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CHAPTER XVI. Leave Shanghae for
the silk country — Melancholy results of
the Shanghae rebellion — Country and productions about Cading — Indigo
safflower — Bamboo paper-making — Insects — Lakes and marshy country —
the town of Nan-tsin in the silk districts — Its shops and inhabitants
Producers of raw silk and silk merchants — Description of silk country
— Soil —
Method of cultivating the mulberry — Valuable varieties — Increased by
and not by seeds — Method of gathering the leaves — Hills near
Hoo-chow-foo — Temples
and priests.
ON the evening of the eighth of
June I took my
departure from Shanghae, en route for the great silk district for which
province is famed all over the world, and for the mountainous country
lies to the westward of the plain of the Yang-tse-kiang. As my boat
rapidly up the Soochow branch of the river, I soon approached the
ground where
the imperialists had their principal camp during the siege of the city,
where so many hundreds of poor wretches were executed after the city
evacuated. It was a calm and beautiful evening. The sounds of civil
warfare and
of a camp teeming with barbarous soldiers, which had been so often
heard a few
months before, had now passed away, — the sword had been converted into
the ploughshare
— and the husbandman was quietly engaged in the cultivation of his
fields, now
enriched with the blood and bodies of his countrymen.
As I passed the site of the old
camp I sat on the
outside of my boat smoking my cigar in the cool air of the evening, and
upon the events of the preceding years. The wind at the time blew
softly from
the south, and before it reached the river on which I was sailing it
had to
pass over the site of the old encampment. The first puff that reached
me almost
made me sick, and it has nearly the same effect on me even now when I
think of
it as I write. Although I had seen none of the executions which had
taken place
a short time before, I did not require any one to inform me that this
was the
"field of blood." Here hundreds of headless bodies scarcely covered,
or only with an inch or two of earth, lay in a state of decomposition,
and the
stench from them filled and polluted the air. Here, then, was the end
of the
Shanghae rebellion, which, at one time, was so much lauded and
encouraged by
foreigners at that port. The country was devastated for miles round,
the city
lay in ruins, thousands of the peaceful inhabitants were rendered
homeless and
friendless, and the authors of this state of things, who used to strut
about dressed
in the richest silks and satins (which they plundered from the shops
and houses
of the wealthy), smoke opium, and make a profession of regard for the
religion, were now either skulking fugitives, or had atoned with their
for their crimes. I was heartily glad when my boat
had passed the place
into purer air. As my boatmen sculled all night, in the morning we were
miles distant from Shanghae and within sight of the walls of Cading, an
city which I passed some years ago, when on my way to Soo-chow-foo.
Here I
remained for several days, inspecting the natural productions of the
As this city and the surrounding country is frequently visited by
and other residents in Shanghae, a foreigner is a common sight to the
who do not crowd round him as they do in more inland towns. I could,
pursue my investigations in town and country without being molested in
any way
whatever. The surrounding country,
although a plain, is
somewhat higher and more undulating in its general character than that
Shanghae. The land is exceedingly fertile and admirably adapted for
cotton cultivation, and consequently we find that cotton is the staple
production of the district. But there are many other articles besides
which are
worthy of notice. The Shanghae indigo (Isates indigotica)
is largely
cultivated in the Ke-wang-meow district, a few miles to the south. The
"Hong-wha," a variety of safflower (Carthamnus tinctorius),
was found for the first time in fields near Cading. This dye, I was
was held in high esteem by the Chinese, and is used in dyeing the red
scarlet silks and crapes which are so common in the country and so much
justly admired by foreigners of every nation. Although I had not met
with the
safflower in cultivation in any other part of the country, my servants
me that large quantities were annually produced in the Chekiang
province near
Ningpo. At this season (June 10th) the crop of flowers had been
gathered, and all
the plants removed from the land, except some few here and there on the
different farms which had been left for seed. The seed was not yet
ripe, so
that I could not get a supply, but I determined to return that way and
secure a
portion to send to the Agricultural and Horticultural Society of India,
order to compare the Chinese with the Indian safflower. I believe they
turned out to be alike, or nearly so. Large quantities of fruit and
are also produced in the vicinity of the city. I observed orchards of
apple-trees, which is rather a rare sight in this district. The variety
apple was a small one, about as big as our golden pippin, but excellent
flavour; indeed, the only kind worth eating in this part of China.
Melons of
several different kinds were also extensively cultivated: when they are
the markets are literally crowded to overflowing with them, and they
are eaten
by the natives much in the same way as apples are with us; in fact they
seem to
be, so to speak, the apples of the country. In the canals near the city
there were large
quantities of bamboos partially covered with mud, so as to be pressed
water. These, I believe, were intended to be made into paper after they
been soaked for some time. The whole of the process of making paper
from the
bamboo did not come under my notice while travelling in the country,
but I
believe it is carried out somewhat in the following manner: — After
soaked for some time in the way I have noticed, the bamboos are split
up and
saturated with lime and water until they become quite soft. They are
beaten up into a pulp in mortars, or where waterpower is at hand, as in
hilly districts, the beating or stamping process is done by means of
which rise and fall as the cogs which are placed on the axis of the
revolve. When the mass has been reduced to a fine pulpy substance it is
taken to a furnace and well boiled until it has become perfectly fine,
and of
the proper consistency. It is then formed into sheets of paper. Bamboo-paper is made of various
degrees of fineness
according to the purposes for which it is intended. It is not only used
writing upon, and for packing with, but a large quantity of a coarse
description is made for the sole purpose of mixing with the mortar used
bricklayers. In the fields about Cading I
found two fine species
of carabus, under stones, which were highly prized by entomologists at
home. On
the first discovery of these insects I showed them to a group of
children who
were with me, and offered to
buy all
they brought me at the rate of thirty cash for each perfect specimen. I
say they considered me insane or foolish, and I thought I could detect
a look
of pity on some countenances; but the motley group by which I was
was soon scattered in all directions, engaged in turning over stones,
lumps of
loose earth and rubbish, and eagerly looking for the insects I wanted.
The news
was soon communicated to the old women in the villages, who were as
anxious as
the children, and many were the disputes and tumbles they had when
for these beetles. By this means I soon procured as
many specimens of
these insects as I required, and then the difficulty was to induce my
crowds of
collectors to leave off collecting. I have already stated that the
always believed I was collecting insects for medicine, and, therefore,
had no
idea of some forty or fifty of each kind being enough.
Leaving Cading I pursued my
journey to the westward
in the direction of Tsing-poo. Soon after dark I found myself on the
borders of
an extensive sheet of water. My boatmen refused to proceed farther that
telling me they could not find their way in the dark, and that if the
wind rose
we would be placed in a dangerous position. As this part of the country
unknown to me I considered it best to allow the men to have their own
way, and
so we brought up for the night. When I awoke at daybreak on the
following morning we
were already under way, and sailing with a fair wind across the lake.
It was
not difficult to perceive the justice of the remarks made by the
boatmen the
evening before; indeed, it seemed a difficult matter to find our way in
daylight. This is a most extraordinary part of the country: the lake,
or rather
lakes, extend in all directions for many miles, sometimes so narrow as
to have
the appearance of canals, and then again expanding into large sheets of
Everywhere the shores are low, and have a most irregular outline formed
by a
succession of reed-covered capes and deep bays. After sailing for a distance of
six or eight miles we
came to what appeared at first sight to be a canal leading out of the
lake. It
proved, however, to be merely a neck of water which led into another
lake equal
in size to that which we had just crossed. And so we went on during the
day through this dreary region. The low marshy shores seemed to be
inhabited, although in the neighbourhood of the richest and most
populous part
of the Chinese empire; indeed, almost the only sign of the place being
inhabited by human beings was, strange to say, the numerous coffins and
of the dead, which were continually coming into view as we sailed
along. It is
not improbable, however, that many of these had been brought from other
districts to those lucky spots and laid down, or
interred according
to circumstances, by the surviving
relatives. The lakes themselves had a much
more lively
appearance than those dreary shores. The white and brown sails of boats
our own were observed in great numbers making for the mouths of the
canals which form the highways to the large towns and cities in this
part of
China. Those seen going in a southerly direction were bound for
and the towns in that district; those sailing northwards were on their
way to
Soo-chow-foo, while those going in the same direction as ourselves were
for the
silk country and its rich and populous cities. The water of the lakes was as
smooth as glass, and in
many places very shallow. Various species of water-plants, such as Trapa
bicornus, Nympheas, &c., were common, while here and
there I came upon
the broad prickly leaves of Euryale ferox covering
the surface of the
water. In the afternoon the scenery
began to assume an
appearance somewhat different from that of the morning. The country was
evidently getting higher in level and more fertile and populous. To the
westward I thought I could detect a real boundary to the waters, but I
did not
feel quite certain of this as I had been deceived several times during
the day.
About five P.M. we arrived at a place named Ping-wang or Bing-bong, as
it is
pronounced in the dialect of the district. This proved to be a small
town on the edge of the lakes, and rather important from the central
which it occupies. Fine navigable canals lead from it to all the
towns of this large and fertile plain. A very fine one leads on to the
city of
Hoo-chow to which I was bound. On one side it has a substantial paved
which is a high road to foot-passengers, and is also used by the
boat-people in
tracking their boats and junks. I was now able to leave my boat to be
slowly along, and walk along the banks of the canal.
I had reached the eastern borders of the great silk country of China — a country which in the season of 1853-54 exported upwards of 58,000 bales of raw silk.
The mulberry was now observed on
the banks of the
canal, and in patches over all this part of the country. The lakes
which I had
passed through, and which I have endeavoured to describe, were now left
and a broad and beautiful canal stretched far away to the westward, and
led to
the great silk-towns of Nan-thin and Hoo-chow-foo. Hitherto the country
been completely flat, but now some hills at a great distance on my
came into view. These I afterwards ascertained were the
situated on the T'ai-hu Lake — one of the largest lakes in China, which
a considerable extent of country between the cities of Hang-chow-foo
Soochow-foo. As we passed along the country seemed exceedingly rich and
fertile; and mulberry-plantations met the eye in every direction. A.
quantity of rice was also produced on the lower lands. The natives
seemed well
to do in the world, having plenty of work without oppression, and
enough to
procure the necessaries and simple luxuries of life. It was pleasant to
their joyous and contented songs as they laboured amongst the
mulberry-plantations and rice-fields. In the evening we arrived at
Nan-tsin, and as I was
anxious to see something of this celebrated silk-town by daylight, I
on remaining there for a few days. Early next morning I was up and on
my way to
see the town. Even at this early hour — five A.M. — the roads were full
people; for like other nations the Chinese hold their markets in the
The streets in the town were lined with vegetables of all kinds, and
the fruits
of the season were abundant and cheap, particularly water-melons,
plums, &c. Butchers' stalls groaned under loads of fat pork;
there was an
abundance of fresh and salt fish; ducks, geese, and fowls, were there
hundreds, and, indeed, everything was there which could tempt the eye
of the
Chinese epicure, except cats, rats, and young puppies, and these are
appreciated in this part of the country. Frogs are in great demand in all
the Chinese towns,
both in the north and south, wherever I have been, and they were very
in Nantsin. They abound in shallow lakes and rice fields, and many of
them are
very beautifully coloured, and look as if they had been painted by the
hand of
a first-rate artist. The vendors of these animals skin them in the
streets in
the most unmerciful and apparently cruel way which I have already
described. There are many good streets and
valuable shops in
Nan-tsin, but they are very much like what I have seen and described in
cities in China. What struck me most was the large quantity of raw silk
was here exposed for sale. Soon after daylight the country people began
arrive with their little packets of silk, which they intended to sell
to the
merchants. The shops for the purchase of this article appeared to be
numerous in all the principal streets. Behind the counter of each shop
six, eight, and sometimes more, clean, respectable-looking men, who
were silk
inspectors, and whose duty was to examine the quality of the silk
offered for
sale, and to name its value. It was amusing to notice the quietness of
men compared with the clamorous crowds who stood in front of their
shops with
silk for sale. Each one was expatiating on the superior quality of his
and the lowness of the offer that had been made to him. Many of the
were women, and in all instances they were the most noisy. The shopmen
everything very quietly, and rarely offered a higher price than they
had done
in the first instance. But notwithstanding all the noise and bustle
everything seemed
to go on satisfactorily, and when the money was paid the people went
off in
high spirits, apparently well satisfied with the sales they had
effected. From the observations which I
made at this time on
the farms and markets in this the great silk country of China, it
appears that,
however large in the aggregate the production of silk may be in the
this quantity is produced not by large farmers or extensive
manufactures, but
by millions of cottagers, each of whom own and cultivate a few roods or
of land only. Like bees in a hive each contributes his portion to swell
general store. And so it is with almost every production in the
empire. Our favourite beverage, tea, is produced just in the same way.
When the
silk has thus been bought in small samples from the original producers,
it is
then the business of the native inspectors and merchants to sort it and
it into bales of similar quality for home consumption or for
exportation. Nan-tsin is not a walled city,
and politically it is
a place of small importance. But it is a place of great wealth and
extending for miles on each side of the canal, and far back into the
country. I
believe there is a larger trade in silk done here than even in the city
Hoo-chow-foo itself. The people generally seemed to have plenty of
work, and
judging from their clean, healthy, and contented appearance, they are
well paid
for their labour. During my walk in the town I was
surrounded and
followed by hundreds of the natives, all anxious to get a view of the
foreigner. But except the inconvenience of the crowd I had nothing to
of, for all were perfectly civil and in the best humour.
I spent the next few days in the
vicinity of
Nan-thin, and as it may be considered the centre of the great silk
country of
China, I shall endeavour now to give a description of the cultivation
appearance of the mulberry trees. The soil over all this district
is a strong yellow
loam, well mixed and enriched by vegetable matter; just such a soil as
excellent wheat crops in England. The whole of the surface of the
which at one period has been nearly a dead level, is now cut up, and
embankments formed for the cultivation of the mulberry. It appears to
better upon the surface and sides of these embankments than upon level
The low lands, which are, owing to the formation of these embankments,
considerably lower than the original level of the plain, are used for
production of rice and other grains and vegetables. It is therefore on
banks of canals, rice fields, small lakes and ponds, where the mulberry
generally cultivated, and where it seems most at home. But although
quantities of rice and other crops are grown in the silk districts, yet
country, when viewed from a distance, resembles a vast mulberry garden,
when the trees are in full leaf, it has a very rich appearance. The variety of mulberry
cultivated in this district
appears to be quite distinct from that which is grown in the southern
parts of
China and in the silk districts of India. Its leaves are much larger,
glossy, and have more firmness and substance than any other variety
which has
come under my notice. It may be that this circumstance has something to
do with
the superior quality of the silk produced in the Hoo-chow country, and
worthy of the notice of silk growers in other parts of the world. This peculiar variety is not
reproduced by seed, and
hence all the plantations are formed of grafted trees. Each plant is
grafted from
a foot to two feet above the ground, and rarely higher. The trees are
in rows from five to six feet apart, and are allowed to grow from six
to ten
feet high only, for the convenience of gathering the leaves. In
training them
they are kept open in the centre; the general outline is circular, and
they are
not unlike some of those dwarf apple-trees which are common in European
gardens. The accompanying sketch gives a good representation of the
habit and
form of one of those trees which has attained its full size. The different methods of
gathering the leaves in
these districts are curious and instructive, and show clearly that the
cultivators well understand the laws of vegetable physiology. Leaves
are not
taken at all from plants in their young state, as this would be
injurious to
their future productiveness. In other instances a few leaves only are
from the bushes, while the remainder are allowed to remain upon the
until the summer growth is completed. In the latter case the leaves are
invariably left at the ends of the shoots.
When the bushes have attained
their full size, the
young shoots with the leaves are clipped close off by the stumps, and
and leaves carried home together to the farm-yard to be plucked and
for the worms. In the case of young trees the leaves are generally
gathered by
the hand, while the shoots are left to grow on until the autumn. At
this period
all the plantations are gone over carefully; the older bushes are
pruned close
in to the stumps, while the shoots of the younger ones are only
shortened back
a little to allow them to attain to the desired height. The ground is
manured and well dug over. It remains in this state until the following
unless a winter crop of some kind of vegetable is taken off it. This is
frequently the case. Even in the spring and summer months it is not
unusual to
see crops of beans, cabbages, &c., growing under the mulberry
trees. Mulberry
Tree. During the winter months the
trees are generally bare
and leafless. Those persons who are accustomed to live in countries
with marked
seasons, where the winters are cold, and where the great mass of
vegetation is
leafless, would not be struck with this circumstance in the silk
country of
China. But the view one gets in this country in the summer months,
after the
first clipping of the shoots, is curious and striking. As far as the
eye can
reach, in all directions, one sees nothing but bare stumps. It looks as
if some
pestilential vapour had passed over the plain and withered up the whole
these trees. And the view is rendered still more striking by the
patches of lively green which are observed at this time in the
rice-fields and
on the banks of the canals. This system of clipping close in to the
stumps of
the old branches gives the trees a curious and deformed appearance. The
ends of
the branches swell out into a club-like form, and are much thicker
there than
they are lower down. The following sketch explains
the state in which
those trees are seen after they have been deprived of their stems and
leaves. After I had completed my
inspection of the country
near the town of Nan-tsin, I proceeded onwards to the west in the
direction of
Hoo-chow-foo. A few hours' sail on a wide and beautiful canal brought
me within
view of the mountain ranges which form the western boundary to the
great plain
of the Yang-tse-kiang, through which I had been passing for several
days. The
most striking hill which came first into view was crowned by a
pagoda. It had a large tree by its side, equally striking in the
distance, and
which had probably been planted when the pagoda was built. I afterwards
ascertained this to be the "maidenhair-tree" (Salisburia
adiantifolia), a tree which attains a large size in this part
of China, and
is extremely ornamental. As I neared Hoo-chow the general
aspect of the
country appeared very different from that through which I had been
for upwards of one hundred miles. The general level seemed higher, and
well-wooded hills adorned the surface of the country. I visited these
hills as
I went along for the purpose of examining their vegetation. In most
cases I
found pretty temples near their summits, surrounded with trees. From
spots the most charming views were obtained of the great mulberry
plain, the
city of Hoo-chow, and the mountain ranges which form the background
towards the
west. In one of the temples which I visited I found a priest who was a native of Ningpo, the town to which my servants belonged. He received us most cordially, and appeared glad to have an opportunity of talking with his townsmen, and getting all the news from his native place, which he had not visited for several years. In one of the cells of this temple we were shown a priest who had been submitting to voluntary confinement for nearly three years. It is not unusual to find devotees of this kind in many of the Buddhist temples of China. Although they never come out of their cells until the time of their confinement expires, they have no objection to see and converse with strangers at their little windows. The person whom we visited at this time received us with Chinese politeness, asked us to sit down on a chair placed outside his little cell, and gave us tea, on the surface of which various fragrant flowers were swimming. |