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FEBRUARY Music in every tree, Dews for the moisture-loving flowers, Sweets for the sucking-bee.
N. P. WILLIS. Even as January in northern
India may be compared to a month
made up of English May days and March nights, so may the Indian
February be
likened to a halcyon month composed of sparkling, sun-steeped June days
cool starlit April nights. February is the most pleasant
month of the whole year in
both the Punjab and the United Provinces; even November must yield the
palm to
it. The climate is perfect. The nights and early mornings are cool and
invigorating; the remainder of each day is pleasantly warm; the sun's
although gaining strength day by day, do not become uncomfortably hot
save in
the extreme south of the United Provinces. The night mists, so
of December and January, are almost unknown in February, and the light
that form during the hours of darkness disappear shortly after sunrise. The Indian countryside is now
good to look upon; it
possesses all the beauties of the landscape of July; save the sunsets.
The soft
emerald hue of the young wheat and barley is rendered more vivid by
with the deep rich green of the mango trees. Into the earth's verdant
carpet is
worked a gay pattern of white poppies, purple linseed blooms, blue and
gram flowers, and yellow blossoms of mimosa, mustard and arhar. Towards the end of the month
the silk-cotton trees (Bombax malabarica)
begin to put forth
their great red flowers, but not until March does each look like a
scarlet nosegay. The patches of sugar-cane grow
smaller day by day, and in
nearly every village the little presses are at work from morn till eve. From the guava groves issue the
rattle of tin pots and the
shouts of the boys told off to protect the ripening fruit from the
attacks of
crows, parrots and other feathered marauders. Nor do these sounds
terminate at
night-fall; indeed they become louder after dark, for it is then that
flying-foxes come forth and work sad havoc among fruit of all
descriptions. The fowls of the air are more
vivacious than they were in
January. The bulbuls tinkle more blithely, the purple sunbirds sing
lustily; the kutur, kutur, kuturuk of the green barbets
is uttered more vociferously; the
nuthatches now put their whole soul into their loud, sharp tee-tee-tee-tee,
the hoopoes call uk-uk-uk more vigorously. The coppersmiths (Xantholaema
haematocephala) begin to hammer on their anvils—tonk-tonk-tonk-tonk,
softly and spasmodically in the early days of the month, but with
frequency and intensity as the days pass. The brain-fever bird (Hierococcyx varius) announces his
arrival in the United Provinces by uttering an occasional
"brain-fever." As the month draws to its close his utterances become
more frequent. But his time is not yet. He merely gives us in February
foretaste of what is to come. The tew
of the
black-headed oriole (Oriolus
melanocephalus), which is the only note uttered by the bird
in the colder
months, is occasionally replaced in February by the summer call of the
liquid, musical peeho. In the
half of the month the Indian robin (Thamnobia
cambayensis) begins to find his voice. Although not the peer
of his English
cousin, he is no mean singer. At this time of year, however, his notes
harsh. He is merely "getting into form." The feeble, but sweet, song of
the crested lark or Chandul is one
of the features of
February. The Indian skylark likewise may now be heard singing at
Heaven's gate
in places where there are large tracts of uncultivated land. As in
January so
in February the joyous "Think of me ... Never to be" of the
grey-headed flycatcher emanates from every tope. By the middle of the month the
pied wagtails and pied bush
chats are in full song. Their melodies, though of small volume, are
very sweet. The large grey shrikes add the
clamour of their courtship to
the avian chorus. Large numbers of doves,
vultures, eagles, red-headed
merlins, martins and munias—birds whose nests were described
in January—are
still busy feeding their young. The majority of the brown
fish-owls (Ketupa ceylonensis) and
rock horned-owls (Bubo bengalensis)
are sitting; a few of them are feeding young
birds. The dusky horned-owls (B.
coromandus) have either finished breeding or are tending
nestlings. In
addition to the nests of the above-mentioned owls those of the collared
owl (Scops bakkamaena) and the
mottled wood-owl (Syrnium ocellatum)
are likely to be found at this season of the year. The scops is a small
with aigrettes or "horns," the wood-owl is a large bird without
aigrettes. Both nest in holes in trees and
lay white eggs after the
manner of their kind. The scops owl breeds from January till April,
February and March are the months in which to look for the eggs of the
wood-owl. In the western districts of the
United Provinces the Indian
cliff-swallows (Hirundo fluvicola)
are beginning to construct their curious nests. Here and there a pair
of blue
rock-pigeons (Colombia intermedia)
busy with eggs or young ones. In the Punjab the ravens are likewise
employed. The nesting season of the hoopoe
has now fairly commenced.
Courtship is the order of the day. The display of this beautiful
species is not
at all elaborate. The bird that "shows off" merely runs along the
ground with corona fully expanded. Mating hoopoes, however, perform
antics in the air; they twist and turn and double, just as a flycatcher
when chasing a fleet insect. Both the hoopoe and the roller are
aerial acrobats. By the end of the month all but a few of the hoopoes
begun to nest; most of them have eggs, while the early birds, described
January as stealing a march on their brethren, are feeding their
offspring. The
6th February is the earliest date on which the writer has observed a
carrying food to the nest; that was at Ghazipur. March and April are the months
in which the majority of
coppersmiths or crimson-breasted barbets rear up their families. Some,
are already working at their nests. The eggs are hatched in a cavity in
a tree—a
cavity made by means of the bird's bill. Both sexes take part in nest
construction. A neatly-cut circular hole, about the size of a rupee, on
lower surface or the side of a branch is assuredly the entrance to the
nest of
a coppersmith, a green barbet, or a woodpecker. As the month draws to its close
many a pair of nuthatches (Sitta
castaneiventris) may be observed
seeking for a hollow in which to nestle. The site selected is usually a
hole in the trunk of a mango tree that has weathered many monsoons. The
reduce the orifice of the cavity to a very small size by plastering up
greater part of it with mud. Hence the nest of the nuthatch, unless
when in course of construction, is difficult to locate. All the cock sunbirds (Arachnechthra
asiatica) are now in the full glory of their nuptial plumage.
Here and
there an energetic little hen is busily constructing her wonderful
nest. Great is the variety of building material used by the sunbird.
slender roots, pliable stems, pieces of decayed wood, lichen, thorns
and even
paper, cotton and rags, are pressed into service. All are held together
cobweb, which is the favourite cement of bird masons. The general shape
of the
nest is that of a pear. Its contour is often irregular, because some of
materials hang loosely from the outer surface. The nursery is attached by means
of cobweb to the beam or
branch from which it hangs. It is cosily lined with cotton or other
material. The hen, who alone builds the nest and incubates the eggs,
enters and
leaves the chamber by a hole at one side. This is protected by a little
penthouse. The door serves also as window. The hen rests her chin on
the lower
part of this while she is incubating her eggs, and thus is able, as she
to see what is going on in the great world without. She displays little
fear of
man and takes no pains to conceal her nest, which is often built in the
verandah of an inhabited bungalow. As the month nears its end the
big black crows (Corvus macrorhynchus)
begin to construct
their nests. The site selected is usually a forked branch of a large
tree. The
nest is a clumsy platform of sticks with a slight depression, lined by
human or
horse hair or other soft material, for the reception of the eggs. Both
take part in incubation. From the time the first egg is laid until the
are big enough to leave the nest this is very rarely left unguarded.
When one
parent is away the other remains sitting on the eggs, or, after the
young have
hatched out, on the edge of the nest. Crows are confirmed egg-stealers
nestling-lifters, and, knowing the guile that is in their own hearts,
keep a
careful watch over their offspring. The kites (Milvus
govinda) are likewise busy at their nurseries. At this season
of the year
they are noisier than usual, which is saying a great deal. They not
only utter
unceasingly their shrill chee-hee-hee-hee,
but engage in many a squabble with the crows. The nest of the kite, like that
of the corby, is an untidy
mass of sticks and twigs placed conspicuously in a lofty tree. Dozens
of these
nests are to be seen in every Indian cantonment in February and March.
Why the
crows and the kites should prefer the trees in a cantonment to those in
town or surrounding country has yet to be discovered. Mention has already been made of
the fact that January is
the month in which the majority of the tawny eagles nest; not a few,
defer operations till February. Hume states that, of the 159 eggs of
species of which he has a record, 38 were taken in December, 83 in
January and
28 in February. The nesting season of the
white-backed vulture is drawing to
a close. On the other hand, that of the black or Pondicherry vulture (Otogyps calvus) is beginning. This
species may be readily distinguished from the other vultures, by its
size, its white thighs and the red wattles that hang down from the
sides of the
head like drooping ears. The nest of this bird is a
massive platform of sticks, large
enough to accommodate two or three men. Hume once demolished one of
vulturine nurseries and found that it weighed over eight maunds, that
is to say
about six hundredweight. This vulture usually builds its nest in a
lofty pipal tree, but in localities
devoid of
tall trees the platform is placed on the top of a bush. February marks the beginning of
the nesting season of the
handsome pied kingfisher (Ceryle rudis).
This is the familiar, black-and-white bird that fishes by hovering
on rapidly-vibrating wings and then dropping from a height of some
twenty feet
into the water below; it is a bird greatly addicted to goldfish and
makes sad
havoc of these where they are exposed in ornamental ponds. The nest of
the pied
kingfisher is a circular tunnel or burrow, more than a yard in length,
excavated in a river bank. The burrow, which is dug out by the bird, is
three inches in diameter and terminates in a larger chamber in which
the eggs
are laid. Another spotted black-and-white
bird which now begins
nesting operations is the yellow-fronted pied woodpecker (Liopicus
mahrattensis)—a species only a little less
than the beautiful golden-backed woodpecker. Like all the Picidae this
nests in the trunk or a branch of a tree. Selecting a part of a tree
which is
a portion of the bole
quite close to the ground—the
woodpecker hews out with its chisel-like beak a neat circular tunnel
leading to
the cavity in the decayed wood in which the eggs will be deposited. The
tap, tap of the bill as it cuts into the wood serves to guide the
observer to
the spot where the woodpecker, with legs apart and tail adpressed to
the tree,
is at work. In the same way a barbet's nest, while under construction,
may be
located with ease. A woodpecker when excavating its nest will often
allow a
human being to approach sufficiently dose to witness it throw over its
the chips of wood it has cut away with its bill. In the United Provinces many of
the ashy-crowned finch-larks
(Pyrrhulauda grisea) build their
nests during February. In the Punjab they breed later; April and May
being the
months in which their eggs are most often found in that province. These
squat-figured little birds are rendered easy of recognition by the
scheme of colouring displayed by the cock—his upper parts are earthy grey
and his
lower plumage is black. The habit of the finch-lark is
to soar to a little height
and then drop to the ground, with wings closed, singing as it descends.
invariably affects open plains. There are very few tracts of treeless
land in
India which are not tenanted by finch-larks. The nest is a mere pad of
and feathers placed on the ground in a tussock of grass, beside a clod
earth, or in a depression, such as a hoof-print. The most expeditious
way of
finding nests of these birds in places where they are abundant is to
walk with
a line of beaters over a tract of fallow land and mark carefully the
spots from
which the birds rise. With February the nesting season
of the barn-owls (Strix flammea)
begins in the United
Provinces, where their eggs have been taken as early as the 17th. Towards the end of the month the
white-browed fantail flycatchers
(Rhipidura albifrontata) begin to
nest. The loud and cheerful song of this little feathered exquisite is
a tune
of six or seven notes that ascend and descend the musical scale. It is
one of
the most familiar of the sounds that gladden the Indian countryside.
The broad
white eyebrow and the manner in which, with drooping wings and tail
spread into
a fan, this flycatcher waltzes and pirouettes among the branches of a
render it unmistakable. The nest is a dainty little cup, covered with
attached to one of the lower boughs of a tree. So small is the nursery
sometimes the incubating bird looks as though it were sitting across a
This species appears to rear two broods every year. The first comes
existence in March or late February in the United Provinces and five or
weeks later in the Punjab; the second brood emerges during the monsoon. The white-eyed buzzards—weakest
of all the birds of prey—begin
to pair towards the end of the month. At this season they frequently
rise high
above the earth and soar, emitting plaintive cries. The handsome, but destructive,
green parrots are now
seeking, or making, cavities in trees or buildings in which to deposit
white eggs. The breeding season for the
alexandrine (Palaeornis eupatrius)
and the
rose-ringed paroquet (P. torquatus)
begins at the end of January or early in February. March is the month
in which
most eggs are taken. In April and May the
bird-catchers go round and collect the
nestlings in order to sell them at four annas apiece. Green parrots are
most popular cage birds in India. Destructive though they be and a
scourge to
the husbandman, one cannot but pity the luckless captives doomed to
practically the whole of their existence in small iron cages, which,
when exposed
to the sun in the hot weather, as they often are, must be veritable
infernos. The courtship of a pair of green
parrots is as amusing to
watch as that of any 'Arry and 'Arriet. Not possessing hats the amorous
are unable to exchange them, but otherwise their actions are quite
The female twists herself into all manner of ridiculous postures and
utters low
twittering notes. The cock sits at her side and admires. Every now and
then he
shows his appreciation of her antics by tickling her head with his beak
or by
joining his bill to hers. Both the grey shrike and the
wood-shrike begin nesting
operations in February. As, however, most of their nests are likely to
be found
later in the year they are dealt with in the calendar for March. |