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the year noted for a
celestial phenomenon of great interest to astronomers. We were
taking breakfast rather
earlier than usual that morning in August, for a party of us had
planned to go
blackberrying up at the "burnt lots." Three or
four years before, forest
fires had burned over a large tract up in the great woods to the north
of the
old Squire's farm. We had heard that blackberries were very plentiful
that season; and now that haying was over, Addison and I had planned to
up there with the girls, and Catherine and Thomas Edwards, who wished
to go
with us. So far as
Addison and I were
concerned, the trip was not wholly for blackberries; we had another
motive for
going — one that we were keeping a profound secret. One afternoon late
in the
preceding fall we had gone up there to shoot partridges; and Addison,
who was
much interested in mineralogy, had come across what he believed to be
silver in
a ledge. Every one
knows that there is silver
in Maine. Not a few know it to their sorrow; for there is nothing more
discouraging than a mine that yields just a little less than enough to
running expenses. But to us boys Addison's discovery suggested the
possibilities of vast fortunes. Addison
felt very sure that it was
silver, but we decided to say nothing to any one until we were certain.
that winter, however, we cherished rosy hopes of soon being wealthy. At
first opportunity we meant to make a quiet trip up there with hammer
and drill
to obtain specimens for assay, but for one reason or another we did not
round to it until August, when we planned the blackberrying excursion. While we
were at the breakfast table
that morning there came a thundershower, and a thundershower in the
morning is unusual in Maine. The sun had risen clear, but a black cloud
rose in
the west, the sky darkened suddenly, and so heavy a shower fell that at
we thought we should have to give up the trip. But the
shower ceased as suddenly as
it had begun, and the sun shone out again. Ellen, who had gone to the
for something, called to us that there was a bright rainbow in the
northwest. "Do come
here to the back
window!" she cried. "It's a lovely one!" Sure
enough, there was a vivid
rainbow; the bright arch spanned the whole northwestern sky over the
woods. "Rainbow in the morning, Good sailors take warning," We did not
know then how many times
during that day our thoughts would go back to the rainbow and the old
superstition. After
breakfast we hitched up Old
Sol, drove round by the Edwardses' to pick up Tom and Kate, and from
followed the lumber road into the great woods, to Otter Brook. The
lots" were perhaps a mile beyond the brook. Addison
and I picked blackberries
for a while with the others; then, watching our chance, we stole away
and made
for the ledges, a mile or two to the northeast. I had
managed to bring a drill
hammer along in my basket, wrapped up in my jacket; and Addison had
brought a
short drill in his pocket. We found the ledge where Addison had made
discovery and had no great
trouble in chipping off
some specimens. I may add here that the specimens later proved to
silver — in small quantities. I still have a few of them — mementos of
hopes that faded early in the light of greater knowledge. We
followed the ledges off to the
northeast over several craggy hills. At one place we found many
lumps of mica; we cleaved out sheets of it nearly a foot square, which
believed might prove valuable for stove doors. While
pottering with the mica, I
accidentally broke into a kind of cavity, or pocket, in the ledge,
filled with disintegrated rock; and on clearing out the loose stuff
from this
pocket we came upon a beautiful three-sided crystal about two inches
long, like
a prism, green in color, except at one end, where it shaded to pink. It was a
tourmaline crystal, similar
to certain fine ones that have been found some miles to the eastward,
at the
now world-famous Mount Mica. At that time we did not know what it was,
thinking that it might be valuable, we searched the pocket for other
but found no more. We had
both become so much
interested in searching for minerals that we had quite forgotten our
The sky, I remember, was overcast and the sun obscured; it was also
very smoky
from forest fires, which in those days were nearly always burning
somewhere to
the north of us during the summer. But
presently, as Addison was
thumping away with the hammer, I noticed that it was growing dark. At
first I
thought that it was merely a darker cloud above the smoke that had
drifted over
the sun, and said nothing; but the sky continued to darken, and soon
noticed it. "Another
shower coming, I
guess," he said, looking up. "Don't see any particular clouds,
though. I wonder what makes it so dark?" "It seems
just like night
coming on," said I. "But it isn't so late as all that, is it? " "No!"
exclaimed Addison.
"It isn't night yet, I know!" And he hastily took out Theodora's
watch, which she had intrusted to him to carry that day, so that we
should know
when to start for home. "It's only half past three, and the sun doesn't
set now till after seven o'clock." We
hammered at the ledge again for a
while; but still it grew darker. "Well,
this beats me!"
Addison exclaimed; and again he surveyed the sky. "That
watch hasn't stopped, has
it?" I said; for night was plainly falling. Addison
hastily looked again. "No, it's
ticking all
right," he said. "Theodora's watch never stops, you know." It
was a fine watch that her father had left to her. By that
time it was so dark that we
could hardly see the hands on the watch; and although the day had been
warm, I
noticed a distinct change in the temperature — a chill. Somewhere in
the woods
an owl began to hoot dismally, as owls do at night; and from a ledge a
distance from the one on which we stood a whippoorwill began to chant. Night was
evidently descending on
the earth — at four o'clock of an August afternoon! We stared round and
looked at each other, bewildered. "Addison,
what do you make of
this!" I cried. Thoughts
of that rainbow in the
morning had flashed through my mind; and with it came a cold touch of
superstitious fear, such as I had never felt in my life before. In that
I realized what the fears of the ignorant must have been through all
the past
ages of the world. It is a fear that takes away your reason. I could
have cried
out, or run, or done any other foolish thing. Without
saying a word, Addison put
the tourmaline crystal into his pocket and picked up the drill and the
bundle of silver-ore specimens, which to carry the more easily he had
tied up
in his handkerchief. "Come on,"
he said in a
queer, low tone. "Let's go find Theodora and Nell. I guess we'd better
home — if it's coming on night in the
middle of the afternoon." He tried
to laugh, for Addison had
always prided himself on being free from all superstition. But I saw
that he
was startled; and he admitted afterwards that he, too, had remembered
that rainbow in the morning, and had also thought of the comet that had
a few years before and that many people believed to presage the end of
world. We started
to run back, but it had
already grown so dark that we had to pay special heed to our steps. We
not walk fast. To this day I remember how strange and solemn the
chanting of
the whippoorwills and the hoarse skook! of the nighthawks sounded to
me. No
doubt I was frightened. It was exactly like evening; the same chill was
in the
air. At last we
reached the place where
we had left the others, but they were not there. Addison called to
Theodora and
Ellen several times in low, suppressed tones; I, too, felt a great
disinclination to shout or speak aloud. "I guess
they've all gone back
where we left the wagon," Addison said at last. We made
our way through the tangled
bushes, brush and woods, down to Otter Brook. In the darkness we went a
astray from the place where we had unharnessed the horse; but
presently, as we
were moving about in the brushwood, we heard a low voice say: "Is that
you, Ad?" It was
Theodora; and immediately we
came upon them all, sitting together forlornly there in the wagon. They
hitched up Old Sol and were anxiously waiting for us in order to start
home. The strange phenomenon seemed to have dazed them; they sat there
in the
dark as silent as so many mice. "Hello,
girls!" Addison
exclaimed. "Are you all there? Quite dark, isn't it?" "Oh, Ad,
what do you think this
is?" Theodora asked, still in the same hushed voice. "Well, I
think it is dark,"
replied Addison, trying to
appear unconcerned. "Don't
laugh, Ad," said
Theodora solemnly. "Something awful has happened." "And where
have you two been so
long?" asked Catherine. "We thought you were lost. We thought you
would never come. What time is it?" We struck
a match and looked. It was
nearly half past four. "Oh, get
in, Ad, and take the
reins! Let's go home!" Ellen pleaded. "Yes, Ad,
let's go home, if we
can get there," said Tom Edwards. "What d'ye suppose it is,
anyhow?" "Dark!" exclaimed Addison
hardily. "Just plain
dark!" "Oh,
Addison!" exclaimed
Theodora reprovingly. "Don't try to joke about a thing like this." "It may be
the end of the
world," Ellen murmured. "The world
has had a good many
ends to it," said Addison. "Which end do you think this is,
Nell?" But
neither Ellen nor Theodora cared
to reply to him. Their low, frightened voices increased my uneasiness.
I could
think of nothing except that rainbow in the morning; "morning,"
"warning," seemed to ring in my ears. We climbed
into the wagon and
started homeward, but it was so dark that we had to plod along slowly.
Old Sol
was unusually torpid, as if the ominous obscurity had dazed him, too.
After a
time he stopped short and snorted; we heard the brush crackle and
caught a
glimpse of a large animal crossing the road ahead of us. "That's a
bear," Thomas
said. "Bears are out, just as if it were night." Some
minutes passed before we could
make Old Sol go on; and again we heard owls hooting in the woods. Long
before we got down to the
cleared land, however, the sky began gradually to grow lighter. We all
it, and a feeling of relief stole over us. In the course of twenty
minutes it
became so light that we could discern objects round us quite plainly.
The night
chill, too, seemed to go from the air. Suddenly,
as we rattled along,
Addison jumped up from his seat and turned to us. "I know now what this
is!" he cried. "Why didn't I think of it before?" "What is
it — if you
know?" cried Catherine and Theodora at once. "The
eclipse! The total eclipse
of the sun!" exclaimed Addison. "I remember now reading something
about it in the Maine Farmer a
fortnight ago. It was to be on the 7th — and this is it!" At that
time advance notices of such
phenomena were not so widely published as they are now; at the old
farm, too,
we did not take a daily newspaper. So one of the great astronomical
events of
the last century had come and gone, and we had not known what it was
until it
was over. Except for
the dun canopy of smoke
and clouds over the sun we should have guessed at once, of course, the
cause of
the darkness; but as it was, the eclipse had given us an anxious
afternoon; and
although the rainbow in the morning had probably not the slightest
with the eclipse, — indeed, could not have had, — it had greatly
heightened the
feeling of awe and superstitious dread with which we had beheld night
fall in
the middle of the afternoon! By the
time we got home it was light
again. As we drove into the yard, the old Squire came out, smiling.
it a little dark up where you were blackberrying a while ago?" he
asked. "Well, just a little dark, sir," Addison replied, with a smile as droll as his own. "But I suppose it was all because of that rainbow in the morning that you told us to look out for." |