of view the whole missionary system, irrespective of sect
and creed, represents the skirmishing-force of Western civilization in its
general attack upon all civilizations of the ancient type, the first line in
the forward movement of the strongest and most highly evolved societies upon
the weaker and less evolved. The conscious work of these fighters is that of
preachers and teachers; their unconscious work is that of sappers and
destroyers. The subjugation of weak races has been aided by their work to a
degree little imagined; and by no other conceivable means could it have been
accomplished so quickly and so surely. For destruction they labour unknowingly,
like a force of nature. Yet Christianity does not appreciably expand. They
perish; and they really lay down their lives, with more than the courage of soldiers,
not, as they hope, to assist the spread of that doctrine which the East must
still of necessity refuse, but to help industrial enterprise and Occidental aggrandizement.
The real and avowed object of missions is defeated by persistent indifference
to sociological truths; and the martyrdoms and sacrifices are utilized by
Christian nations for ends essentially opposed to the spirit of Christianity. Needless
to say that the aggressions of race upon race are fully in accord with the
universal law of struggle, that perpetual struggle in which only the more
capable survive. Inferior races must become subservient to higher races, or
disappear before them; and ancient types of civilization, too rigid for
progress, must yield to the pressure of more efficient and more complex
civilizations. The law is pitiless and plain: its operations may be mercifully
modified, but never prevented, by humane consideration. Yet for
no generous thinker can the ethical questions involved be thus easily settled.
We are not justified in holding that the inevitable is morally ordained, much
less that, because the higher races happen to be on the winning side in the
world-struggle, might can ever constitute right. Human progress has been
achieved by denying the law of the stronger, by battling against those
impulses to crush the weak, to prey upon the helpless, which rule in the world
of the brute, and are no less in accord with the natural order than are the
courses of the stars. All virtues and restraints making civilization possible
have been developed in the teeth of natural law. Those races which lead are the
races who first learned that the highest power is acquired by the exercise of
forbearance, and that liberty is best maintained by the protection of the weak,
and by the strong repression of injustice. Unless we be ready to deny the whole
of the moral experience thus gained, unless we are willing to assert that the
religion in which it has been expressed is only the creed of a particular
civilization, and not a religion of humanity, it were difficult to imagine
any ethical justification for the aggressions made upon alien peoples in the
name of Christianity and enlightenment. Certainly the results in China of such
aggression have not been Christianity nor enlightenment, but revolts,
massacres, detestable cruelties, the destruction of cities, the devastation
of provinces, the loss of tens of thousands of lives, the extortion of hundreds
of millions of money. If all this be right, then might is right indeed; and our
professed religion of humanity and justice is proved to be as exclusive as any
primitive cult, and intended to regulate conduct only as between members of the
same society. But to
the evolutionist, at least, the matter appears in a very different light. The
plain teaching of sociology is that the higher races cannot with impunity cast
aside their moral experience in dealing with feebler races, and that Western
civilization will have to pay, sooner or later, the full penalty of its deeds
of oppression. Nations that, while refusing to endure religious intolerance at
home, steadily maintain religious intolerance abroad, must eventually lose
those rights of intellectual freedom which cost so many centuries of atrocious
struggle to win. Perhaps the period of the penalty is not very far away. With
the return of all Europe to militant conditions, there has set in a vast
ecclesiastical revival of which the menace to human liberty is unmistakable; the
spirit of the Middle Ages threatens to prevail again; and anti-semitism has
actually become a factor in the politics of three Continental powers.... It has
been well said that no man can estimate the force of a religious conviction
until he has tried to oppose it. Probably no man can imagine the wicked side of
convention upon the subject of missions until the masked batteries of its
malevolence have been trained against him. Yet the question of mission-policy
cannot be answered either by secret slander or by public abuse of the person
raising it. To-day it has become a question that concerns the peace of the
world, the future of commerce, and the interests of civilization. The integrity
of China depends upon it; and the present war is not foreign to it. Perhaps
this book, in spite of many shortcomings, will not fail to convince some
thoughtful persons that the constitution of Far-Eastern society presents
insuperable obstacles to the propaganda of Western religion, as hitherto
conducted; that these obstacles now demand, more than at any previous epoch,
the most careful and humane consideration; and that the further needless
maintenance of an uncompromising attitude towards them can result in nothing
but evil. Whatever the religion of ancestors may have been thousands of years
ago, to-day throughout the Far East it is the religion of family affection and
duty; and by inhumanly ignoring this fact, Western zealots can scarcely fail to
provoke a few more Boxer" uprisings. The real power to force upon the
world a peril from China (now that the chance seems lost for Russia) should not
be suffered to rest with those who demand religious tolerance for the purpose
of preaching intolerance. Never will the East turn Christian while dogmatism
requires the convert to deny his ancient obligation to the family, the
community, and the government, and further insists that he prove his zeal for
an alien creed by destroying the tablets of his ancestors, and outraging the
memory of those who gave him life. 1 The following reply, made by Vice-Admiral Tōgō, Commander-m-Chief of the
Japanese fleet, to an Imperial message of commendation received after the second
attempt to block the entrance to Port Arthur, is characteristically Shintō: "The
warm message which Your Imperial Majesty condescended to grant us with regard
to the second attempt to seal Fort Arthur, has not only overwhelmed us with gratitude,
but may also influence the patriotic manes of the departed heroes to hover long
over the battle-field and give unseen protection to the Imperial forces."...
[Translated in the JAPAN TIMES of March
31st, 1904.] Such
thoughts and hopes about the brave dead might have been uttered by a Greek
admiral after the battle of Salamis. The faith and courage which helped the Greeks
to repel the Persian invasion were of precisely the same quality as that
religious heroism which now helps the Japanese to challenge the power of
Russia. 2 The case of the Japanese officers and men on the transport Kinsbu Maru, sunk by the Russian
warships on the 16th of last April, should have given the enemy matter for
reflection. Although allowed an hour's time for consideration, the soldiers
refused to surrender, and opened fire with their rifles on the battleships. Then,
before the Kinsbu Maru was blown in
two by a torpedo, a number of the Japanese officers and men performed harakiri....This striking display of the
fierce old feudal spirit suggests how dearly a Russian success would be bought.
3 Herbert Spencer. 4 No inferences can be safely drawn from the apparent attitude of the
government towards religious bodies in Japan. Of late years the seeming policy
has been to encourage the less tolerant forms of Western religion. In curious
contrast to this attitude is the non-toleration of Freemasonry. Strictly
speaking, Freemasonry is not allowed in Japan although, since the abolition
of exterritoriality, the foreign lodges at the open ports have been permitted
(or rather, suffered) to exist upon certain conditions. A Japanese in Europe or
America is free to become a Mason; but he cannot become a Mason in Japan, where
the proceedings of all societies must remain open to official surveillance. |