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MAY The melancholy days are come, the saddest
of the
The Minstrelsy of the Woods. Low from the brink the waters shrink;
WATERFIELD. Indian Ballads. Now the burning summer sun
R. T. H. GRIFFITH. May in the plains of India! What
unpleasant memories it
recalls! Stifling nights in which sleep comes with halting steps and
leaving us unrefreshed. Long, dreary days beneath the punkah in a
bungalow which has ceased to be enlivened by the voices of the children
and the
patter of their little feet. Hot drives to office, under a brazen sky
which the sun shines with pitiless power, in the teeth of winds that
scorch the
face and fill the eyes with dust. It is in this month of May that the
European condemned to
existence in the plains echoes the cry of the psalmist: "Oh that I had
wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest"—in
the Himalayas. There would I lie beneath the deodars and, soothed by
the rustle
of their wind-caressed branches, drink in the pure cool air and listen
to the
cheerful double note of the cuckoo. The country-side in the plains
presents a
sorry spectacle. The gardens that had some beauty in the cold weather
display the abomination of desolation—a waste of shrivelled flowers, killed
by the relentless sun. The spring crops have all been cut and the whole
is dusty brown save for a few patches of young sugar-cane and the
verdure of the mango topes. It is
true that the gold-mohur trees and the Indian laburnums are in full
flower and
the air is heavily laden with the strong scent of the nim
blossoms, but the heat is so intense that the European is able
to enjoy these gifts of nature only at dawn. Nor has the ripening
any attractions for him. He is repelled by its overpowering scent and
flavour. Fortunately the tastes of all men are not alike. In the eyes
of the
Indian this fruit is a dish fit to be set before the gods. The pipal trees, which are covered with
tender young leaves, now offer to the birds a feast in the form of
numbers of
figs, no larger than cranberries. This generous offer is greedily
accepted by
green pigeons, mynas and many other birds which partake with right
goodwill and
make much noise between the courses. No matter how intense the heat be,
patient cultivator issues forth with his cattle before sunrise and
works at his
threshing floor until ten o'clock, then he seeks the comparative
coolness of
the mango tope and sleeps until the sun is well on its way to the
horizon, when he resumes the threshing of the corn, not ceasing until
shades of night begin to steal over the land. The birds do not object to the heat. They
revel in it. It is
true that in the middle of the day even they seek some shady tree in
which to
enjoy a siesta and await the abatement of the heat of the blast furnace
which they live, move and have their being. The long day, which begins
for them
before 4 a.m., rather than the intense heat, appears to be the cause of
midday sleep. Except during this period of rest at noon the birds are
lively than they were in April. The breeding season is now at its height.
In May over five
hundred species of birds nest in India. No individual is likely to come
all these different kinds of nests, because, in order to do so, that
would have to traverse India from Peshawar to Tinnevelly and from
Quetta to
Tenasserim. Nevertheless, the man who remains in one station, if he
choose to
put forth a little energy and defy the sun, may reasonably expect to
find the
nests of more than fifty kinds of birds. Whether he be energetic or the
he cannot fail to hear a great many avian sounds both by day and by
night. In
May the birds are more vociferous than at any other time of year. The
cries of the koel and the vigorous screams of the brain-fever bird
the closed doors of the bungalow, as do, to a less extent, the chatter
of the seven
sisters, the calls of the mynas, the towee, towee, towee of the tailor-bird, the whoot, whoot, whoot of
the crow-pheasant, the monotonous notes of the coppersmith
and the green barbet, the uk, uk, uk
of the hoopoe, the cheerful music of the fantail flycatcher, the three
syllables of the iora—so be ye, the tee, tee,
tee, tee of the nuthatch, the
whistle of the oriole and, last but not least, the melody of the
The calls of the hoopoe and nuthatch become less frequent as the month
draws to
a close; on the other hand, the melody of the oriole gains in strength. As likely as not a pair of blue jays has
elected to rear a
brood of young hopefuls in the chimney or in a hole in the roof. When
happens the human occupant of the bungalow is apt to be driven nearly
distraction by the cries of the young birds, which resemble those of
creature in distress, and are uttered with "damnable reiteration." All these sounds, however, reach in
muffled form the ear of
a human being shut up in a bungalow; hence it is the voices of the
night rather
than those of the day with which May in India is associated. Most
people sleep
out of doors at this season, and, as the excessive heat makes them
they have ample opportunity of listening to the nightly concert of the
feathered folk. The most notable performers are the cuckoos. These
birds are
fully as nocturnal as the owls. The brain-fever bird (Hierococcyx
varius) is now in full voice, and may be heard, both by
day and by night, in all parts of Northern India, east of Umballa. This
creature has two calls. One is the eternal "brain-fever, brain-fever,
"brain-fever" being louder and pitched in a higher key than the
previous one, until the bird reaches its top note. The other call
consists of a
volley of descending notes, uttered as if the bird were unwinding its
after the screams of "brain-fever." The next cuckoo is not one whit
less vociferous than the last. It is known as the Indian koel (Eudynamis honorata). This noble fowl has
three calls, and it would puzzle anyone to say which is the most
powerful. The
usual cry is a crescendo ku-il, ku-il,
ku-il, which to Indian ears is very
sweet-sounding. Most Europeans
are agreed that it is a sound of which one can have too much. The
second note
is a mighty avalanche of yells and screams, which Cunningham has
syllabised as Kúk, kuu, kuu,
kuu, kuu, kuu.
The third cry, which is uttered only occasionally, is a number
of shrill shrieks: Hekaree, karee, karee, karee. The voice of the koel is heard throughout
the hours of light
and darkness in May, so that one wonders whether this bird ever sleeps.
second call is usually reserved for dawn, when the bird is most
This cry is particularly exasperating to Europeans, since it often
awakens them
rudely from the only refreshing sleep they have enjoyed, namely, that
at the time when the temperature is comparatively low. The koel extends
the Punjab and is heard throughout Northern India. The third of the cuckoos which enlivens
the hot weather in
the plains is the Indian cuckoo (Cuculus
micropterus). This species dwells chiefly in the Himalayas, but
late in
April or early in May certain individuals seek the hot plains and
remain there
for some months. They do not extend very far into the peninsula, being
only in the sub-Himalayan tracts as far south as Fyzabad. The call of
cuckoo is melodious and easily recognised. Indians represent it as Bouto-taku, while some Englishmen
maintain that the bird says "I've lost my love." To the writer's mind
the cry is best represented by the words wherefore, wherefore, repeated with musical
cadence. This bird does not usually call much during the day. It
uplifts its
voice about two hours before sunset and continues calling
intermittently until
some time after sunrise. The note is often uttered while the bird is on
wing. Scarcely less vociferous than the cuckoos
are the owls.
Needless to state that the tiny spotted owlets make a great noise in
May. They
are loquacious throughout the year, especially on moonlight nights. Nor
do they
wait for the setting of the sun until they commence to pour forth what
terms a "torrent of squeak and chatter and gibberish." Almost as abundant as the spotted owlet is
the jungle owlet
(Glaucidium radiatum). This species,
like the last-mentioned, does not confine its vocal efforts to the hot
It is vociferous throughout the year; however, special mention must be
made of
it in connection with the month of May, because it is not until a human
sleeps out of doors that he takes much notice of the bird. The note of this owl is very striking. It
may be likened to
the noise made by a motor cycle when it is being started. It consists
of a
series of dissyllables, low at first with a pause after each, but
growing in intensity and succeeding one another at shorter intervals,
until the
bird seems to have got fairly into its stride, when it pulls up with
suddenness. Tickell thus syllabises its call: Turtuck,
turtuck, turtuck, turtuck,
turtuck, tukatu, chatatuck,
atuckatuck. Another sound familiar to those who sleep
out of doors at
this season is a low, soft "what," repeated at intervals of about a
minute. The writer ascribes this call to the
collared scops owl (Scops bakkamoena). Mr. A. J.
however, asserts that the note in question is that emitted by spotted
owlets (Athene brama) when they have young. He
states that he has been quite close to the bird when it was calling. A little patient observation will suffice
to decide the
point at issue. It is easy to distinguish between the two
owls, as the scops
has aigrettes or "horns," which the spotted owlet lacks. The nightjars help to swell the nocturnal
chorus. There are
seven or eight different species in India, but of these only three are
heard and two of them occur mainly in forest tracts. The call of the
widely-distributed of the Indian goatsuckers—Caprimulgus
asiaticus, the common
Indian nightjar—is
like unto the sound made by a stone skimming over ice. Horsfield's
is a very vociferous bird. From March till June it is heard wherever
there are
forests. As soon as the shadows of the evening begin to steal across
the sky
its loud chuk, chuk, chuk,
chuk, chuk cleaves the air for
minutes together. This call to some extent
replaces by night the tonk, tonk, tonk of the coppersmith, which is uttered so persistently
in the
day-time. In addition to this note Horsfield's nightjar emits a low
soft chur, chur, chur. The third nightjar, which also is confined
chiefly to forest
tracts, is known as Franklin's nightjar (C.
monticolus). This utters a harsh tweet
which at a distance might pass for the chirp of a canary with a sore
throat. Other sounds heard at night-time are the
plaintive did-he-do-it pity-to-do-it of the
red-wattled lapwing (Sarcogrammus indicus),
and the shrill calls of other plovers. As has already been said, the nesting
season is at its
height in May. With the exception of the paroquets, spotted owlets,
black vultures and pied kingfishers, which have completed nesting
for the year, and the golden-backed woodpeckers and the cliff-swallows,
have reared up their first broods, the great majority of the birds
mentioned as
having nests or young in March or April are still busily occupied with
cares. May marks the close of the usual breeding
season for the
jungle crows, skylarks, crested larks, finch-larks, wood-shrikes,
yellow-throated sparrows, sand-martins, pied wagtails, green barbets,
coppersmiths, rollers, green bee-eaters, white-breasted kingfishers,
vultures, tawny eagles, kites, shikras, spur-winged plovers, little
plovers, pied woodpeckers, night herons and pied chats. In the case of
tree-pies, cuckoo-shrikes, seven sisters, bank-mynas and blue-tailed
the nesting season is now at its height. All the following birds are
likely to
have either eggs or nestlings in May: the white-eyes, ioras, bulbuls,
tailor-birds, shrikes, brown rock-chats, Indian robins, magpie-robins,
swifts, nightjars, white-eyed buzzards, hoopoes, green pigeons, blue
rock-pigeons, doves, sparrows, the red and yellow wattled lapwings,
wire-tailed swallows, red-headed merlins, fantail flycatchers, pipits,
sand-grouse and grey partridges. The nests of most of these have been
already. In the present month several species begin
operations. First and foremost among these is the king-crow or black
drongo (Dicrurus ater). No bird, not even the
roller, makes so much ado about courtship and nesting as does the
king-crow, of
which the love-making was described last month. A pair of king-crows
regards as
its castle the tree in which it has elected to construct a nest. Round
tree it establishes a sphere of influence into which none but a
favoured few
birds may come. All intruders are forthwith set upon by the pair of
furies, and no sight is commoner at this season than that of a crow, a
kite, or
a hawk being chased by two irate drongos. The nest of the king-crow is
a small cup,
wedged into the fork of a branch high up in a tree. The Indian oriole (Oriolus
kundoo) is one of the privileged creatures allowed to enter the
sphere of influence, and it takes full advantage of this privilege by
its nest almost invariably in the same tree as that of the king-crow.
oriole is a timid bird and is glad to rear up its family under the ægis
of so doughty a warrior as the Black Prince of the Birds. The nest of
oriole is a wonderful structure. Having selected a fork in a suitable
the nesting bird tears off a long strip of soft pliable bark, usually
that of
the mulberry tree. It proceeds to wind one end of this strip round a
limb of
the forked branch, then the other end is similarly bound to the other
limb. A second
and a third strip of bark are thus dealt with, and in this manner a
cradle or
hammock is formed. On it a slender cup-shaped nest is superimposed.
This is
composed of grasses and fibres, some of which are wound round the limbs
of the
forked branch, while others are made fast to the strands of bark. The
nest is nearly five inches in diameter. From below it looks like a ball
dried grass wedged into the forked branch. The oriole lays from two to four white
eggs spotted with
dull red. The spots can be washed off by water; sometimes their colour
"runs" while they are in the nest, thereby imparting a pink hue to
the whole shell. Both sexes take part in nest construction, but the hen
appears to incubate. She is a very shy creature, and is rarely
actually sitting, because she leaves the nest with a little cry of
alarm at the
first sound of a human footfall. May and June are the months in which to
look for the nests
of that superb bird—the paradise flycatcher (Terpsiphone
paradisi). This is known as the rocket-bird or ribbon-bird because
of the
two long fluttering tail feathers possessed by the cock. The hen has
appearance of a kind of bulbul, being chestnut-hued with a white breast
and a
metallic blue-black crest. For the first year of their existence the
cocks resemble the hens in appearance. Then the long tail feathers
appear. In
his third year the cock turns white save for the black-crested head.
species spends the winter in South India. In April it migrates
northwards to
summer in the shady parts of the plains of Bengal, the United Provinces
and the
Punjab, and on the lower slopes of the Himalayas. The nest is a deep,
untidy-looking cup, having the shape of an inverted cone. It is always
completely covered with cocoons and cobweb. It is usually attached to
one or
more of the lower branches of a tree. Both sexes work at the nest and
take part
in incubation. The long tail feathers of the sitting cock hang down
from the
nest like red or white satin streamers according to the phase of his
In the breeding season the cock sings a sweet little lay—an
abridged version of that of the fantail flycatcher. When alarmed both
the cock
and the hen utter a sharp tschit. May is perhaps the proper month in which
to describe the nesting
of the various species of myna. According to Hume the normal breeding
season of the common
myna (Acridotheres tristis) lasts
from June to August, during which period two broods are reared. This is
correct. The nesting season of this species begins long before June.
The writer
has repeatedly seen mynas carrying twigs and feathers in March, and has
across nests containing eggs or young birds in both April and May. June
is the month in which the largest numbers of nests are seen. The cradle
of the
common myna is devoid of architectural merit. It is a mere
conglomeration of
twigs, grass, rags, bits of paper and other oddments. The nesting
material is
dropped haphazard into a hole in a tree or building, or even on to a
ledge in a
verandah. Four beautiful blue eggs are laid. At Peshawar Mr. A. J. Currie once found
four myna's eggs in
a deserted crows' nest in a tree. As has already been stated, the nest of
the bank-myna (A. ginginianus) is built in a hole in a
well, a sandbank, or a cliff. The birds breed in colonies; each pair
its own nest by means of beak and claw. Into the holes dug out in this
the miscellaneous nesting materials are dropped pell-mell after the
manner of
all mynas. The breeding season of this species lasts from April to
July, May
being the month in which most eggs are laid. The black-headed or brahminy myna (Temenuchus pagodarum) usually begins nesting operations
about a
month later than the bank-myna; its eggs are most often taken in June.
nest, which is an untidy, odoriferous collection of rubbish, is always
in a
cavity. In Northern India a hole in a tree is usually selected; in the
buildings are largely patronised. Some years ago the writer observed a
pair of
these birds building a nest in a hole made in the masonry for the
passage of
the lightning conductor of the Church in Fort St. George, Madras. May marks the commencement of the breeding
season of the
pied starlings (Sturnopastor contra).
In this month they begin to give vent with vigour to their cheerful
call, which
is so pleasing as almost to merit the name of song. Throughout the rains they continue to make
a joyful noise.
Not that they are silent at other seasons; they call throughout the
year, but,
except at the breeding period, their voices are comparatively subdued. The nest is a bulky, untidy mass of straw,
roots, twigs,
rags, feathers and such-like things. It is placed fairly low down in a
tree. Many of these nests are to be seen in May,
but the breeding
season is at its height in June and July. The grey hornbills (Lophoceros
birostris) are now seeking out holes in which to deposit their
eggs. The
hen, after having laid the first egg, does not emerge from the nest
till the
young are ready to fly. During the whole of this period she is kept a
prisoner, the aperture to the nest cavity having been closed by her
mate and
herself with their own droppings, a small chink alone being left
through which
she is able to insert her beak in order to receive the food brought to
her by
the cock. Mr. A. J. Currie gives an interesting
account of a grey
hornbill's nest he discovered at Lahore in 1910. About the middle of
April he
noticed a pair of paroquets nesting in a hole in a tree. On April 28th
he saw a
hornbill inspecting the hole, regardless of the noisy protests of the
paroquets. On the 30th he observed that the hole had become smaller,
suspected that the hornbills had taken possession. On May 1st all that
was left
of the hole was a slit. On May 6th Mr. Currie watched the cock hornbill
the hen. First the male bird came carrying a fig in his bill. Seeing
beings near the nest, he did not give the fig to the hen but swallowed
it and
flew off. Presently the cock reappeared with a fig which he put into
the slit
in the plastering; after he had parted with the fig he began to feed
the hen by
bringing up food from his crop. During the process the beak of the hen
did not
appear at the slit. On May 7th Mr. Currie opened out the nest.
The hole was
sixteen feet from the ground and the orifice had a diameter of three
all of this except a slit, broadest at the lower part, was filled up by
plaster. This plaster was odourless and contained embedded in it a
number of
fig seeds. The nest hole was capacious, its
dimensions being roughly 1 foot
by 1 foot by 2 feet. From the bottom five handfuls of pieces of dry
bark were
extracted. Three white eggs were found lying on these pieces of bark.
sitting hen resented the "nest-breaking," and, having pecked
viciously at the intruder, tried to escape by climbing up to the top of
nest hole. She was dragged out of her retreat by the beak, after an
attempt to
pull her out by the tail had resulted in all her tail feathers coming
away in
her captor's hand! The young green parrots have all left
their nests and are
flying about in noisy flocks. They may be distinguished from the adults
by the
short tail and comparatively soft call. Most pairs of hoopoes are now accompanied
by at least one
young bird which is almost indistinguishable from the adults. The young
receive, with squeaks of delight, the grubs or caterpillars proffered
by the
parents. Occasionally a pair of hoopoes may be seen going through the
antics of
courtship preparatory to raising a second brood. In scrub-jungle parties of partridges,
consisting of father,
mother and five or six little chicks, wander about. As the shades of night begin to fall
family parties of
spotted owlets issue from holes in trees or buildings. The baby birds
squat on
the ground in silence, while the parents make sallies into the air
after flying
insects which they bring to the young birds. The peafowl and sarus cranes are indulging
in the pleasures
of courtship. The young cranes, that were hatched out in the monsoon of
year, are now nearly as big as their parents, and are well able to look
themselves; ere long they will be driven away and made to do so. The
display of
the sarus is not an elaborate process. The cock turns his back on the
hen and
then partially opens his wings, so that the blackish primaries droop
and the
grey secondary feathers are arched. In this attitude he trumpets softly. The water-hens have already begun their
courtship. Their weird calls must be heard to be appreciated. They
consist of
series of kok, koks followed by
roars, hiccups, cackles and gurgles. Black partridges, likewise, are very noisy
throughout the
month of May. Their nesting season is fast approaching. Even as April showers in England bring
forth May flowers, so
does the April sunshine in India draw forth the marriage adornments of
birds that breed in the rains. The pheasant-tailed jacanas are
acquiring the
long tail feathers that form the wedding ornaments of both sexes. The various species of egret and the paddy
bird all assume
their nuptial plumes in May. In the case of the egret these plumes are
in great demand
and are known to the plumage trade as "ospreys." The plumes in question consist of long
filamentous feathers
that grow from the neck of the egret and also from its breast. In most
countries those who obtain these plumes wait until the birds are
nesting before attempting to secure them, taking advantage of the fact
egrets nest in colonies and of the parental affection of the breeding
birds. A
few men armed with guns are able to shoot every adult member of the
because the egrets continue to feed their young until they are shot. As
plumes of these birds are worth nearly their weight in gold, egrets
have become
extinct in some parts of the world. The export of plumage from India is
unlawful, but this fact
does not prevent a very large feather trade being carried on, since it
is not
difficult to smuggle "ospreys" out of the country. Doubtless the existing Notification of the
Government of
India, prohibiting the export of plumage, has the effect of checking,
to some
extent, the destruction of egrets, but there is no denying the fact
that many
of the larger species are still shot for their plumes while breeding. In the case of cattle-egrets (Bubulcus
coromandus) the custom of shooting them when on the nest
has given place to a more humane and more sensible method of obtaining
nuchal plumes. These, as we have seen, arise early in May, but the
birds do not
begin to nest until the end of June. The cattle-egret is gregarious; it
is the
large white bird that accompanies cattle in order to secure the insects
put up
by the grazing quadrupeds. Taking advantage of the social habits of
egrets the plume-hunters issue forth early in May and betake
themselves, in
parties of five or six, to the villages where the birds roost. Their
consists of two nets, each some eight feet long and three broad. These
are laid
flat on the ground in shallow water, parallel to one another, about a
apart. The inner side of each net is securely pegged to the ground. By
ingenious arrangement of sticks and ropes a man, taking cover at a
distance of
twenty or thirty yards, by giving a sharp pull at a pliable cane, can
cause the
outer parts of each net to spring up and meet to form an enclosure
which is, in
shape, not unlike a sleeping-pal tent. When the nets have been set in a
near the trees where the cattle-egrets roost at night and rest in the
two or three decoy birds—captured egrets with their eyes sewn up to
prevent them struggling
or trying to fly away—are tethered in the space between the two
nets; these last,
being laid flat under muddy water, are invisible. Sooner or later an
egret in
one of the trees near by, seeing some of its kind standing peacefully
in the
water, alights near them. Almost before it has touched the ground the
cane is
pulled and the egret finds itself a prisoner. One of the bird-catchers
immediately runs to the net, secures the victim, opens out its wings,
holding each of these between the big and the second toe, pulls out the
plumes. This operation lasts about five seconds. The bird is then set
liberty, far more astonished than hurt. It betakes itself to its wild
companions, and the net is again set. Presently another egret is caught
and divested
of its plumes, and the process continues all day. The bird-catchers spend six weeks every
year in obtaining
cattle-egret plumes in this manner. They sell the plumes to middle-men,
dispose of them to those who smuggle them out of India. If stuffed birds were used as decoys and
the plumes of the
captured birds were snipped off with scissors instead of being pulled
out, the
operation could be carried on without any cruelty, and, if legalised
supervised by the Government, it could be made a source of considerable
revenue. |