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CHAPTER V. Visit a collector of ancient
works of art — His house and
garden — Inspect his collections of old crackle china and other vases,
— Fondness of Chinese for their own ancient works of art — Description
ancient porcelain most prized by them — Ancient enamels — Foo-chow
enamels —
Jade-stone — Rock crystal — Magnetic iron and other minerals —
Gold-stone — Red
lacquer and gold japan — Porcelain bottles found in Egyptian tombs —
Found also
in China at the present day — Age of these — Mr. Medhurst's
A SHORT time after the events took place
which I have
related in the last chapter, and before leaving this part of the
country, I
paid a visit to another Chinese gentleman, whose acquaintance I had
made in an old curiosity shop in Ningpo. Like myself he was an ardent
and collector of ancient works of art, such as specimens of china,
enamels, and articles of that description. Neither of us collected what
commonly known as curios, such as ivory balls, grotesque and ugly
carvings in
bamboo or sandalwood or soapstone, and such things as take the fancy of
captains of ships and their crews of jolly tars when they visit the
Celestial Empire.
Above all things, our greatest horror was modern chinaware, an article
proves more than anything else in the country how much China has
degenerated in
the arts. The venders of such things as
we were in the habit of collecting knew us both well, and not
frequently made
us pay for the similarity of our tastes. Oftentimes I was informed, on
the price of an article, that my Tse-kee friend was anxious to get it,
and had
offered such and such a price, and I have no doubt the same game was
with him. That what they told me was sometimes true I have no doubt,
for in
more than one instance I have known specimens purchased by him the
moment he
heard of my arrival. But for all this rivalry we were excellent
friends, and he
frequently invited me to visit him and see his collections when I came
Tse-kee. Curious
Pilgrim-shaped bottle,
enameled with butterflies & etc. I found him the owner and occupant of a
large house
in the centre of the city, and apparently a man of considerable wealth.
received me with the greatest cordiality, and led me in the usual way
to the
seat of honour at the end of the reception-hall. His house was
furnished and
ornamented with great taste. In front of the room in which I had been
was a little garden containing a number of choice plants in pots, such
azaleas, camellias, and dwarfed trees of various kinds. The ground was
with sandstone and granite, and, while some of the pots were placed on
floor, others were standing on stone tables. Small borders fenced with
the same
kinds of stone were filled with soil, in which were growing creepers of
kinds which covered the walls. Here were the favoured Glycine
roses, jasmines, &c., which not only scrambled over the walls, but
were led
inward and formed arbours to afford shade from the rays of the noonday
sun. In
front of these were such things as Moutans, Nandina (sacred bamboo of
Chinese), Weigela rosea, Forsythia viridissima, and Spiræa
In opposite corners stood two noble trees of Olea fragrans, the
"Kwei-hwa," whose flowers are often used in scenting tea; while many
parts of the little border were carpeted with the pretty little Lycopodium
cæsium, which I introduced to England some years ago. This pretty
scene was exposed to our view as we sat sipping our tea, and with all
English prejudice I could not but acknowledge that it was exceedingly
enjoyable. The reception-room was hung with numerous
glass lanterns gaily painted with "flowers of all hues;" several
massive varnished tables stood in its centre, while a row of chairs was
arranged down each side. Between the chairs stood small square tables
tepoys, on some of which were placed beautiful specimens of ancient
vases. Everything which met the eye told in language not to be mistaken
its owner was not only a man of wealth, but of the most refined taste. After a few commonplace civilities passing
between us
I expressed a wish to inspect his collections. He led me from room to
room and
pointed out a collection which was enough to make one's "mouth
water." In some instances his specimens stood on tables or on the
while in others they were tastefully arranged in cabinets made
expressly for
the purpose of holding them. He showed me many exquisite bits, of
crackle of
various colours — grey, red, turquoise, cream, pale yellow, and indeed
almost every shade. One vase I admired much was about two feet high, of
a deep
blue colour, and covered with figures and ornaments in gold; another of
same height had a while ground with figures and trees in black, yellow,
green — rare and bright colours lost now to Chinese art, and never
known in any
other part of the world. Porcelain
vase enamelled with
figures of Animals & Plants In one of the
rooms I observed some handsome
specimens of red lacquer most elaborately and deeply carved, and also
pieces of gold japan. There were also numerous bronzes and enamels on
which my friend informed me were from 800 to 1000 years of age. His
of jades and agates was also extensive and valuable.
Taking the collection as a whole, it was
the finest I
had ever seen, and was a real treat to me. On going round the different
rooms I
observed more than one specimen I had been in treaty for myself, and I
I could detect a good-humoured smile upon my friend's countenance, as
the same
idea was passing through his mind which was passing through my own. On returning to the reception-room I found
one of the
tables covered with all sorts of good things for luncheon, which I was
asked to partake of. It was, however, getting late in the afternoon,
and near
my own dinner-hour, so I begged myself off with the best grace
possible, and
with many low bows and thanks took my leave much gratified with what I
seen. It is well known that the Chinese value
ancient works
of art, but they differ from western nations in this, that the
appreciation of
such articles is confined to those of their own country. As a general
rule they
do not appreciate articles of foreign art, unless such articles are
useful in
daily life. A fine picture, a bronze, or even a porcelain vase of "barbarian"
origin, might be accepted as a present, but would rarely be bought by a
collector. But while they are indifferent about the
works of art of foreign countries, they are passionately fond of their
own. And
well they may, for not only are many of their ancient vases exquisite
of art, but they are also samples of an art which appears to have long
passed from amongst them. Take, for example, their modern porcelain,
of which may be seen in almost every tea-shop in London. The grotesque
is there it is true, but nowhere do we find that marvellous colouring
which is
observed on their ancient vases. I often tried to find out whether as a
they had lost the art of fixing the most beautiful colours, or whether
in these
days of cheapness they would not go to the expense. All my inquiries
tended to
show that the art had been lost, and indeed it must be so, otherwise
the high
prices which these beautiful things command would be sure, in a country
China, to produce them. Without coloured drawings it is difficult
to give the
general reader a correct idea of what these specimens are which are so
prized by the Chinese; and although there are some valuable private
in England, yet our museums, to which the public have access, are but
supplied. My descriptions, however, will probably be understood by
of such articles in this country. Vase
of Sea-green Crackle. To begin with what is called old crackle
porcelain by
collectors. — The Chinese have many kinds of this manufacture, some of
are extremely rare and beautiful. In the whites and greys the crackle
larger, and the older specimens are often bound by a metallic-looking
which sets off the specimens to great
advantage. White and grey are the common colours amongst modern crackle
— a
manufacture not appreciated either by the Chinese or ourselves — but
the latter
is easily known from its inferiority to the more ancient. The yellow
cream-coloured specimens are rare and much prized these are seldom seen
Europe. The greens, light and dark, turquoise, and reds are generally
glazed, and have the crackle-lines small and minute. In colouring these
examples are exquisite, and in this respect they throw our finest
specimens of
European porcelain quite into the shade. The green and turquoise
crackle made in
China at the present day are very inferior to the old kinds. Perhaps
the rarest
and most expensive of all ancient crackles is a yellowish stone-colour;
in my
researches I have seen only one small vase of this kind, and it is now
in my
Of other ancient porcelain (not crackle)
prized by
the Chinese, I may mention the specimens (generally vases) with a white
enamelled with figures of various colours, as green, black, and yellow.
It is a
curious fact that the attempts made at the present day by porcelain
manufacturers to fix such colours invariably fail.
The self-coloured specimens, such as pure
creams, crimsons, reds, blues, greens, and violets, are very fine, and
prized by Chinese collectors. Some exquisite bits of colouring amongst
class may be met with sometimes in their cabinets, and also in old
shops. I purchased a vase in Canton about fourteen inches high,
coloured with
the richest red I had ever seen. I doubt much if all the art of Europe
produce such a specimen in the present day, and, strange though it may
it could certainly not be produced in China. But the most ancient examples of
porcelain, according
to the testimony of Chinese collectors, are in the form of circular
dishes with
upright sides, very thick, strong, and heavy, and invariably have the
marks of
one, two, or three, on the bottom, written in this form, II, III. The
of some of these rare specimens, which have come under my observation,
but the kinds most highly prized have a brownish-yellow ground, over
which is
thrown a light shot sky-blue, with here and there a dash of blood-red.
Chinese tell us there are but a few of these specimens in the country,
and that
they are more than a thousand years old. A specimen shown me by a
merchant in Canton was valued at three hundred dollars! In endeavouring
to make
a dealer lower his price for one in Shanghae, he quietly put it away,
me at the same time that I evidently did not understand the value of
article I wished to purchase. It was with some difficulty I got him to
it again, and eventually I procured it for a much less sum than I could
done in Canton. Ancient
Porcelain Vessel. Within the last few years the attention of
in this country has been drawn to the ancient enamels of China. Many
specimens were seen in the Great Exhibition of the Works of Art of all
in Hyde Park, and since that time a number of specimens have found
their way
into Europe. The specimens to which I allude have the enamel on copper,
beautifully coloured and enlivened with figures of flowers, birds, and
animals. The colouring is certainly most chaste and effective, and well
the attention of artists in this country. According to the testimony of
Chinese, this manufacture is of a very early period; no good specimens
been made for the last six or eight hundred years.
Vase enamelled on Metal. In the province of Fokien I met with some
bronzes, beautifully inlaid with white metal or silver. These were
rarely seen
in any other part of China. The lines of metal are small and delicate,
and are
made to represent flowers, trees, animals of various kinds, and
Chinese characters. Some fine bronzes, inlaid with gold, are met with
in this
province. As a general rule, Chinese bronzes are more remarkable for
peculiar, and certainly not very handsome, form than for anything else.
are, however, many exceptions to this rule. The curiosity-shops, which are met with in
all rich
cities, as well as the cabinets of collectors, are generally rich in
specimens of the jade-stone cut into many different forms. The clear
white and
green specimens are most prized by collectors. Considering the hardness of this stone, it
is quite
surprising how it is cut and carved by Chinese workmen, whose tools are
generally of the rudest description. Fine specimens of rock-crystal,
into figures, cups, and vases, are met with in the curiosity-shops of
Foo-chow-foo. Some of these specimens are white, others golden-yellow,
others again blue and black. One kind looks as if human hair was thrown
in and
crystallized. Imitations of this stone are common in Canton made into
snuff-bottles, such as are commonly used by the Chinese.
Amongst other stones and minerals which
are found
amongst the Chinese are lapis-lazuli, malachites, magnetic iron, and
other samples of the rarer productions of the country. But the most
curious and
most expensive of all is what is called gold-stone. This is an article
of great
beauty, and very different from the imitation kinds which are made in
and largely exported to India. Samples of the imitation frequently find
way to Canton, but are little valued by the natives. Most of the
learned in such matters, with whom I came in contact, affirmed the true
gold-stone to be a natural production, and said it came from the
islands of
Japan. It is very rare in China; I have not met with it in India; and
it be a natural production or a work of art, it is certainly extremely
beautiful. My friend Mr. Beale, of Shanghae, who has some fine
presented one to me for the purpose of having it examined in London,
but I have
not yet had time. Specimens of red lacquer, deeply carved
with figures
of birds, flowers, &c., and generally made in the form of trays,
boxes, and
sometimes vases, are met with in the more northern Chinese towns, and
are much
and justly prized. What is called "old gold japan" lacquer is also
esteemed by Chinese connoisseurs, and the specimens of this are
rare in the country at the present day. These are a few of the principal ancient
works of art
met with in the cabinets of the Chinese and in the old curiosity-shops
which we
find in all large towns. According to the united testimony of my
friends, most of the porcelain I have noticed is of a date much more
than those bottles which have been found from time to time in Egyptian
tombs. I
have in my possession examples of these bottles found in China —
generally in
doctors' shops — identical in form, no doubt of the same age, and
having the
same inscriptions on them as those found in Egypt, and from all that I
learn they are not older than the Ming dynasty. An article on the
of the "China branch of the Royal Asiatic Society," by W. H.
Medhurst, Esq., her Majesty's Consul at Foo-chow-foo, proves this most
satisfactorily, by showing that the inscriptions are portions of
stanzas by standard and celebrated Chinese authors who flourished about
time. As the concluding part of Mr. Medhurst's paper bears somewhat
upon the
matters I have been discussing, I shall take the liberty of introducing
it in
this place. "I have not been able to ascertain
equally satisfactory regarding the discovery of porcelain. The earliest
of its existence, as a ware, that I can find, occurs in a poem by one
Tsow-yang, a worthy who lived in the reign of Wan-te, of the Han
175-151 B.C.; but it is only casually mentioned as 'green porcelain.' Pan-yŏ, a writer of the reign of Tae-che,
of the Tsin
dynasty, A.D. 260-268, speaks of 'pouring wine into many-coloured
cups;' and the biography of Ho-chow, an eminent character of the Suy
A.D. 608-622, tells us that its hero restored the art, then long lost
in China,
of making Lew-le, a sort of vitreous glaze, by constructing it
of porcelain.
Writers of the Tang and Sung dynasties mention it oftener, its use
perhaps become more general in their time. I should, therefore, infer
that the
manufacture was not known previously to the first-mentioned date, as it
is not
probable that so useful and valuable a ware would have escaped
historical or
casual notice, had it existed in sufficient quantity to allow of its
applied to the manufacture of common bottles. "I need only add that I have trusted in no
instance to hearsay evidence in bringing forward the information I have
collected, but have carefully examined each authority myself previously
recording it upon paper; and perhaps it may not be out of place for me
remark in conclusion, that my teacher scouts the idea of associating
bottles with the Pharaonic epoch as utterly visionary and absurd, it
impossible, he says, that vessels composed of a ware universally
to be no older than the Han dynasty, and inscribed with quotations from
that cannot, if the history of Chinese poetry be true, have been
written before
the Tang dynasty, could have found their way into tombs which were
with the earliest recorded events of Chinese chronology. He is, on the
contrary, decidedly of opinion that the bottles in question were
during the Ming dynasty." |